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The 2020 Presidential Election

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Well-known member
I am personally a pretty jaded person not very friendly or trusting
Yet Trump who I keep hearing is a monumental idiot,unqualified nincompoop .comes across as completely sincere in his desire to be a good President for the people
And completely sincere in his love for the country.
He says brash insensitive things he exaggerates his acomplishments he acts borish at times.
But he believes in American prosperity .I believe that unequivocally
So which is it ?
Is Trump a crooked pos idiot moron who's also a oscar worthy actor for getting simpletons like me and really anybody else who aren't part of the elite clique that posts here to believe he' sincere ?
Caue I may be just a simpleton but even I can see that anyone as stupid asyou asy Trump is isn't capable of being that good an actor.

not trusting? LOL! you trust the (possibly) most immoral man currently NOT in prison.
he has never been sincere about anything in his life except when he said "i love uneducated voters".
he does not exaggerate, he outright fucking lies.
yes, he is a crooked POS idiot moron who fooled idiots like you, no Oscars coming.
yes, you are a simpleton, and no, he is not worth a fuck as an actor...see? even YOU are right part of the time. just like a stopped clock is correct twice a day.:laughing:


Invertebrata Inebriata
not trusting? LOL! you trust the (possibly) most immoral man currently NOT in prison.

He means he's not trusting of the 'leftist elite' that apparently didn't invite him to a birthday party or invited him to kick a football and pulled it away at the last second. :laughing:


Active member
Truth: the world is watching....

What do they think of us or our leaders?

Pay as much as you can towards the military machine.

They'll need it.

Keep funneling money away from feeding and curing and focus on the killing and hating.

History has a habit of showing people the truth.

Why are you so concerned about what other countries think of us?

Do what's right irrelevant of what other people think.

If they don't like us, they can stop taking our money, and military protection.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Diplomacy isn't weakness.

If you act like a spoiled bully and you're one of the youngest kids on the bus, you may find yourself in a heap of well deserved shit.

So the entire Democratic party hates America hmm?


Active member
Diplomacy isn't weakness.

If you act like a spoiled bully and you're one of the youngest kids on the bus, you may find yourself in a heap of well deserved shit.

So the entire Democratic party hates America hmm?

Is taking care for the people you are responsible for, equivalent to being a bully, I think not.

Everytime their is a heap of shit America gets called to the rescue. The European nations are quick to forget, what would have come of the world if America sat on the sidelines. Let me give you a hint, you would be speaking German, not English.

Most moderate Democrats are just victims of rampant leftist media propaganda. It's the hard-left Democrats who hate America.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Taking care of ourselves isn't warring overseas.

Americans were aiding and siding with the Nazis before Japan attacked Pearl Harbor.

There's no hard left to the Democratic party.


Active member
Taking care of ourselves isn't warring overseas.

Americans were aiding and siding with the Nazis before Japan attacked Pearl Harbor.

There's no hard left to the Democratic party.

Again, my mistake for assuming that you were capable of critical thinking, not just rampant ideaological bias.


Well-known member
How it really looks though. Applies to most lefties.


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Active member
Because that's what happened...


It's important to understand that the world's opinions trump one nation's.

Think critically.

What an absurd statement...why would you want to let the opinions of other nations, control policy in our nation? What is the end goal of taking such a posture?
This is an old Obama holdover belief that we must lower our self expectations
To more closely match that of inferior nations ...hence the obama apology tour
This is America, we yield to no nations opinion

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
What an absurd statement...why would you want to let the opinions of other nations, control policy in our nation? What is the end goal of taking such a posture?
This is an old Obama holdover belief that we must lower our self expectations
To more closely match that of inferior nations ...hence the obama apology tour
This is America, we yield to no nations opinion

You sound like a young Adolph.

Such a posture doesn't make us look like we think we know best and are going to make sure that the whole world knows.

Considering a bigger picture requires one to pull their head out of their ass.

There's no explanation good enough to tell John Wayne he's an asshole.

He can't hear it.

He just knows he's right and needs no other point of view.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Hundreds of videos not clips. The point being a search on youtube using groping Joe or creepy Joe or Biden gropes kids turns up hundreds of search results.

Does it really matter how many clips there are?

I've heard about accusations but have not seen proof. Just a little skeptical about accusations given the medias track record. I remember several media stories about how Trump was going to start world war 3, destroy the economy, resign and the list goes on.

Sounds like you have some proof. Just wondering how Mueller, Schiff and Nadler missed it?

I was in no way trying to mitigate what Biden does, just commenting on the 'hundreds'. I have watched plenty of these but most are repeats of the same events.

Even before he announced, I myself thought; 'how can Biden possibly run with this behavior?' but I thought the same of Trump.

As far as me being convinced of the rape accusation, I read the victim's account as well as that of the corroborating witness. It is very convincing. Some people make a decision to not pursue legal action or litigation for personal reasons or they are paid off. I suspect this scenario.

As part of my previous 'job' working with kids, I had the disheartening experience of working with detectives for identifying these types of cases and helping to interview kids who were suspected of being victims of sexual abuse/assault. As New England said, I required lots of hot showers and scotch.
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