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The 2020 Presidential Election

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Families are going bankrupt due to medical costs.

People are hungry.

People are homeless.

People are still underpaid.

Trump hasn't done anything for anybody but the rich.

Trump called the entire party crooked.

Most people who are not a Trump fan don't disrespect the entire Republican party.

We have the lowest unemployment rate in the last 50 years. Way less people are hungry under Trump.

Trump has nothing to do with homelessness, the vast homeless population live in leftist states, that allow them to live in tents on the street. In fact Trump recently participated in a bi-partisan conference in California to address homelessness. He's committed federal funds to address it. The leftist politicians refuse to lift a fucking finger to this day.

50 % of the wage increases have occurred in the lowest income levels.

Ironically the rich in high tax states are being taxed higher, due to the limits on deducting state taxes off your federal tax bill. You should definitely be in favor of that if you want people to pay more taxes.

Healthcare costs skyrocketed under Obamacare, I can criticize Trump for in action on healthcare. What Democrat would work with the Republicans on healthcare? Maybe Manchin, maybe.

Obama owns the shitfest our healthcare system has become.

The Republican party was a joke, Trump was needed. I am sure you would rather go back to Republicans who folded everytime a Democrat criticized them, fortunately your opinion about the Republican party, is as insignificant as my opinion of the Democratic party.

They Republican party wasn't corrupt like the Democratic party, they were just ineffective, and unwilling to fight back.

Capra ibex

Congratulations, that is an amazingly deep, and honest retort for you so-far. Way to stick to the issues.

There were no issues to argue.... you are just lost.

Anything that was actually 'deep' would fly right over your head or just hurt your feelings to the point where you start getting all bent out of shape anyway....


ICMag Donor
There's a pretty good chance that we are looking at another Bush style impending financial doom on this one departing. Some people have a knack for screwing up businesses that shouldn't be able to fail, like casinos. Don't plan on any straight up advice from Mad Dog Meadows.

Mr D

Well more like 14 in your link but I'm sure you've watched hundreds. What about the 13 year old Trump raped? Not quite as bad I guess.

Hundreds of videos not clips. The point being a search on youtube using groping Joe or creepy Joe or Biden gropes kids turns up hundreds of search results.

Does it really matter how many clips there are?

I've heard about accusations but have not seen proof. Just a little skeptical about accusations given the medias track record. I remember several media stories about how Trump was going to start world war 3, destroy the economy, resign and the list goes on.

Sounds like you have some proof. Just wondering how Mueller, Schiff and Nadler missed it?

Mr D

Yet Turd dismisses the world health org saying The actual mortality rate, “is way under 1%.”. When in fact The World Health Organization says that 3.4% of reported COVID-19 patients worldwide have died.. You cant BS like that with an issue as important as this.

Trump, March 4: Now, this is just my hunch, and — but based on a lot of conversations with a lot of people that do this, because a lot of people will have this, and it’s very mild. They will get better very rapidly. They don’t even see a doctor. They don’t even call a doctor. You never hear about those people. So, you can’t put them down in the category of the overall population in terms of this corona flu and — or virus. So you just can’t do that. So, if we have thousands or hundreds of thousands of people that get better just by, you know, sitting around and even going to work — some of them go to work, but they get better. And then, when you do have a death, like you have had in the state of Washington, like you had one in California — I believe you had one in New York — you know, all of a sudden, it seems like 3 or 4%, which is a very high number, as opposed to — as opposed to a fraction of 1%. But, again, they don’t — they don’t know about the easy cases, because the easy cases don’t go to the hospital. They don’t report to doctors or the hospital in many cases.

Trumturd is beyond what we call an idiot.

ADM Brett P. Giroir, M.D., a four-star admiral in the U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps and Assistant Secretary for Health at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, reports that the mortality rate of coronavirus is likely between 0.1% and 1%.


Active member
The guy who alienates half of the nation or the guy who is sick of watching people suffer...

This is profoundly accurate
We were sick of suffering and seeing people suffer so we voted for Trump.
All us diplorable Nazi racists were feelin tired of feeling alienated by elitest lefty whiners
We're gonna do it again too.Just you watch


ICMag Donor
It's like the pizza delivery guy shows up. He invites himself to help you eat the pizza. He won't shut up, and then you can't get rid of him.

