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The 2020 Presidential Election

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Well-known member
gotta think the mask look will get you a nice space buffer
and distance may equal reduced rate of infection
just a thought

Mr D

I just read a 29 year old Dr treating patients in China has died from it. Peng became infected while working at the First People's Hospital of Jiangxia District of Wuhan. He was hospitalized Jan. 25 and transferred to Wuhan Jinyintan Hospital for treatment on Jan. 30. At one point, he was treating 150 patients a day.

Italy has been hit the hardest of European countries. ..

You won't live forever so go enjoy yourself while you can.... your days might be numbered.

Mr D

all of us have days that are numbered, just different numbers

True, but Hammer is one of the senior citizens here, which puts him at higher risk. I'm in the same boat.

Besides if Biden is the nominee the race is over, Trump wins.. Bernie is already signaling his willingness to surrender to the DNC.

Bernie Sanders: I’ll Drop Out if Biden Has Most Delegates at Convention

He's 100 delegates maybe less behind Biden their is no need for surrender monkey talk unless that's the plan.

Anyway, barring some unforeseen major hit to Trump it's over IMO.


Well-known member
True, but Hammer is one of the senior citizens here, which puts him at higher risk. I'm in the same boat.

Besides if Biden is the nominee the race is over, Trump wins.. Bernie is already signaling his willingness to surrender to the DNC.

Bernie Sanders: I’ll Drop Out if Biden Has Most Delegates at Convention

He's 100 delegates maybe less behind Biden their is no need for surrender monkey talk unless that's the plan.

Anyway, barring some unforeseen major hit to Trump it's over IMO.
that is where we differ
not every action is the result of some conspiracy
i don't see the race as over, i'm not a hardcore Bernie fanatic
i prefer him on certain things
much is yet to be revealed


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
True, but Hammer is one of the senior citizens here, which puts him at higher risk. I'm in the same boat.

Besides if Biden is the nominee the race is over, Trump wins.. Bernie is already signaling his willingness to surrender to the DNC.

Bernie Sanders: I’ll Drop Out if Biden Has Most Delegates at Convention

He's 100 delegates maybe less behind Biden their is no need for surrender monkey talk unless that's the plan.

Anyway, barring some unforeseen major hit to Trump it's over IMO.

Dude you've got to be living under a rock if you think Turd will win if Biden gets the DNC nomination.. Every DEM/Independent voter is done with turd. They all will vote for Biden to get the turd out of the white house. In 2024 Maybe George Clooney will run or maybe James Bond lol, hopefully there will be some quality candidates to pick from. Anyone is better than Trumpturd.

Mr D

Biden will be lucky to make it to the convention. His dementia gets worse by the day.

In addition, if he keeps campaigning he increases his chance of getting the virus which is killing close to 15% of people in his age bracket who come down with it.

White Beard

Active member
Been thinking about Covid, and its 2% Mortality rate....

If we assume 360,000,000 as US population, 2% amounts to 7,200,000 dead - or about the death toll for Hitler’s slave labor / death camps.

Using 7 billion as world pop, 2% is 140,000,000 dead.

That’s slightly less than the entire population of Russia, but more than that of Mexico, Japan, the Philippines....

It’s hard to imagine ANYONE is as big an imbecile as Trump (have you listened to him talking to the disease specialists? he understands NONE of it) *BUT* I’ll bet Stephen Miller has thought about it a lot: old people are a liability, because they aren’t good servants, so let the disease cut Medicare and Social Security...it’ll fix those job numbers, too - plenty of jobs for those with the right pull....

The good news for me is that my skill-set is unduplicable: which means I command more than $100/hr for my services; however, because of the nature of my work, self-quarantine will hit me very hard indeed, whether I get sick or my clients get sick. If I catch it, I’m at a higher risk of death due to my age - can’t say I’ll be sorry to miss the extermination of the USA...which, if things stay as they are under Baby Huey, is a virtual certainty.

Regarding the “humor” content of things, I’ve learned over the years that only assholes think being an asshole is *funny*

White Beard

Active member
What a terrible thing to have to happen to you. I know many friends who lost their jobs and houses. Brutal to watch families go through that. For myself I damn near lost it all as well. Just lucky enough to have several loans paid off in 2007 and that was enough to offset my loss of income.

In no way am I advocating for the banks who were robbing people with balloon montages. I do wish Obama could have helped home owners out more then the banks. I was only commenting on the bank bailouts as they happened and what Obama did in real time. Not in a hindsight way. It's too bad we tie people's retirement to the stock market where people have to stress in their retirement years hoping the economy doesn't collapse.

