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The 2020 Presidential Election

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The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
I'm gonna give you a clue.Ready ?
If you want to know why Trump won 1st look in the mirror.
That smug,condecending attitude.I bet some of you actually believe you're truly smarter than 2/3 rds of the country but you can't even spell or punctuate to save your own lives.
2nd look at places like Baltimore and California and Detroit where Democratic's have been in control for years the corruption is rampant ,crime rates through the roof , people literally shitting on the sidewalk with needles hanging out of their arms screaming out for help while Democratic leadership tells them to wait their turn because illegal immigrants problems are just more important..
Get ready because It is a 100% certainty that Trump wins again in fact he's already won the rest is a formality.

extream difference in extreamely

by George, I think you're right!


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Ya, real professional debate stuff. The battle of the plaque brains. Just like they have a young range age limit, they should cut it off at an upper limit, like 60-65.

If there were an actual knowledge based debate rather than the entertainment shlop they pass off as debate these days, my money would be on Biden.

Ya know how we slow down to look at the horrific automobile wreck,I think it's kinda the same these days.

If we just had purely knowledge based debates,the average joe blow would change the channel.

I would imagine a lower turnout at the polls as well.
But,the coming months should have alot of shock value,so maybe we'll have a record turnout.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Ya know how we slow down to look at the horrific automobile wreck,I think it's kinda the same these days.

If we just had purely knowledge based debates,the average joe blow would change the channel.

I would imagine a lower turnout at the polls as well.
But,the coming months should have alot of shock value,so maybe we'll have a record turnout.

Sad but true.


Well-known member
I'm gonna give you a clue.Ready ?
If you want to know why Trump won 1st look in the mirror.
That smug,condecending attitude.I bet some of you actually believe you're truly smarter than 2/3 rds of the country but you can't even spell or punctuate to save your own lives.
2nd look at places like Baltimore and California and Detroit where Democratic's have been in control for years the corruption is rampant ,crime rates through the roof , people literally shitting on the sidewalk with needles hanging out of their arms screaming out for help while Democratic leadership tells them to wait their turn because illegal immigrants problems are just more important..
Get ready because It is a 100% certainty that Trump wins again in fact he's already won the rest is a formality.

We'll get you writing like an American liberal yet. I promise!

Here's a list of a few more errors you've made since we've last practiced. I'm glad to see you've finally adopted the American way of spelling "realize" though. I'm happy to help.

If thats the case then it was deffintly engineerd but how can it be selective ,
What is the difference between asain and other DNA ?
For example the difference between black and white is in the amount of melanin in the skin.
I'm saying are there identifiers in the DNA that can be identified as specificly Chinese ?

Give you stuff to think about thats for sure.
But last reports I heard they still dont know if it was engineerd or organic

Ill tell ya what nothing breaks down partisan lines better than a health scare
I know we are better prepared in the USA than anywhere on earth
But even still it'll scare you
Imagine if we had Nationalized health care ? Yikes._.
Mr D broke that all down very nicely yesterday so no need to go over it.

Education and socer played by men.

Wow you're really just miserable aren't you

Such contempt for anyone who dares have a different perspective.

Sorry i'm not a mind reading super genius like you ...It's hard to HEAR sarcasm in print...Especially when you have no idea who you're talking too.Or what kind of personality they have.Gee wiz I'm so ashamed...

IDK maybe instead of projecting your closeted racism and stupidity onto everyone else you should give responsibility a try .
Like for real who the fuck are you to judge anyone ?
Your a career criminal and tax dodger in my eyes pal you chose to make a living illegally growing and selling a controlled substance on the black market.
So save your sanctimonious ,holyer than tho attitude old timer.

Hi all friendly reminder Donald J.Trump is the duly elected president of these United StatesDonald J Trump is going to mop the floor with whatever loser gets the democratic nominee
Donald J Trump is gonna get about 85% of the popular vote and will be the fasted to 270 electoral college votes in recorded history ....These are the fact's It's gonna be a landslide.
Alot of guys posting here have no one to blame but themselves facts are instead of learnig your lesson you doubled down on socialism and identity politics..And now we the people the silent majority are twice as sick of your hateful divisive rhetoric .