Capra ibex

This is profoundly accurate
We were sick of suffering and seeing people suffer so we voted for Trump.
All us diplorable Nazi racists were feelin tired of feeling alienated by elitest lefty whiners
We're gonna do it again too.Just you watch

Yes, you felt victimized so your emotions got the better of you and you failed to notice that the guy you chose to 'save' you was a pathological liar, well played.

AND you are so stubborn, in denial or just plain stupid that you're psyched to double down.


Active member
ADM Brett P. Giroir, M.D., a four-star admiral in the U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps and Assistant Secretary for Health at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, reports that the mortality rate of coronavirus is likely between 0.1% and 1%.

He may be correct, only time will tell. Perhaps I am just being cynical, but I wouldn’t be surprised if trump made the admiral do the press conference, and I also wouldn’t be surprised if there’s a promotion in his future. That being said, reverse engineering his numbers indicate the present number of people infected in the US is somewhere between 1700 and 17000, whereas a 3.4% mortality rate means there is about 500 people infected in the US.

Mr D

I did not watch the entire video, as I didn’t see the point, and truly don’t care too much about Joe. Have any children or parents of children filed a complaint?
Remember Bush Sr and his magician joke?? Powerful people do as they wish, until they are forced to stop. If you don’t like Joe’s sniffing, then file a lawsuit. Good luck with that.
Bottom line is the current resident of the white house is grossly incompetent, and has chosen grossly incompetent people to help him run the government. Trump’s gross incompetence is playing out for the whole world to see with the slow moving trainwreck of this public health disaster. The rest of the world has been performing widespread testing since mid February, and the US has not. In fact, according to Pence, the US is still a week or two away from being able to perform wide spread testing. We also know that the trump virus has been spreading unchecked since (at least) mid February. We cannot treat, nor track, nor contain, what we cannot diagnose, and we cannot diagnose, if we cannot test. So the trump virus has been spreading around the country, infecting hundreds or thousands of people, or maybe more. We had a small window of opportunity to get in front of this, and trump and HIS people mocked and blamed and did precious little to protect Americans. The gross incompetence is both shameful and disgraceful.

You are talking about a highly contagious virus that can take 2 weeks to show up. So right now you could be carrying the virus and not know.

Exposure is inevitable.

The tests don’t really matter as there is no treatment. So either you survive or die. Learn to survive because ICU space is at a premium and will soon be filled to capacity. Or continue to whine about Trump. your call.

Mr D

He may be correct, only time will tell. Perhaps I am just being cynical, but I wouldn’t be surprised if trump made the admiral do the press conference, and I also wouldn’t be surprised if there’s a promotion in his future. That being said, reverse engineering his numbers indicate the present number of people infected in the US is somewhere between 1700 and 17000, whereas a 3.4% mortality rate means there is about 500 people infected in the US.

Without an effective treatment it would be more prudent to get the FEMA coffins ready instead of worrying about testing.

You can reverse engineer numbers all you want, doesn't change the fact you only have 2 options.....survive or die.

We don't have anywhere near enough capacity or health care professionals to deal with something like this or give out medicare for all.


Active member
You are talking about a highly contagious virus that can take 2 weeks to show up. So right now you could be carrying the virus and not know.

Exposure is inevitable.

The tests don’t really matter as there is no treatment. So either you survive or die. Learn to survive because ICU space is at a premium and will soon be filled to capacity. Or continue to whine about Trump. your call.

Some people are showing symptoms 28 days out. After being released from quarantine. The virus may be mutating. The Israelis have a vaccine in the works. I wonder if the Isreal hating left will choose death before Israeli medicine. Boycott, Divest, and Sanction, not looking so good. Same goes for the neo-nazis.

In reality Trump's call to suspend air travel from China kept it to a minimum. I don't think it's going to be a huge problem, but we should all be cautious. A virus knows no political party.

Mr D

Some people are showing symptoms 28 days out. After being released from quarantine. The virus may be mutating. The Israelis have a vaccine in the works. I wonder if the Isreal hating left will choose death before Israeli medicine. Boycott, Divest, and Sanction, not looking so good. Same goes for the neo-nazis.