When I look at what FDR did for people during the depression he took people who were literally starving and gave them enough food through the works program where they went to bed hungry. That's how I view the lifeboats.

As a society it would be great if we put funds(tax money) away so when times went south we had the money to help the people out who need it most. Instead we cut taxes then spend more on the military.
Hey, now - that’s rank communism! Every employer is *entitled* to every penny they can squeeze out of their workforce, and its government’s job to make sure they collect every single cent.

We can’t tax rich people, it would be unfair: tax the poor people - nobody cares about them, all they want is to get paid enough to live on in exchange for their time and labor, and fuck that, eh.

None of this is aimed at *you* brother, so you know...

Biden will be lucky to make it to the convention. His dementia gets worse by the day.

In addition, if he keeps campaigning he increases his chance of getting the virus which is killing close to 15% of people in his age bracket who come down with it.

Well, Orange Dickless has managed to survive his own dementia without losing his fan base, Joe might surprise.... on the other hand, Dickless isn’t smart enough to understand how not to get sick...and Pennies* would forget to breathe if Mother didn’t remind him...so maybe a silver lining to it all, who knows

(* - whaddya think, would ‘Tuppence’ be too obscure?)

Capra ibex

Been thinking about Covid, and its 2% Mortality rate....

If we assume 360,000,000 as US population, 2% amounts to 7,200,000 dead - or about the death toll for Hitler’s slave labor / death camps.

Using 7 billion as world pop, 2% is 140,000,000 dead.

That’s slightly less than the entire population of Russia, but more than that of Mexico, Japan, the Philippines....

It’s hard to imagine ANYONE is as big an imbecile as Trump (have you listened to him talking to the disease specialists? he understands NONE of it) *BUT* I’ll bet Stephen Miller has thought about it a lot: old people are a liability, because they aren’t good servants, so let the disease cut Medicare and Social Security...it’ll fix those job numbers, too - plenty of jobs for those with the right pull....

The good news for me is that my skill-set is unduplicable: which means I command more than $100/hr for my services; however, because of the nature of my work, self-quarantine will hit me very hard indeed, whether I get sick or my clients get sick. If I catch it, I’m at a higher risk of death due to my age - can’t say I’ll be sorry to miss the extermination of the USA...which, if things stay as they are under Baby Huey, is a virtual certainty.

Regarding the “humor” content of things, I’ve learned over the years that only assholes think being an asshole is *funny*



Active member
Been thinking about Covid, and its 2% Mortality rate....

If we assume 360,000,000 as US population, 2% amounts to 7,200,000 dead - or about the death toll for Hitler’s slave labor / death camps.

Using 7 billion as world pop, 2% is 140,000,000 dead.

That’s slightly less than the entire population of Russia, but more than that of Mexico, Japan, the Philippines....

It’s hard to imagine ANYONE is as big an imbecile as Trump (have you listened to him talking to the disease specialists? he understands NONE of it) *BUT* I’ll bet Stephen Miller has thought about it a lot: old people are a liability, because they aren’t good servants, so let the disease cut Medicare and Social Security...it’ll fix those job numbers, too - plenty of jobs for those with the right pull....

The good news for me is that my skill-set is unduplicable: which means I command more than $100/hr for my services; however, because of the nature of my work, self-quarantine will hit me very hard indeed, whether I get sick or my clients get sick. If I catch it, I’m at a higher risk of death due to my age - can’t say I’ll be sorry to miss the extermination of the USA...which, if things stay as they are under Baby Huey, is a virtual certainty.

Regarding the “humor” content of things, I’ve learned over the years that only assholes think being an asshole is *funny*

I'm sure President Biden will save
Us all,he seems to have his faculties
about him ...or maybe Bernie can
Tip the healthcare cart ass over tit
That's gotta work....
At a 100 bucks an hour...you should have a nice comfy bug out spot by now....if not..I can sell you one of mine...
Only an asshole would blame trump
For a world pandemic...now go wash your hands ol timer :tiphat:

Mr D

Well, Orange Dickless has managed to survive his own dementia without losing his fan base, Joe might surprise.... on the other hand, Dickless isn’t smart enough to understand how not to get sick...and Pennies* would forget to breathe if Mother didn’t remind him...so maybe a silver lining to it all, who knows

(* - whaddya think, would ‘Tuppence’ be too obscure?)

That's a load of malarky.....


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