See you at the polls
TRUMP2020 keeping America great

I don't know how anyone thinks any one of those candidates can beat Trump More power to um
Ask me...no way,jose
But,no one's asking me,are they
So I'll take the liberty of reminding you what I think
Trump get's re elected in a land slide
Wanna know why ?
Cause our country is really doing good,
Mom and Pop America are feeling comfy.
We like feeling comfy
And weather you wanna admit it or not ,at the ballot box,people don't vote against their comfort .

Hi all friendly reminder that we all are all lovers of great weed.Politics and religion are often heated,spirited ,ugly conversations as masterfully demonstrated in this thread.
I hold no grudges or ill will towrds anyone .
It's all in good fun.
Enjoy your kind bud's your kind brews and whatever else you buncha heathens enjoy
I enjoy making ppl laugh,I find an over the top style best suited to me.
I have offended some in my quest.Nothing personal I've made others laugh .
And some have laughed at me being offended. It's gone full circle.
TRUMP2020 because I believe in my gut and my gut tells me he's so vain he's gonna work his ass off to be a great president .And then there's him actually delivering on the issues that matter to the majority of Americans .
Good night

Yikes I guess you think the POTUS should go on live tv. and scream everybody panic we're all gonna die.Cause apparently that's what a leader would do.
Why are you so scared anyway ? are you somewhere with socialized medicine or where they still opperate under Obama care ?

But you're no clown no no no you're a very serious person
A thinking man’s thinking man.
And just the bastion of morality too.
We really don't deserve you.Thank you so much for gracing us with your infinite wisdom oh great one.

The irony in you preceiving anyone as extreamely unintelligent is absolutely staggering .But just for fun is there a extream difference in extreamely unintelligent as opposed to just standard garden varity unintelligence


ICMag Donor
When someone you perceive as extremely unintelligent is talking down to you,

It's like some little dog trying to hump your leg.

The irony in you preceiving anyone as extreamely unintelligent is absolutely staggering .But just for fun is there a extream difference in extreamely unintelligent as opposed to just standard garden varity unintelligence

I was speaking in generic terms, you must have a guilty conscience, but now that you mention it you are in a category of your own.

Maybe we could start with your user ID.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Oh man this is so rich



Active member
I thought George was misspelling and not using punctuation on purpose. I could be wrong. I usually think people are smarter than they appear.
As for the election, I believe that Americans do not want to vote for someone as corrupt. During 2016, i asked people who they voted for and why, as I wanted to understand why people voted for trump. The answer I heard the most, was they couldn’t vote for Hillary, because they saw her as corrupt. They didn’t vote FOR trump, they voted AGAINST Hillary. If that still holds true, and i believe it does, I can’t see those people voting for trump. He is as corrupt as they come. And as the slow moving train wreck of a public health crisis clearly demonstrates, trump is grossly incompetent, and always has been. As often happens during these elections, people aren’t necessarily going to vote for joe, or bernie, they will be voting against trump.


Active member
New England is right.We already know politics in general is corrupt both sides or all 3 if you wanna count the independents
We engage because it's our way of making ourselves believe that for the people by the people actually means something
Because most of us do love our country and want to be a usefull member of the people.
It's more show than substance these days maybe it's always been
I am personally a pretty jaded person not very friendly or trusting
Yet Trump who I keep hearing is a monumental idiot,unqualified nincompoop .comes across as completely sincere in his desire to be a good President for the people
And completely sincere in his love for the country.
He says brash insensitive things he exaggerates his acomplishments he acts borish at times.
But he believes in American prosperity .I believe that unequivocally
So which is it ?
Is Trump a crooked pos idiot moron who's also a oscar worthy actor for getting simpletons like me and really anybody else who aren't part of the elite clique that posts here to believe he' sincere ?
Caue I may be just a simpleton but even I can see that anyone as stupid asyou asy Trump is isn't capable of being that good an actor.
So back to the 1st point._politics are corrupt so we may as well get a show out of it and be entertained
Who's a better entainer ? Corrupt Joe Corrupt Bernie or Corrupt Trump ?
My moneys on team Big Orange


