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The 2020 Presidential Election

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Active member
Hello all,

Nice to see some interest in reviewing the Mueller report..

Oh I have no illussions that it will trigger an investigaton by the house to be sure...but, exposing the redacted portions would be useful in deciding if my president is a crook. Would it not?

Federal judge slams AG Barr over Mueller report, vows to review unredacted version.


funny, Hannity did not mention a word about this....wonder why?



Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Trumpturds lie regarding him balancing the budget.

Balance the federal budget 'fairly quickly'

"It can be done. ... It will take place and it will go relatively quickly. ... If you have the right people, like, in the agencies and the various people that do the balancing ... you can cut the numbers by two pennies and three pennies and balance a budget quickly and have a stronger and better country.



Active member
Hello all,

Looks like nepotism to me? What say you?

Jared Kushner sells stake in real estate company after value skyrockets thanks to Trump tax cuts

The value of Kushner's stake in Cadre jumped by more than 500% after it benefited from the tax cuts he lobbied for.


Now what was that about Hunter? buahahahahahahaha

I would wager a closer look is warranted...ey?


mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Far too sweet for me, I'm sweet enough.

Bitter beer suits me down to the floor.

The only time I have enjoyed that stout was cuveed with Founder's Rubaeus.


Active member
Hi all friendly reminder that we all are all lovers of great weed.Politics and religion are often heated,spirited ,ugly conversations as masterfully demonstrated in this thread.
I hold no grudges or ill will twords anyone .
It's all in good fun.
Enjoy your kind bud's your kind brews and whatever else you buncha heathens enjoy
I enjoy making ppl laugh,I find an over the top style best suited to me.
I have offended some in my quest.Nothing personal I've made others laugh .
And some have laughed at me being offended. It's gone full circle.
TRUMP2020 because I believe in my gut and my gut tells me he's so vain he's gonna work his ass off to be a great president .And then there's him actually delivering on the issues that matter to the majority of Americans .
Good night

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
And then there's him actually delivering on the issues that matter to the majority of Americans .

That's what I'm waiting for.

I think he would have to hit his head pretty hard or maybe develop multiple personality disorder.

Sweet dreams my prince.

May you wake up in an authoritarian utopia.


Loc Dog

Hobbies include "drinkin', smokin' weed, and all k
Hi all friendly reminder that we all are all lovers of great weed.Politics and religion are often heated,spirited ,ugly conversations as masterfully demonstrated in this thread.
I hold no grudges or ill will twords anyone .
It's all in good fun.
Enjoy your kind bud's your kind brews and whatever else you buncha heathens enjoy
I enjoy making ppl laugh,I find an over the top style best suited to me.
I have offended some in my quest.Nothing personal I've made others laugh .
And some have laughed at me being offended. It's gone full circle.
TRUMP2020 because I believe in my gut and my gut tells me he's so vain he's gonna work his ass off to be a great president .And then there's him actually delivering on the issues that matter to the majority of Americans .
Good night

The 1% is not the majority. Is that the majority in tRump math? I can not come up with one thing he has done, that is not self serving, and only benefits the filthy rich. He has pissed away 400 years of Presidential salary playing the golf he was never going to have time for, while making his own properties richer.

The GOP let him financially rape the American people, as long as he supports their selfish agenda.


Active member
I work for my money.I pay taxes I see what he's doing in my taxes and my 401k I see factory's being built and people getting work.I see a hundred someodd miles of wall already built and more being built.I see prosperity around me and feel hope and I'm not alone.I'm also not rich not the one percent.but guess who is besides the Donald...Komrad Bernard Sanders that's who.

Capra ibex

I work for my money.I pay taxes I see what he's doing in my taxes and my 401k I see factory's being built and people getting work.I see a hundred someodd miles of wall already built and more being built.I see prosperity around me and feel hope and I'm not alone.I'm also not rich not the one percent.but guess who is besides the Donald...Komrad Bernard Sanders that's who.

Bernie's worth less than 3 million (apparently) and Trump claims to be worth 10's of billions, which i would say means he's not even a billionaire....

But still, the difference between billionaires and millionaires is extravagance and comfortable.


Well-known member
Glad You Could be Here, and Thanks for Playing our Game

Glad You Could be Here, and Thanks for Playing our Game

As now it seems that the dems have found their leader and it's a man named Biden. Sorry GW, it seems your socialist boogie man will not be the nominee. And it's too bad too for you guys, because even though I thought Sanders could defeat Trump, I didn't think his coat tails would be long enough for us to flip the Senate. From the record turnout for Biden especially in the South, it proves he does have the coat tails to not only crush tRump but also flip the Senate. It seems that far more people hate tRump than love him.

All of the above was going to happen in a normal world, but as we all know recently that changed. It's called the Corona virus and it has the potential to upend the way we do things until a vaccine is found.

tRump's gonna fuck this up. You know it, I know it. His sacred stock market is sinking, and until there is some kind of clarity about what lies ahead it's all downhill. By the time that happens the election's over, and tRump and his Republican enablers have been assigned to the trash heap of history.

Then, sure as the sun rising, it will be left to the Dems to clean up after the parade. Time will pass, people will forget, and we do it all over again.... same as it ever was.


Invertebrata Inebriata
Hi all friendly reminder that we all are all lovers of great weed.Politics and religion are often heated,spirited ,ugly conversations as masterfully demonstrated in this thread.
I hold no grudges or ill will twords anyone .
It's all in good fun.
Enjoy your kind bud's your kind brews and whatever else you buncha heathens enjoy
I enjoy making ppl laugh,I find an over the top style best suited to me.
I have offended some in my quest.Nothing personal I've made others laugh .
And some have laughed at me being offended. It's gone full circle.
TRUMP2020 because I believe in my gut and my gut tells me he's so vain he's gonna work his ass off to be a great president .And then there's him actually delivering on the issues that matter to the majority of Americans .
Good night

Oh, you're a friendly Nazi, my mistake.:laughing:


I see prosperity around me and feel hope and I'm not alone.

This is a sentiment that I have heard before and find pretty interesting. When I look at the larger economic picture, trump had done about the same as obama. They both presided over a bunch of minimum wage jobs being created. Housing prices have risen steadily under both. Rising stock market. Etc.

I dont really get what causes people to feel that sense of hope under trump that they didnt under obama. Part of me thinks it has to do with the news we consume, tends to paint a picture of the world one way or the other. Many of the arguments against "the trump economy" greatness are the same that Republicans threw against Obama's. I see a shrinking middle class that struggled under both.
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