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The 2020 Presidential Election

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Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
LOL, I'm not looking to buy, Ive been ready to buy. Bernie supporters have been ready. Window watching couldn't be father from the truth. Its not Bernie's fault these people put profits ahead of policy. No way these greedy people would help Bernie's policy's. Its not hard to figure this shit out. All these people see is $$$ including his haters like yourself. No way are they gonna let that happen.

No, but it is Bernie's fault that he chose too focus on Trump, disengenuously, rather than the truly corrupt politicians and media (complex?). How is it that Trump supporters were so easily able to foresee Bernie's fate?

White Beard

Active member
Bernie's loyalty to the DNC establishment and failure to go on the attack against them is why he'll be sitting out another election. I said it before and I'll say it again. Bernie needed to mobilize his base in a strong way.

Here’s your reality check: Democrats are LIVID that Sanders has not done MORE to boost/feed/support the Democratic Party. Yes, right now Sanders and his supporters are catching tons of shit from democrats for doing all the things you say he isn’t doing and should be...and for not doing MORE of what you say he shouldn’t do at all.

That’s what we call a different perspective.
Also known as “Catch 22”

White Beard

Active member

I went to SDS and SMC meetings, I went to John Birch Society meetings, I went to Libertarian meetings, I went to Lyndon LaRouche meetings, I went to Sokka Gakkai meetings, so what’s your freaking point?

“Oh, look, a picture!”

It’s called photography, Pinky. Catch up.


ICMag Donor
It's interesting that Biden got most all of the black vote when it was actually Sanders who attended civil rights protests in the 60s. Sanders was arrested at one protest.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
No, but it is Bernie's fault that he chose too focus on Trump, disengenuously, rather than the truly corrupt politicians and media (complex?). How is it that Trump supporters were so easily able to foresee Bernie's fate?

That's like being able to call a rainbow a rainbow. Turds supporters are not foreseeing anything but the obvious.


Well-known member
Obama didn't bailout wall street. It was a bailout to everyday Americans who were on the verge of losing their retirement and pensions. The bailout was tied to wall street because that's where the money was. If it was as simple as letting these companies and banks fail without hurting Americans I'm pretty sure Obama would have let the banks and Corporations go under. Guess you would like to have seen all those workers lose everything they had just so you can cheer for the corporations going under.

lots of us DID lose nearly everything in that debacle. 401ks wiped out, jobs lost. many lost homes. how many bankers were left living on the streets? let's share the pain all the way across the spectrum...i for one am tired of always getting the dirty end of the damn stick & those that caused the fucking problems to start with being "too big to fail". that $700 billion Bush gave the bankers would have been a nice gift to those that deserved to be saved...:tiphat:

White Beard

Active member
Hi all just dropping in to say I told you so to all the Bernouts that are crying and shaking and triggered Those very same little pansies who all ganged up on me to laugh and point fingers yet still couldn't refute a single point I made.

No one even tries to “refute” gibberish, it’s like arguing with a dog or reasoning with the hysterical...but sure, Sparky, you do *you*


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Chris Matthews, MSNBC host of ‘Hardball,’ quits on air after several controversies...
The network immediately went to a commercial break. When the show resumed, political correspondent Steve Kornacki had taken Matthews’s seat. An MSNBC spokesman said the network and the host “mutually agreed” to the decision. Others at the network, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to talk about personnel issues, said Matthews’s departure was tied to the negative attention he’s received in the past 10 days.



ICMag Donor
I saw that real time. Screw Matthews. He was a constant Bernie basher. Good riddance.

Chris Matthews, MSNBC host of ‘Hardball,’ quits on air after several controversies...
The network immediately went to a commercial break. When the show resumed, political correspondent Steve Kornacki had taken Matthews’s seat. An MSNBC spokesman said the network and the host “mutually agreed” to the decision. Others at the network, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to talk about personnel issues, said Matthews’s departure was tied to the negative attention he’s received in the past 10 days.



Well-known member
Chris Matthews, MSNBC host of ‘Hardball,’ quits on air after several controversies...
The network immediately went to a commercial break. When the show resumed, political correspondent Steve Kornacki had taken Matthews’s seat. An MSNBC spokesman said the network and the host “mutually agreed” to the decision. Others at the network, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to talk about personnel issues, said Matthews’s departure was tied to the negative attention he’s received in the past 10 days.

