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The 2020 Presidential Election

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Active member
it's to illustrate the multi-decade shift to the right of the overton window to the point where public opinion thinks taxpayer funded programs is socialist.
it's really a testament to the propaganda that gets unleashed on the average American daily. walk around and ask if the US has moved too far to the left or to the right and they most likely (and incorrectly) say we're moving too far to the left, that the media has extreme left bias, etc. .

how about we stick to Americans that are to the left of Bernie;

noam chomsky
cornel west
richard d wolff
jill stein

aka not many that i can think of, definitely no elected reps, which is why that section is empty.

The overton window has no consistency. It's nothing but a feel good meme for Bernie supporters to paint him as a centrist and Obama as a right winger. Anybody who thinks Obama is far right is off their rocker.

Pretty sure Bernie supporters were "woke" on Tuesday.


Well-known member
the overton window is a pretty long running meme then since it's been shifting right consistently since the days of Bill Clinton. it's self admitted in Bill's "New Democrat" speeches (''we're not your hippy uncles kind of democrat.") and the fact that Neo-Liberalism has been the driving ideology of the establishment for decades and also one of the driving causes of the right moving further and further right because despite the name neoliberalism, it's a right wing/center-right economic ideology, meaning the democrats eventually became what the old republicans used to be while remaining socially liberal, and with the addition of some fake woke identity politics.

I've never said Bernie is a centrist or that Obama was far right though. What has been said though is Obama would fall on the conservative ends of liberal parties in the EU or even the liberal ends of conservative parties, (as he self describes as a moderate) and I would argue anyone who thinks the deporter in chief, the guy who expanded the war on terrorism, bailed out wall street, and did right wing health care reform is a leftist is equally off their rocker and again aiding the right wing shift of the overton window. Bernie would be a centrist/center-left figure in EU and a decently left character in the US.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
The overton window has no consistency. It's nothing but a feel good meme for Bernie supports to paint him as a centrist and Obama as a right winger. Anybody who thinks Obama is far right is off their rocker.

Pretty sure Bernie supporters were "woke" on Tuesday.

That's nothing new. We see the same BS every election. Bernie supports have been awake for decades now..


Well-known member
warren drops out after she did her job taking at least 2 states from bernie in super tuesday

awaiting the biden endorsement (or no endorsement at all) for the final twist of the knife into progressives backs


Active member
the overton window is a pretty long running meme then since it's been shifting right consistently since the days of Bill Clinton. it's self admitted in Bill's "New Democrat" speeches (''we're not your hippy uncles kind of democrat.") and the fact that Neo-Liberalism has been the driving ideology of the establishment for decades and also one of the driving causes of the right moving further and further right because despite the name neoliberalism, it's a right wing/center-right economic ideology, meaning the democrats eventually became what the old republicans used to be while remaining socially liberal, and with the addition of some fake woke identity politics.

I've never said Bernie is a centrist or that Obama was far right though. What has been said though is Obama would fall on the conservative ends of liberal parties in the EU or even the liberal ends of conservative parties, (as he self describes as a moderate) and I would argue anyone who thinks the deporter in chief, the guy who expanded the war on terrorism, bailed out wall street, and did right wing health care reform is a leftist is equally off their rocker and again aiding the right wing shift of the overton window. Bernie would be a centrist/center-left figure in EU and a decently left character in the US.

Obama didn't bailout wall street. It was a bailout to everyday Americans who were on the verge of losing their retirement and pensions. The bailout was tied to wall street because that's where the money was. If it was as simple as letting these companies and banks fail without hurting Americans I'm pretty sure Obama would have let the banks and Corporations go under. Guess you would like to have seen all those workers lose everything they had just so you can cheer for the corporations going under.

We are not in the EU. So comparing us to the EU is pointless. You have to play the game in the system we are in.

Its like the dumbass who says Denmark does it this way. 233.3 Denmark's can fit in the US. It's like growing one cannabis plant then saying hell growing 233 would be just as easy.


Active member
That's nothing new. We see the same BS every election. Bernie supports have been awake for decades now..

Bernie and his supporters are window lookers. They stare in the window watching everybody else get shit done. Like when we got medical marijuana passed and onto rec. Then Bernie pokes his head in the house and says "i was for legal weed the whole time". Big deal Bernie. Bernie let's other do the hard work then he want's to take credit for being for it for decades.

