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The 2020 Presidential Election

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Funny how the experts in the Medical field are praising the president for the actions he has taken..We already know ecerything anyone outside the science community knows yet some here insist they know more.And have a better plan of action.It's dispicable .People using this as a weapon against the president is despicable .
Like I said experts back POTUS the angry,bitter life losers on IC tell another story .I'll listen to the experts,I'll stand by my president and I'll do all I can to help the cause.
I hope you all stay safe and out of harms way
I disagree politically with the majority of the regulars in this thread.
But i'd lend them a helping hand if they needed it.
I guess thats the difference,...
I can't even read this thread anymore it's so dis heartening
I feel some responsibility for the tone and agression ,I played my part that's for sure but I always figured that when push came to shove we'd be able to put it all aside and unite as a community and as human beings.
I now know how wrong I was.
Happy Trails all
i believe i am being unfairly characterized here... i don't think i was aggressive, nor do i appreciate the inference that i am not altruistic simply because i am willing to call out our president's b.s.

so far, he has suggested that the coronavirus will die back in april, that the coronavirus mortality rate is lower than what the experts were saying at the time, he said it was "under control" when it wasnt (one of his cabinet even said it was 'pretty close to airtight' which makes no sense cause air tight is only air tight when it is completely air tight), claimed that the flu mortality rate was higher than it is to undermine coronavirus mortality rate (even claiming that a hundred thousand ppl died of the flu in 1990, which is 4 times the reality)... it goes on. the list of his lies and fumbles is constantly being updated.

right now, just about a week or two after trump patted himself on the back for the 15 cases that would no doubt be cured, we have confirmed cases DOUBLING every DAY, and that is in the absence of widespread testing of sick people (the real numbers are likely MUCH MUCH higher)

do i even need to repeat the part about his FRIGGING PRAYER DAY?!

at the rate things are going now, we are likely to see a million cases in just months.

what "experts" think trumps response was anything except inept, and possibly deliberately obfuscating to make himself look better?
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Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
:yoinks: i figured out something startling today...

i think trump may be a modern nostradamus...

turns out "covefe" means covid 19 in ancient Babylonian!:biggrin:

and here we all thought it was just some sort of chicken grease stroke!


i think trump may be a modern nostradamus...

turns out "covefe" means covid 19 in ancient Babylonian!

thanks for reminding me lol

i believe trump could accidentally step in dogshit, throw a tantrum about it, and five minutes later claim that he meant to do it cause he was starting a dogshit trend.


Active member
Nevertheless, I recall the last ebola crisis was much more scary and there was a big outcry over how unfair it was to quarantine medical volunteers returning from Africa.

We have soap. This isn't 1492.

Ebola within US borders was definitely scary, and the CDC did a great job at containment, given the circumstances. Ebola is scary because the mortality rate is so high, but it burns itself out easily.

This virus gets deeper penetration into society and will effect many more people than ebola ever would. The virus is currently spreading at the rate of 30% per day. The spread in Italy is closer to 20% per day, but they started locking down cities a week ago.

Assuming we have captured 100% of all infected patients(which is extremely doubtful because it is very difficult to get tested at present) and assuming a 20%rate moving forward, the US would have 55,000 infected by the end of the month, 600,000 infected in 30 days, 9 million infected in 45 days and 140 million in 60 days. Since we are not doing widespread testing, and haven’t locked down any cities, and we are not limiting interstate traffic, and barely limiting international traffic, and certainly not limiting traffic at the borders, i believe we can expect faster growth than 20% per day for the next month.

As for your soap argument, i worked as a travel nurse all over this country for over a decade, and i can tell you that a surprising number of people don’t seem to use soap on a regular basis, regardless of their economic and social class or geographical location. Human beings are filthy, disgusting animals and we spread bacteria and viruses around like crazy. I am not posting to this tirade to scare, but rather to impress upon everyone the seriousness of what we will be facing in the very near future.

This is a world wide public health emergency, and it has the potential to devastate this country. The president should be treating it for the threat it is, and with as much energy and resources as is possible.


Active member
Ebola within US borders was definitely scary, and the CDC did a great job at containment, given the circumstances. Ebola is scary because the mortality rate is so high, but it burns itself out easily.

This virus gets deeper penetration into society and will effect many more people than ebola ever would. The virus is currently spreading at the rate of 30% per day. The spread in Italy is closer to 20% per day, but they started locking down cities a week ago.

