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The 2020 Presidential Election

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Mr D

I did ‘t see any groping, but lots of sniffing. My friend’s dog is a sniffer too. When Joe has a couple of dozens sexual assault complaints against him(like president caddyshack), you might get some traction. For now, i’d rather have a “sniffer” than a pathologically lying, sexual assaulting, incompetent, corrupt, professional golfer. But that’s just me. At least Joe isn’t preparing to bury half the country because of his incompetence.

Can't say I'm surprised by the willingness to abandon common sense and attempt to spin for Joe. Mika said Joe is OK so there's that.

Guess you missed the 2 little girls in the video who instinctually pull away when Joe puts his hand on their chest. The child's body language is pretty clear they are uncomfortable with handsy Joe.

Even WaPo and CNN have done pieces on Joe's questionable groping.

Didn't Paula Jones prove you can take a president to court? I know we have seen that anyone can make any accusation they want, problem is we haven't seen anything proven. Not saying he didn't do anything, just we haven't seen any proof. Maybe you can get Schiff and Nadler to impeach him for it.

Mr D

Biden is not POTUS. Biden will be 1000% easier to control then Turd ever will be.

So you are saying that it's kosher to grope Children if you are not POTUS?

I don't know which is scarier, you defending Joe's groping or that you are eligible to vote.


Active member
I did not watch the entire video, as I didn’t see the point, and truly don’t care too much about Joe. Have any children or parents of children filed a complaint?
Remember Bush Sr and his magician joke?? Powerful people do as they wish, until they are forced to stop. If you don’t like Joe’s sniffing, then file a lawsuit. Good luck with that.
Bottom line is the current resident of the white house is grossly incompetent, and has chosen grossly incompetent people to help him run the government. Trump’s gross incompetence is playing out for the whole world to see with the slow moving trainwreck of this public health disaster. The rest of the world has been performing widespread testing since mid February, and the US has not. In fact, according to Pence, the US is still a week or two away from being able to perform wide spread testing. We also know that the trump virus has been spreading unchecked since (at least) mid February. We cannot treat, nor track, nor contain, what we cannot diagnose, and we cannot diagnose, if we cannot test. So the trump virus has been spreading around the country, infecting hundreds or thousands of people, or maybe more. We had a small window of opportunity to get in front of this, and trump and HIS people mocked and blamed and did precious little to protect Americans. The gross incompetence is both shameful and disgraceful.


Active member
Trump couldnt ask for two more fucked up candidates to run against
A pediphile and a communist...a couple of dnc throw aways knowing they cant defeat trump


Active member
This thread is something else Just reading these last 4 or so pages sums up in a nut shell why the other 99.9% of the population will nea nigh never take this community seriously. So completely out of touch with regular folks
So completely out of touch with why we voted for Trump in the 1st place and why Trumps getting reelected in an avalanche


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
How do they get joe out of a debate with Trump..
I could see Joe lose whatever composure he may have left when Trump attacks the Bidens.Joe may even charge at Trump for a physical confrontation.Not uncommon for those with dementia to physically lash out when they don't have the ability to fight back by rational means.
I don't think it would take much more than Trump bringing up Hunter screwing Bo's widow.

Ya, real professional debate stuff. The battle of the plaque brains. Just like they have a young range age limit, they should cut it off at an upper limit, like 60-65.

If there were an actual knowledge based debate rather than the entertainment shlop they pass off as debate these days, my money would be on Biden.


Active member
I'm gonna give you a clue.Ready ?
If you want to know why Trump won 1st look in the mirror.
That smug,condecending attitude.I bet some of you actually believe you're truly smarter than 2/3 rds of the country but you can't even spell or punctuate to save your own lives.
2nd look at places like Baltimore and California and Detroit where Democratic's have been in control for years the corruption is rampant ,crime rates through the roof , people literally shitting on the sidewalk with needles hanging out of their arms screaming out for help while Democratic leadership tells them to wait their turn because illegal immigrants problems are just more important..
Get ready because It is a 100% certainty that Trump wins again in fact he's already won the rest is a formality.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
That's why I vote 3rd party. :biggrin:

You continue to vote uniparty then have the nerve to look surprised when you get fucked. :snap out of it:

How much DMT do you have to do to believe Biden is even worthy of being a presidential candidate? :crazy:

About as much as one needs to believe there is a clown as president.


ICMag Donor
When someone you perceive as extremely unintelligent is talking down to you,

It's like some little dog trying to hump your leg.


Active member
About as much as one needs to believe there is a clown as president.

But you're no clown no no no you're a very serious person
A thinking man's thinking man.
And just the bastion of morality too.
We really don't deserve you.Thank you so much for gracing us with your infinite wisdom oh great one.


Active member
When someone you perceive as extremely unintelligent is talking down to you,

It's like some little dog trying to hump your leg.

The irony in you preceiving anyone as extreamely unintelligent is absolutely staggering .But just for fun is there a extream difference in extreamely unintelligent as opposed to just standard garden varity unintelligence
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