Bernie is good at speaking and rallying people. It's his calling. But he sucks at forming coalitions with others to get stuff done. At a certain point the movement/ideas has to go from speeches and rallies to the operational stage of getting votes and bills passed. He's spent 30 years in congress and can't get beyond stage one of a movement.


Well-known member
If anyone here thinks there`s no such thing as the Deep State , all that`s got to be seen is what the DNC did with Joe Biden on the last legs of his campaign all but broke yet holding onto South Carolina and the "Black vote" as his last hopes of staying in the race and hangin with Bolshevic Bernie that we ALL know The DNC wants no part of going against the Trumpinator with a "Communist"/Socialist …….so what happens.....The Powers that be that actually pull the strings in the DNC did this.....

Behind closed doors deals are made for places in Biden`s Cabinet and or other higher up positions for Mayor Pete and Amy Klobuchar to pull their candidacy and consolidate votes and states they were stronger in for the Biden campaign for "SUPER TUESDAY" and guess what.....it worked.....but.....

The strongest "hole card the DNC held/holds" was to MAKE sure Elizabeth Warren stayed/stays in the race LONG enough to pull enough delegates and votes away from Bernie and cement Sleepy ass Quid Pro Quo Joe`s place in the nomination so they won`t have to be blasted for stealing the election away from Bernie again.....TWICE..... with Super Delegates we all know the powers that be control the DNC and did it in 2016 so...….. what happens now ?...…rather …..

How much did Liz Warren make/get paid under the table to STAY in the race for no apparent reason other than INSURING she stole enough votes away from Bernie to seal the deal and let DNC control Sleepy Joe for the next 4yr yrs if elected and only ….

IF and I say IF Joe makes it through till the convention this summer and they don`t disqualify him from all the Ukraine illegal and unethical allegations and such that`s coming forward in the next few months or sooner , then DNC has Sleepy Joe to battle the Trumpinator "On stage" loooooong before Nov , and THAT will be pay -per-view shit.....bet on it......anyways.....My 2 centavos from bein on the outside lookin in all these yrs.....and I pray....

Trump takes the Presidency again so we can still ride the train with all the prosperity and positive numbers moving forward with ALL THINGS POSSIBLE to those who`ll get out there and bust their ass to get it instead of all you mamby pamby bitch boy cry baby millennials that wanna stay in yo momma and daddys basement and play video games while Bernie sends you a check every month.....and lastly.....

To ALL you Bernie Bros......There is no free lunch , and all that shit Bernie promises you has gotta be paid for by some fukin body , and I assure all here that if the tax the rich to take care of the poor EVER got made into law , EVERY and I mean EVERY Billionaire and Fortune 100 Corporations would bug out so fast and set up shop somewhere else in the world for the tax shelters it would make your head spin , and THEN ?.....

They`d ALL be in Europe or elsewhere making THEIR economies come back from failure that they`ve been dealing with for yrs on end cuz after all boys and girls yall haveta remember …..this is a "Global Economy".....Right ?.....and what does that do to us.....?......anyone with Economics 101 knowledge can fill in the blanks when we go into full early 20th century depression mode cuz all the money LEFT the US and said FUCK YOU BERNIE and your Communist bullshit fantasies cuz we can bankrupt here in the US and set up shop elsewhere without all your crazy ass bullshit steal our money to support the masses bullshit you dumbass.....but I digress.....

I`m liquid and solvent.....I`m not an extremist nor redneck country boy with no clue of the world and nation at large....but let some Vt yankee puke old fart on a mission to run this country into the ground before he kicks and win an election by pied pipering the younger generation with free shit if they`ll vote for him , best get ready for the REAL revolution if they try and come take my/our shit to "socialize our country".....

Never been a racist.....but will NEVER be a Socialist....Only fools expect somethin for nothin , but working for what you have is a sucker`s game if you want welfare and subsidized life the government gives you , so THAT`S where the divide between Democrats and Republicans comes from...…

All the social programs for the poor that the Democrats created while building low income apt projects to house em all and corral em into places they could monitor and control all the welfare and foodstamp programs while the section 8 housing paid for free living arrangements as long as you "qualified".....ALL while keeping em at the Churches on Sunday voting Democrat EVERY election cuz the DNC and the NAACP held regular Church Revivals and BBQ`s/Church gatherings where all the Democrat nominees would visit and buy votes in 1 way or another.....now.....