Assuming we have captured 100% of all infected patients(which is extremely doubtful because it is very difficult to get tested at present) and assuming a 20%rate moving forward, the US would have 55,000 infected by the end of the month, 600,000 infected in 30 days, 9 million infected in 45 days and 140 million in 60 days. Since we are not doing widespread testing, and haven’t locked down any cities, and we are not limiting interstate traffic, and barely limiting international traffic, and certainly not limiting traffic at the borders, i believe we can expect faster growth than 20% per day for the next month.

As for your soap argument, i worked as a travel nurse all over this country for over a decade, and i can tell you that a surprising number of people don’t seem to use soap on a regular basis, regardless of their economic and social class or geographical location. Human beings are filthy, disgusting animals and we spread bacteria and viruses around like crazy. I am not posting to this tirade to scare, but rather to impress upon everyone the seriousness of what we will be facing in the very near future.

This is a world wide public health emergency, and it has the potential to devastate this country. The president should be treating it for the threat it is, and with as much energy and resources as is possible.
Totals for Colorado for last 4 days.
33, 49, 77, 101+1 death
Roughly 30% per day. Completing about 100 test per day.

Colorado Covid-19 case summary.



Active member
Ebola within US borders was definitely scary, and the CDC did a great job at containment, given the circumstances. Ebola is scary because the mortality rate is so high, but it burns itself out easily.

This virus gets deeper penetration into society and will effect many more people than ebola ever would. The virus is currently spreading at the rate of 30% per day. The spread in Italy is closer to 20% per day, but they started locking down cities a week ago.

Assuming we have captured 100% of all infected patients(which is extremely doubtful because it is very difficult to get tested at present) and assuming a 20%rate moving forward, the US would have 55,000 infected by the end of the month, 600,000 infected in 30 days, 9 million infected in 45 days and 140 million in 60 days. Since we are not doing widespread testing, and haven’t locked down any cities, and we are not limiting interstate traffic, and barely limiting international traffic, and certainly not limiting traffic at the borders, i believe we can expect faster growth than 20% per day for the next month.

As for your soap argument, i worked as a travel nurse all over this country for over a decade, and i can tell you that a surprising number of people don’t seem to use soap on a regular basis, regardless of their economic and social class or geographical location. Human beings are filthy, disgusting animals and we spread bacteria and viruses around like crazy. I am not posting to this tirade to scare, but rather to impress upon everyone the seriousness of what we will be facing in the very near future.

This is a world wide public health emergency, and it has the potential to devastate this country. The president should be treating it for the threat it is, and with as much energy and resources as is possible.

Have you even watched any briefings from the administration?
Save your life...quit getting your info
From CNN



Active member



Active member
Have you even watched any briefings from the administration?
Save your life...quit getting your info
From CNN


I don’t watch cnn or any other channel, as i only watch what i can stream. My tv wont connect with local channels either. Lots of news sources though. So, while i haven’t watched any briefings, i do read about what his administration is saying and doing(or not doing). They’ve been saying for weeks that widespread testing is available and its not. They’re saying testing is free and it isn’t. If you have to pay for doctors visit and then pay for a flu test before you can test for the trump virus, then it isn’t free and people wont get tested.
I do have a healthy understanding of public health nursing, science and math, and can clearly predict where this is heading. Perhaps you should reconsider your “news” sources?

P.S.- if you know any doctors or nurses, please ask them what they think and report back.
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Active member
I don’t watch cnn or any other channel, as i only watch what i can stream. My tv wont connect with local channels either. Lots of news sources though.
I do have a healthy understanding of public health nursing, science and math, and can clearly predict where this is heading. Perhaps you should reconsider your “news” sources?

P.S.- if you know any doctors or nurses, please ask them what they think and report back.

Clear predictions of an unprecedented epidemic virus
Outcome is a claim of mammoth
Perportions bordering paranormal
Psychic ability...

P.S. I am briefed nearly everyday on
This exact subject exclusively by the
Some of the top experts on comunitive virus and disease's in the world....
Whitehouse Corona virus response team....web site should be up Sunday evening...
Log on and get informed...then get back to me

Your welcome...


Active member
Clear predictions of an unprecedented epidemic virus
Outcome is a claim of mammoth
Perportions bordering paranormal
Psychic ability...

P.S. I am briefed nearly everyday on
This exact subject exclusively by the
Some of the top experts on comunitive virus and disease's in the world....
Whitehouse Corona virus response team....web site should be up Sunday evening...
Log on and get informed...then get back to me

Your welcome...

I am looking at what is happening in the rest of the world, and observing what is working and what is not. We are currently on the Italy trajectory, except two weeks behind. And two weeks ago, Italy was performing widespread testing. Still extremely limited testing here. Please post a link when it’s up and i will check it out.
P.S. Just curious about your daily briefings...do you work in the White House, or do you get them from Fox?
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