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The 2020 Presidential Election

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The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
A very honest and accurate and frightening report.
Thanks Obama .

He makes good points but the origin of China taking over manufacture of numerous components including various drugs and chemicals lies squarely with Republicans. This commenced with Nixon and was bolstered by the Reagan, Bush Sr. and Clinton administrations.
It really has little to do with Obama. A cherry picked quote is just that.


Well-known member





ICMag Donor
Realistically, even if we get Bernie the good stuff aint gonna happen for a couple more elections. They won't let him do anything now. The tide is changing towards more European social benefits. More people have to get really angry before our corporate owned congress gets forced to deliver. Electing Bernie would get us a few steps closer even if he can't perform miracles.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Bernie could do is executive orders just like every other POTUS did. It would be difficult to get anything that helps us passed. House/Senate want to keep it just like its always been. Profits are much more important then getting any real help passed.

Im hoping when all these old white men afraid of change are gone we will start to see something happen. Ill be dead by then


ICMag Donor
If we get the trifecta, House, Senate and Prez, then we might be in launch mode. There's no doubt that once people get it there's no going back. They don't want to let go of the ACA even if it was a black guy that gave it to them. Enough of righties with med bills or tuition loans will see the light and realize they have been hornswoggled.


Active member
The European nations are quick to forget, what would have come of the world if America sat on the sidelines. Let me give you a hint, you would be speaking German, not English

I’m sure you remember that like it was yesterday, but dude, seriously, that was 75 frickin years ago!!!:blowbubbles:


Well-known member
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] Originally Posted by packerfan79
The European nations are quick to forget, what would have come of the world if America sat on the sidelines. Let me give you a hint, you would be speaking German, not English

[/FONT]I’m sure you remember that like it was yesterday, but dude, seriously, that was 75 frickin years ago!!!:blowbubbles:
and the other part forgotten is that the Republicans of the time were antiwar in Europe
very much isolationists, it was FDR/Democrats who were the leaders in the fight against Hitler
so much forgotten


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
He makes good points but the origin of China taking over manufacture of numerous components including various drugs and chemicals lies squarely with Republicans. This commenced with Nixon and was bolstered by the Reagan, Bush Sr. and Clinton administrations.
It really has little to do with Obama. A cherry picked quote is just that.

Clinton took the giveaway to the chicoms to the next level. he had Loral help them fix their Long March ICBM, er I mean launch rocket, he gave them "most favorable status" with trade with the WTO. On the re-election him and algore took paper sacks full of cash from chinese buddist monks. They even had gore dress up in a buddist gown and get his pic taken.

We saw what clinton did as SoS, wait until she is POTUS .

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites


ICMag Donor


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
He would have to retire, unless he wants her to suicide him

The guy is already a bumbling idiot who forced Ukraine to fire their prosecutor. Ukraine has an open investigation into it, and the USA by treaty has to cooperate. That is why the whole Ukraine impeachment thing went on.

Anyways, biden is brain dead and will step down for the good of the country. And to stay alive - yes. She is impatient.

We are living in interesting times. :biggrin:


Active member
He means he's not trusting of the 'leftist elite' that apparently didn't invite him to a birthday party or invited him to kick a football and pulled it away at the last second. :laughing:

If only you were as good at growing or breeding as you are at holding a grudge then maybe you Wouldn't have the same rep as me but have posted over 14 thousand more times.
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