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The 2020 Presidential Election

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Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
'The test kits are beautiful?' (D.Trump) - so what does a test-kit comprise of? - a needle and a bunch of roses?


Active member
Test kit.



Well-known member
Been thinking about Covid, and its 2% Mortality rate....

If we assume 360,000,000 as US population, 2% amounts to 7,200,000 dead - or about the death toll for Hitler’s slave labor / death camps.

Using 7 billion as world pop, 2% is 140,000,000 dead.

That’s slightly less than the entire population of Russia, but more than that of Mexico, Japan, the Philippines....

It’s hard to imagine ANYONE is as big an imbecile as Trump (have you listened to him talking to the disease specialists? he understands NONE of it) *BUT* I’ll bet Stephen Miller has thought about it a lot: old people are a liability, because they aren’t good servants, so let the disease cut Medicare and Social Security...it’ll fix those job numbers, too - plenty of jobs for those with the right pull....

The good news for me is that my skill-set is unduplicable: which means I command more than $100/hr for my services; however, because of the nature of my work, self-quarantine will hit me very hard indeed, whether I get sick or my clients get sick. If I catch it, I’m at a higher risk of death due to my age - can’t say I’ll be sorry to miss the extermination of the USA...which, if things stay as they are under Baby Huey, is a virtual certainty.

Regarding the “humor” content of things, I’ve learned over the years that only assholes think being an asshole is *funny*


'This Is Your Brain on Capitalism': CNBC Market Analyst Rick Santelli Calls for Infecting Global Population With Coronavirus to Help Wall Street
"The projected death of 11 million Americans would be a fair price to pay for better long term stock growth, says a capitalist extremist."​
Santelli, who is credited with helping kick off the racist, extreme right-wing Tea Party movement in February 2009 by ranting about then-President Barack Obama's Homeowners Affordability and Stability Plan, told CNBC anchor Kelly Evans Thursday that the "catalyst" for Thursday's market decline was local news reports on the virus.


Active member
Yikes I guess you think the POTUS should go on live tv. and scream everybody panic we're all gonna die.Cause apparently that's what a leader would do.
Why are you so scared anyway ? are you somewhere with socialized medicine or where they still opperate under Obama care ?

No need the media has the hysteria covered.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Yeah - it doesn't sound too bright - but maybe thats where some of Trumps appeal sits? - 'cos most people ain't exactly Einstein - and maybe they are fed up with polished politicians feeding them polished scripts - so seeing Trump bumble and mumble thru his always imperfect narrative - with it's many gaff's and P.C. imperfections is something they can all relate to - even his colourful private and business life seems to add to his fame - or is it his infamy?

Yup....dumb eh?


Well-known member
Well, Orange Dickless has managed to survive his own dementia without losing his fan base, Joe might surprise.... on the other hand, Dickless isn’t smart enough to understand how not to get sick...and Pennies* would forget to breathe if Mother didn’t remind him...so maybe a silver lining to it all, who knows

(* - whaddya think, would ‘Tuppence’ be too obscure?)

Sorry but it's not even close. Joe is swiss cheese. Trump can at least still play a crowd.

I wonder if the DNC is going to come up with some bullshit to not have any more debates in order to limit the exposure of Joe's dementia on voters in head on debates vs Bernie.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Sorry but it's not even close. Joe is swiss cheese. Trump can at least still play a crowd.

I wonder if the DNC is going to come up with some bullshit to not have any more debates in order to limit the exposure of Joe's dementia on voters in head on debates vs Bernie.

How do they get joe out of a debate with Trump..
I could see Joe lose whatever composure he may have left when Trump attacks the Bidens.Joe may even charge at Trump for a physical confrontation.Not uncommon for those with dementia to physically lash out when they don't have the ability to fight back by rational means.
I don't think it would take much more than Trump bringing up Hunter screwing Bo's widow.


Well-known member
How do they get joe out of a debate with Trump..
I could see Joe lose whatever composure he may have left when Trump attacks the Bidens.Joe may even charge at Trump for a physical confrontation.Not uncommon for those with dementia to physically lash out when they don't have the ability to fight back by rational means.
I don't think it would take much more than Trump bringing up Hunter screwing Bo's widow.

Could be avoided it by nominating Bernie.

This is why shithead choose Biden to run against. Idiot vs. tricky idiot. I am sure they planned it this way even way back when Hilary decided to have shithead run against her.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
How do they get joe out of a debate with Trump..
I could see Joe lose whatever composure he may have left when Trump attacks the Bidens.Joe may even charge at Trump for a physical confrontation.Not uncommon for those with dementia to physically lash out when they don't have the ability to fight back by rational means.
I don't think it would take much more than Trump bringing up Hunter screwing Bo's widow.

Id like to see that. :biggrin:


Well-known member
How do they get joe out of a debate with Trump..
they won't, i'm talking about the rest of the dem debates, remember in 2016 how they limited the debates to only about 4 of them? it's the same strategy of limited exposure repeating itself. the game is to stop bernie no matter the cost. and that includes running a dementia patient against Trump and giving him a second term just so bernie doesn't win. they admitted this on TV lol, pretty sure it was Chris Matthews that said it.


Well-known member
Trump will 100% hammer Joe on Hunter/Ukraine, and free trade, and the iraq war, and how joe was a plagiarist, supported segregation in the 70's, all that shit, but he will also 100000% tell Joe straight to his face that he's losing his mind on live TV. It's going to be a blood bath. You only have to go back to 2016 Biden to see the huge mental decline of where he's at now. 2020 Joe is not 2016 Joe.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I don't agree, Rep don't have a large enough base to win. All the people I know who voted for turd will not do it again. There all fine giving Smell my hair Joe 4 years to get turd out.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I even got my pops to reg and vote this year.. Hes 84, has not voted in a few decades at least.. This year he was so fed up with Turds BS he voted in the primary's. He will vote for who ever is the Dem nomination including down ballots.
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