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The 2020 Presidential Election

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Active member
Trump has never debated a thing. He only knows how to make fun of people and be a smart ass. He is uneducated but I guess why so many Americans like him is because they have the same limitations and function at the same level.

We will see. Maybe they can debate what state they are in, Biden should get a cheat sheet, with his obvious dementia. It's only fair.

With all these supposed limitations, he still spanked your heroine. Now, we get to watch Biden get annihilated. Can't wait.


Well-known member
We will see. Maybe they can debate what state they are in, Biden should get a cheat sheet, with his obvious dementia. It's only fair.

With all these supposed limitations, he still spanked your heroine. Now, we get to watch Biden get annihilated. Can't wait.

I think Bernie will totally crush Biden in the next debate. And if it does come down to Bernie debating potus I expect potus to look completely stupid (that is his thing).

If potus does debate Biden I expect it to be a total shit show. Two complete idiots arguing nonsense and lying there asses off.


Active member
IMO the next debate won't matter. Biden and Bernie's backgrounds are known. If Biden wins Michigan it's pretty much over for Bernie.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
We will see. Maybe they can debate what state they are in, Biden should get a cheat sheet, with his obvious dementia. It's only fair.

With all these supposed limitations, he still spanked your heroine. Now, we get to watch Biden get annihilated. Can't wait.

I did not ever hear that he knows Vigdis Torsvik, let alone spank her. I do know he spouts drivel. Perhaps he can call Biden some really mean and catchy names.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
Maybe even you. Presently you have been unsuccessful to define what it even is.

That's because it can be quite broad in scope. But, in a nutshell, the deepstate is a rogue element of the CIA (and their assets) which has infiltrated the US government and set up a totallitarian world government.


Well-known member
Theres at least one upside of having 4 more years of Trump. When his stupid policies put the economy in another recession he wont be able to blame the dems.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
Really?! - Great Scott! - I thought that the devils went to war in their pajamas -

It was something I noticed immediately. Someone was providing them with orange jumpsuites. And I figured if they wanted to stop ISIS they could easily track down who ordered the suits and who paid for them as well as the vehicles they were provided with. But stopping ISIS was the opposite of the goal.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
That's because it can be quite broad in scope. But, in a nutshell, the deepstate is a rogue element of the CIA (and their assets) which has infiltrated the US government and set up a totallitarian world government.

Part of the CIA is a tool of the deepstate [the shot callers] as is a portion of the FBI, many Dems and GOPs, the current president and attorney general. Trump attempts to use smoke and mirrors to use the term to label civil servants. As mentioned previously, this is an old and tested propaganda method to identify others as what 'you' are yourself.


Active member
Between the right and far right.

US libertarians are a mix of social liberalism and far right economics.

Ronny also wrote racist newsletters so there's that too.

Ur chart didn't show anybody to the left of Bernie.

Maybe Fidel or Raul Castro?


Well-known member
Ur chart didn't show anybody to the left of Bernie.
it's to illustrate the multi-decade shift to the right of the overton window to the point where public opinion thinks taxpayer funded programs is socialist.
it's really a testament to the propaganda that gets unleashed on the average American daily. walk around and ask if the US has moved too far to the left or to the right and they most likely (and incorrectly) say we're moving too far to the left, that the media has extreme left bias, etc. .

Maybe Fidel or Raul Castro?
how about we stick to Americans that are to the left of Bernie;

noam chomsky
cornel west
richard d wolff
jill stein

aka not many that i can think of, definitely no elected reps, which is why that section is empty.
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