If he had anything akin to integrity, he would have left when they canned Donahue.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
lots of us DID lose nearly everything in that debacle. 401ks wiped out, jobs lost. many lost homes. how many bankers were left living on the streets? let's share the pain all the way across the spectrum...i for one am tired of always getting the dirty end of the damn stick & those that caused the fucking problems to start with being "too big to fail". that $700 billion Bush gave the bankers would have been a nice gift to those that deserved to be saved...:tiphat:



Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I saw that real time. Screw Matthews. He was a constant Bernie basher. Good riddance.

I never watched his show. The way he quit def made a statement. Didn't tell anyone he was doing that. Got up and left before the show was over lol. His Nazi comment about Bernie ended his show.

White Beard

Active member
Maybe even you. Presently you have been unsuccessful to define what it even is.

Germany was the first to provide nationalized health care, in 1880.
Post WWII, each party spoke well of it here,
both actively planned to provide it.
America loved the idea...until the Supreme Court decided the descendants of slaves had to be included.

Ditto, education. Ditto, civics. Ditto, social security. Ditto, ownership.

After Brown v Board of Education, “Aw, *HELL* NO!” was heard across the land. After all, this is America: we *depend* on a servile class to help us get ahead, and we *HAD* one, and no damn’ constitution should interfere with the Gawd-given right to give ourselves airs while standing on the backs of servants....

Really?! - Great Scott! - I thought that the devils went to war in their pajamas -
I thought that *was* the uniform!

Theres at least one upside of having 4 more years of Trump. When his stupid policies put the economy in another recession he wont be able to blame the dems.
‘Course, the downside is martial law, deputizing Xe and the Proud Boys, body counts....

Part of the CIA is a tool of the deepstate [the shot callers] as is a portion of the FBI, many Dems and GOPs, the current president and attorney general. Trump attempts to use smoke and mirrors to use the term to label civil servants. As mentioned previously, this is an old and tested propaganda method to identify others as what 'you' are yourself.
Straight out of the Goebbels/Gingrich playbook

Ur chart didn't show anybody to the left of Bernie.

Maybe Fidel or Raul Castro?
US political figures only, please

Obama didn't bailout wall street. It was a bailout to everyday Americans who were on the verge of losing their retirement and pensions. The bailout was tied to wall street because that's where the money was. If it was as simple as letting these companies and banks fail without hurting Americans I'm pretty sure Obama would have let the banks and Corporations go under. Guess you would like to have seen all those workers lose everything they had just so you can cheer for the corporations going under.
With respect, the homeowners got the shaft.

I was (briefly) comfortably retired, owned a house, had my investments and some savings, was planning my sunset years. Lost it all. The house. The investments. The savings. Discovering suddenly that you’re ruined has a way of changing your point of view. On everything.

Fortunately, the big bankers were saved. Yay.

Easier said then done. If he took that route it would have taken years to get money to the people. The ship was sinking and there wasn't time to wait. I don't fault Obama for doing that. I'm pretty sure most of us would have done the same thing had we been in that situation.

When the ship sinks a life boat is better than nothing. Saying the life boats aren't good enough because another ship might be on it's way is what Obama was dealing with.
Of course, only enough lifeboats for the crew and the well-heeled. Good thing the bailout will trickle down to the people who lost everything and sank...oh...wait...now we get to work until we collapse and die (I’ve been working since I was 12), and hope I can keep a roof over my head when I get too sick to move. Probably just eat a bullet before that...after all, I should have taken steps to secure my retirement, right?

By the way, I’m *still* paying for the shit that happened then. Probably will be until the lights go out

Don't talk like that to GWB, he'll post threats on your profile like he did me.

“Dignity. Always, dignity”


Well-known member


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ICMag Donor
I never watched his show. The way he quit def made a statement. Didn't tell anyone he was doing that. Got up and left before the show was over lol. His Nazi comment about Bernie ended his show.

He' a corporate dem. They talk the talk and then sell us out out to the big corporations. Disappointing how all of MSNBC is kissing Biden's ass.


Active member
Well, he doesnt say the word nazi first off...but yeah, Mathews is a tool

He was relating it to an event in history he was reading about and making and stupid analogy

He didnt take a step back and look at what he said before he said it

He was also on the ropes for some other sexual harassment allegations

Sanders learned how important Politics can be from seeing the impact of electing Hitler and the consequences.

Early Life (wikipedia)

Sanders became interested in politics at an early age,

"A guy named Adolf Hitler won an election in 1932. He won an election, and 50 million people died as a result of that election in World War II, including six million Jews.

So what I learned as a little kid is that politics is, in fact, very important."

In the 1940s, many of his relatives in German-occupied Poland were murdered in the Holocaust.


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