In reality Trump's call to suspend air travel from China kept it to a minimum. I don't think it's going to be a huge problem, but we should all be cautious. A virus knows no political party.

Not really. China wasn't exactly forthcoming at the onset and Trump's worried about reelection. From the onset to the travel ban thousands of people traveled from affected regions in to the US.

Due to limited hospital space, a limited number of doctors and no effective treatment Trump and his team know this is a potential disaster. So they are spinning.

They can test everyone in the country, but that won't change the fact you won't be able to be admitted in to the hospital in another 6 to 8 weeks.

Give it 2 or 3 more weeks and we will see how bad this could get.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
ADM Brett P. Giroir, M.D., a four-star admiral in the U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps and Assistant Secretary for Health at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, reports that the mortality rate of coronavirus is likely between 0.1% and 1%.

LMAO, LOOK A TWEET .... More like Trump told him to say that or his gone. Anytime the facts dispute turds gut feelings he has the facts changed. People like you suck it in like mothers milk. You should know trump likes changing facts with sharpie pens.

Mr D

LMAO, LOOK A TWEET .... More like Trump told him to say that or his gone. Anytime the facts dispute turds gut feelings he has the facts changed. People like you suck it in like mothers milk.

It's a video interview from NBC news.....

White Beard

Active member
I did ‘t see any groping, but lots of sniffing. My friend’s dog is a sniffer too. When Joe has a couple of dozens sexual assault complaints against him(like president caddyshack), you might get some traction. For now, i’d rather have a “sniffer” than a pathologically lying, sexual assaulting, incompetent, corrupt, professional golfer. But that’s just me. At least Joe isn’t preparing to bury half the country because of his incompetence.

That's weird... I don't doubt that the man with the flag maybe considers himself a Nazi wannabe, but if he does he is a more of an idiot than I thought..

That is not a real Nazi flag. the swastika is backwards..

If you're gonna be stupid enough to be a Nazi, at least be smart enough to get the swastika correct
He’s holding it up facing *HIMSELF* - it’s seen backwards...
He’s probably a very GOOD Nazi

And saying he's just another politician?
That's exactly why I voted for him,because he wasn't a politician.
The politicians everyone decries are con men: Baby Huey has that in spades, it’s his only skill

The media would have twisted it like they always do. No one is responsible for the actions of another person. Just like the Bernie bro who shot Steve Scalise. The media would never blame a Democrat, but anyone who has ever had a single positive thing to say about Trump, our media will blame Trump for everything they have ever done.

Trump could be nicer. but why he's going to get slammed no matter what he does. We voted for him to fight back. The left hates him because he fights for Americans. The left wants to go back to the days of Republicans running scared from the media, and Democratic politicians. To many years of weak willed Republicans, afraid to stand up for themselves, and their voters. Bush, McCain, Romney all to scared the media would have their head on a pike. In the end the media still lied, and defamed them.

Don't forget Trump was the subject of multiple phony investigations by political hack spooks, and LEO. I bet you would be mad as hell if you dealt with 1% of the corrupt hoax investigations Trump has dealt with. The best thing Trump has done is exposing the deep connections and corruption, between the Democratic party, MSM, and intelligence/ LEO.

I would like Trump to address the nation, only fox would air it.
Time for a periodic reminder that Pack is not well; we should not hold this insane drivel against him - I’m sure it’s not his fault...just like it’s not Sanders‘ fault HE gets mentioned in reference to the Scalise incident...in a brief flash of clarity, he acknowledges the slam he’s about to deliver is bogus - then goes ahead anyway...

You and “George” have fun, ok Pack?
Just, don’t believe the swill you serve: that shit is POISON

Mr D

LMAO, LOOK A TWEET .... More like Trump told him to say that or his gone. Anytime the facts dispute turds gut feelings he has the facts changed. People like you suck it in like mothers milk. You should know trump likes changing facts with sharpie pens.

Doesn't matter what Trump does or says. Government is and has been full of shit for my entire lifetime.

You are going to get it.... the only question is if you will live or die.
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