To be fair....buying votes is bi-partisan and I support no Republican or Democrat for doing so , but anyone that says Communist Bernie or Joe that can`t remember who his sister or his wife is standing right beside him is a better choice than a man that`s done more in 3 yrs than most have done in a lifetime for this country to turn it around for the working man and boost the economy so much and bring back jobs s we don`t even have people to fill the positions for is again.....A damn fool.....

Peace.....DHF.....:ying: …...


Active member
Theres at least one upside of having 4 more years of Trump. When his stupid policies put the economy in another recession he wont be able to blame the dems.

Except for appointing judges, I almost agree.

One reason I feel it’s better to ease into new policy rather than try to sail through tainted waters. Your ship gets covered with shit.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
Obama didn't bailout wall street. It was a bailout to everyday Americans who were on the verge of losing their retirement and pensions. The bailout was tied to wall street because that's where the money was. If it was as simple as letting these companies and banks fail without hurting Americans I'm pretty sure Obama would have let the banks and Corporations go under. Guess you would like to have seen all those workers lose everything they had just so you can cheer for the corporations going under.

We are not in the EU. So comparing us to the EU is pointless. You have to play the game in the system we are in.

Its like the dumbass who says Denmark does it this way. 233.3 Denmark's can fit in the US. It's like growing one cannabis plant then saying hell growing 233 would be just as easy.

No, he bailed out banks. He let the people 'fail.' He could have bailed out the people. He could have froze foreclosures and evictions. He chose not to.


Active member
No, he bailed out banks. He let the people 'fail.' He could have bailed out the people. He could have froze foreclosures and evictions. He chose not to.

Easier said then done. If he took that route it would have taken years to get money to the people. The ship was sinking and there wasn't time to wait. I don't fault Obama for doing that. I'm pretty sure most of us would have done the same thing had we been in that situation.

When the ship sinks a life boat is better than nothing. Saying the life boats aren't good enough because another ship might be on it's way is what Obama was dealing with.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
Easier said then done. If he took that route it would have taken years to get money to the people. The ship was sinking and there wasn't time to wait. I don't fault Obama for doing that. I'm pretty sure most of us would have done the same thing had we been in that situation.

When the ship sinks a life boat is better than nothing. Saying the life boats aren't good enough because another ship might be on it's way is what Obama was dealing with.

It was a criminal conspiracy to transfer (steal) wealth from the people of the US. Don't glorify that. No one is buying it.


Well-known member
Easier said then done. If he took that route it would have taken years to get money to the people. The ship was sinking and there wasn't time to wait. I don't fault Obama for doing that. I'm pretty sure most of us would have done the same thing had we been in that situation.

When the ship sinks a life boat is better than nothing. Saying the life boats aren't good enough because another ship might be on it's way is what Obama was dealing with.
It would help if one were to describe the situation accurately.
Obama delivered to those with lobby power, as opposed to the homeowners who had none.
Mz Harris turned around and did the same thing to the home owners here in CA.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Bernie and his supporters are window lookers. They stare in the window watching everybody else get shit done. Like when we got medical marijuana passed and onto rec. Then Bernie pokes his head in the house and says "i was for legal weed the whole time". Big deal Bernie. Bernie let's other do the hard work then he want's to take credit for being for it for decades.

Bernie is good at speaking and rallying people. It's his calling. But he sucks at forming coalitions with others to get stuff done. At a certain point the movement/ideas has to go from speeches and rallies to the operational stage of getting votes and bills passed. He's spent 30 years in congress and can't get beyond stage one of a movement.

LOL, I'm not looking to buy, Ive been ready to buy. Bernie supporters have been ready. Window watching couldn't be father from the truth. Its not Bernie's fault these people put profits ahead of policy. No way these greedy people would help Bernie's policy's. Its not hard to figure this shit out. All these people see is $$$ including his haters like yourself. No way are they gonna let that happen.
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