Active member
I thought George was misspelling and not using punctuation on purpose. I could be wrong. I usually think people are smarter than they appear.
As for the election, I believe that Americans do not want to vote for someone as corrupt. During 2016, i asked people who they voted for and why, as I wanted to understand why people voted for trump. The answer I heard the most, was they couldn’t vote for Hillary, because they saw her as corrupt. They didn’t vote FOR trump, they voted AGAINST Hillary. If that still holds true, and i believe it does, I can’t see those people voting for trump. He is as corrupt as they come. And as the slow moving train wreck of a public health crisis clearly demonstrates, trump is grossly incompetent, and always has been. As often happens during these elections, people aren’t necessarily going to vote for joe, or bernie, they will be voting against trump.
No i'm organic
I dont pretend to be a genius though like others here do.
Maybe because I realized that hubris and man child insecurity are a younger mans game.
I gotta worry about keeping the lights on and that kinda stuff
No time to worry about what a group of strangers on a freaking weed forum think om me.
Carry on genius's i'll try to keep my stupidity to a minimum but I can't promise anything... You know the whole "when in Rome " thing


Active member
We'll get you writing like an American liberal yet. I promise!

Here's a list of a few more errors you've made since we've last practiced. I'm glad to see you've finally adopted the American way of spelling "realize" though. I'm happy to help.

Lot's of highlights zero corrections what kind of teacher does that ?
that's rhetorical ... I already know.
An insecure man child poser

Bud Green

I dig dirt
meanwhile a dude was waving an actual nazi flag at a bernie rally yesterday in Arizona....
View Image

That's weird... I don't doubt that the man with the flag maybe considers himself a Nazi wannabe, but if he does he is a more of an idiot than I thought..

That is not a real Nazi flag. the swastika is backwards..

If you're gonna be stupid enough to be a Nazi, at least be smart enough to get the swastika correct..


Capra ibex

Is Trump a crooked pos idiot moron who's also a oscar worthy actor for getting simpletons like me and really anybody else who aren't part of the elite clique that posts here to believe he' sincere ?
Caue I may be just a simpleton but even I can see that anyone as stupid asyou asy Trump is isn't capable of being that good an actor.
So back to the 1st point._politics are corrupt so we may as well get a show out of it and be entertained
Who's a better entainer ? Corrupt Joe Corrupt Bernie or Corrupt Trump ?
My moneys on team Big Orange

That's correct, that is all Trump is good at, a world class bullsh*t artist who knows how to take advantage of a certain type of people who have a persecution complex, (because he has one too) even though he inherited all of his wealth.
He makes certain folks putty in his hands and then shafts them royally.... that is Trump's MO.... and most people already know this and see this, and that's why it infuriates them, because they can see their fellow citizens being completely and absolutely hoodwinked all while they cheer him on.
EVERYTHING that he accuses others of- HE is guilty of, it's incredible....
He's a projectionist, a pathological liar.... the list goes on and on and on but people don't want to hear it, because they ate his schtick hook, line and sinker.
He does little things to keep you believing, he's like a pick pocket who offers you candy and then takes your wallet and then points to someone 'he took your wallet'.... as soon as you look where he pointed he is gone- onto the next.
He IS a character but has zero character.... right next to my hatred for the guy is my pity for him.
Anyway.... have a good weekend.

Midnight Tokar

I'm gonna give you a clue.Ready ?
If you want to know why Trump won 1st look in the mirror.
That smug,condecending attitude.I bet some of you actually believe you're truly smarter than 2/3 rds of the country but you can't even spell or punctuate to save your own lives.
2nd look at places like Baltimore and California and Detroit where Democratic's have been in control for years the corruption is rampant ,crime rates through the roof , people literally shitting on the sidewalk with needles hanging out of their arms screaming out for help while Democratic leadership tells them to wait their turn because illegal immigrants problems are just more important..
Get ready because It is a 100% certainty that Trump wins again in fact he's already won the rest is a formality.
Jeebus christ man, do you even bother to try and read the drivel you post? Listen to your own criticism. I don't usually care about grammar mistakes but since you went on a rant about others I thought you should know!
It's hard to take anybody seriously when they are so uninformed and uneducated.......LOL!

You have at least a dozen spelling, punctuation or grammar errors! I quit counting after that many........here in the USA we use spaces after punctuation marks and no spaces between fractions and letters and also no spaces between a word and the punctuation marks. We also don't use random capitalization in mid-sentence.
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Well-known member
ICMag Donor

I think his posts are PERFECT,as a matter of fact many members have said his posts are PERFECT !!!
In fact when I read his posts,we fell in love.....


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Still wondering why Trump would be so fucking stupid yesterday at the CDC.Describing the Test kits as "PERFECT , just like the Ukraine call" WTF!!!
Not really funny in my opinion,alot of people are scared.
There's a time,and place for being smug,or condescending.That wasnt it.
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