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The 2020 Presidential Election

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ICMag Donor
Military bases and defense contractors are providers of jobs and taxes: that fact has been leveraged to keep bases open and weapons development strong. “Jobs” are politically popular...even if they’re jobs we don’t actually want done...and people will vote as if that was THE important thing and not just an aspect

The entire “open borders” straw man is just that. No ones talking about open borders except Trumpists claiming everyone else wants open borders.

As for sanctuary cities, I guess “states rights” means cities don’t have rights. I mean, they’re full of *people*, right? They have some rights, too, right?

Call it the Future Party, since we don’t get to live in yesterday

Yeah they have rights,It's the victims that do not.
The President's first responsibility is to protect America,and it's citizens.


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ICMag Donor
Do you believe released immigrants hurt more people than releases citizens?

I would like to see a study on this.

Do you have children bigtaco?
How would you feel if your child was raped by someone who had already been deported multiple times.
Snuck back in,molested your child,and released with no bail as it is now done in NY.

I'm sure I already know your answer,but what the hell....you have the right to your opinion.The best I can hope for is some Citizens will hunt em down and give the victims the justice they deserve.Just need some patriots with the means to do what radical progressive law makers,and politicians wont.


Active member
Disgusting that Americans are ok with this shit.
Victims should have the right to sue sanctuary cities for the crimes they commit after they're released.

The criminals have more rights than the victims.

They should be assaulting little girls in Mexico?


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ICMag Donor
Democrats plan for such individuals would include free lawyers,food assistance,free housing,and free healthcare.
Paid for by the victims,and me.


Active member
Do you have children bigtaco?
How would you feel if your child was raped by someone who had already been deported multiple times.
Snuck back in,molested your child,and released with no bail as it is now done in NY.

I'm sure I already know your answer,but what the hell....you have the right to your opinion.The best I can hope for is some Citizens will hunt em down and give the victims the justice they deserve.Just need some patriots with the means to do what radical progressive law makers,and politicians wont.

What if they were a citizen? Would that make a difference? What if they were FLDS and it was their own kids?


Well-known member
Do you have children bigtaco?
How would you feel if your child was raped by someone who had already been deported multiple times.
Snuck back in,molested your child,and released with no bail as it is now done in NY.

I'm sure I already know your answer,but what the hell....you have the right to your opinion.The best I can hope for is some Citizens will hunt em down and give the victims the justice they deserve.Just need some patriots with the means to do what radical progressive law makers,and politicians wont.

Yes I have kids. And I do not see how freeing a violent immigrant is any more dangerous than freeing a violent citizen.

I think the problem is in the legal system not the immigration system.

I lived in Pueblo off and on for about 15 years. I worked with immigrants on most every job site. Never had a problem with any of them. When my friend were robbed at gunpoint, it was not immigrants, when another buddy was home invaded and shot it was not immigrants and when I was home invaded it was also not immigrants.

Maybe build a wall to keep out redneck meth heads?


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
What if they were a citizen? Would that make a difference? What if they were FLDS and it was their own

If they are citizens we cant pawn them off on another country.They unfortunately are ours ,and we our stuck with them.Would I be opposed to dropping them off in Antarctica with a Nortface Jacket and some mre's
Absolutely Not.

If you go on vacation to Europe,and commit rape.
They should protect you,feed you,cloth you,educate you.
And all on the backs of their taxpayers.

I admit I work with alot of drugs at work,but I'm not sure what combination I could administer to make people see things your way my friend


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Yes I have kids. And I do not see how freeing a violent immigrant is any more dangerous than freeing a violent citizen.

I think the problem is in the legal system not the immigration system.

I lived in Pueblo off and on for about 15 years. I worked with immigrants on most every job site. Never had a problem with any of them. When my friend were robbed at gunpoint, it was not immigrants, when another buddy was home invaded and shot it was not immigrants and when I was home invaded it was also not immigrants.

Maybe build a wall to keep out redneck meth heads?

So if the illegal rapist was deported,would it be one less rapist on the streets?
Simple yes or no question


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Well you are voting for the right canidate.
My President of the future will be concerned with American citizens before other countries criminals


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
No. He could still rape people where ever he ends up.
Hypothetical for ya bigtaco,your daughter is raped by ANYONE,when released would it be ok with you to move next door to you?
Mind you your child will see him everyday.
Just want to make sure,my suspicion is correct.

Mr D

Rape is a basic human right?
Have you been hitting the schrooms with ringdoogie?

And that magical billionaire money tree that will support the most generous single payer plan in the whole world and be totally free for anyone that shows up from around the world.

Thank god for public and higher education.......


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
And that magical billionaire money tree that will support the most generous single payer plan in the whole world and be totally free for anyone that shows up from around the world.

Thank god for public and higher education.......

Yep just gotta step one foot on American soil.
Cool.....No way we'll get bum rushed,and I guess we have to turn over our white privileged daughters to them too!!!
Lovely plan


Well-known member
Hypothetical for ya bigtaco,your daughter is raped by ANYONE,when released would it be ok with you to move next door to you?
Mind you your child will see him everyday.
Just want to make sure,my suspension is correct.

I think it is equally terrible regardless of where they are from. No shortage of dangerous American citizens being let free. Its all the same. Keep dangerous people behind bars regardless of where they are from. Help needy people regardless of where they are from.
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