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The 2020 Presidential Election

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Well-known member
I wouldn’t be disappointed if Biden won. Or Sanders or Warren. I wish Warren was doing better. Sure looks like the progressives are still progressively old white men.
Yes it's about identity politics and not the fact that Liz is a fucking sellout.


Well-known member
This is a weird sub thread...yeah, politics aside, NOT anyone but the wrong-wing dedicates. They parade in their cammies and ‘tactical’ gear, they show off their liberal hunting licenses, they debate their laser sights and their trigger-pull and how ready they are to get at killing those demonic democrats, they devour books about the staunch patriot standing against the senseless machinations of a made-up ‘socialism’ or something, they perfect their bug-out bags...

Yeah, NOT any equivalent anywhere, politics aside. That’s all on them.

"The Republican Party has become a radical insurgency – ideologically extreme, scornful of facts and compromise, and dismissive of the legitimacy of its political opposition."


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
And now for something completely different

And now for something completely different

The Leslie Horwinkle defense.

My cousin needed a ride to his brother's wedding in Tijuana; so he called the Emigras, man. They'll deport the entire wedding party, man. They get a free bus ride across the border and lunch. When the wedding is over, man, they'll just come back across the border.

How'd you get over the wall man? There's a twelve year old girl with a rope and pulley man...ten seconds...yer over...25 pesos



Well-known member
ICMag Donor
politically correct? meh. everyone is free to voice their opinions. they are also free to catch flak when they say something stupid. freedom of speech does not mean nobody can give you any shit when you say something really ignorant even if you truly believe it.:biggrin:

Totally agree


Well-known member
We will pay higher taxes to help the poor, pay off college debt ect.
Unless you make over $250k/yr the average persons increase in taxes is offset in savings.

The plan to cancel student debt is paid by wall street, not the average taxpayer.

Maybe even legalized weed.
I'm sure ending the war on drugs will free up some money.

What happens when Bernie's term is done?
Where does all that extra tax revenue go?
You guessed it to the fuckin war machine.
We drain the swamp, take over the democratic party from the corporatists, and continue to elect bernie-crats or start a new political party.


Active member
Unless you make over $250k/yr the average persons increase in taxes is offset in savings.

The plan to cancel student debt is paid by wall street, not the average taxpayer.

I'm sure ending the war on drugs will free up some money.

We drain the swamp, take over the democratic party from the corporatists, and continue to elect bernie-crats or start a new political party.

Call it the Green Party or the Peace and Freedom Party or name it after Bernie, then when you need a platform, you could sponge off the democrats again because they’re not going away.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Ya gotta be part ringmaster - part snake oil salesman - part preacher - part gangster - part flim-flam man - and part cracked actor - to even get close -

White Beard

Active member
We're not going to be able to quit the military industrial complex cold turkey.

We've too many fingers in too many pies.

Because that's been business as usual thus far.

If we don't elect Bernie we can expect to be paying a trillion a year on our military machine.

Is that really your incentive?

A vote for Trump would allow you to watch him spend that and then some.

I'm really confused as to why you are speaking of military spending as if it wouldn't be worse under Trump's administration....
Military bases and defense contractors are providers of jobs and taxes: that fact has been leveraged to keep bases open and weapons development strong. “Jobs” are politically popular...even if they’re jobs we don’t actually want done...and people will vote as if that was THE important thing and not just an aspect

For those who believe in having borders,and ending Sanctuary cities,who are they supposed to vote for.
And bail reform is another winner,just ask NYPD how that's working out.Damn the arrestee beats the cop back to Dunkin Donuts.
The entire “open borders” straw man is just that. No ones talking about open borders except Trumpists claiming everyone else wants open borders.

As for sanctuary cities, I guess “states rights” means cities don’t have rights. I mean, they’re full of *people*, right? They have some rights, too, right?

Call it the Green Party or the Peace and Freedom Party or name it after Bernie, then when you need a platform, you could sponge off the democrats again because they’re not going away.

Call it the Future Party, since we don’t get to live in yesterday


ICMag Donor
View Poll Results: vote for potus in private Voters
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  • sanders

    1 3.85%
  • trump

    22 84.62%
  • clinton

    0 0%
  • bloomberg

    0 0%
  • biden

    0 0%
  • warren

    0 0%
  • klobuchar

    0 0%
  • buttigieg

    2 7.69%
  • steyer

    0 0%
  • gabbard

    1 3.85%
that's just a small poll from a precious metals forum. Judging by the looks of such things it's gonna be really close!

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Perhaps individuals who frequent that forum are very interested in the retirement funding secured by precious metals.

It would stand to reason that these same individuals would likely vote for the windbag that's always babbling about how great he is for the stock market.

Go post a poll in a homesteading forum.... you will likely find very different results.

Mr D

This is dirty politics

bad juju

That's some hollow endorsements

Just found a way to stab Bernie Sanders in the back again and distort the will of the people

Twisted fucks!

They want to beat Trump thats all... the fucks

How about electing someone that will move us ahead a few steps??

Fools, Theives, Liars and dirty politics Manufactured by the DNC

And whats up with Warren...what Did they give her to stay in?

Steal Bernie's platform Water it down... and then bleed him for delegates!

Not this time DNC

What a soulless crew

They are more afraid of Bernie than they are Trump!

Warren could drop out now and endorse Bernie but they must have bought her ass

This shit is rigged against Bernie once again DNC poisoning him against the public and doing their best sabotage his campaign

Its too early for this Not going to work! These hollow mothers They cant figure it out

Warren is so full of shit Keep talking you huge Liar Politics plain and simple No doubt

Nothing real Not for the people Its too early for this move Sanders will come out ahead tomorrow and then Warren will have to drop out

Bernie is going to kill it and these hollow, soulless, wack jobs, are going nowhere

Even if they win This will be a joke at general election Cant send out an internal memo and do a quick huddle to win Like they are trying to do here

DNC corrupt as hell

It wont work...Too many states left And these fuckers can burn in hell as far as I'm concerned

They want to install Biden as the nominee Fuck that never mind the will of the people!

oh, this is gonna be Awesome! Fuckin' Losers

Warren just said Bernie wants to raise taxes on the middle class!!! what a Liar

She knows better than that...She just got on team Biden

Klobachar, Buttigeg, Warren and Biden vs Bernie Sanders

If he wins no doubt he will be ready to take on Trump!


Yet......you'll vote for a Democrat because he or she is not Trump. Then scratch your head and wonder why things are so messed up.

Loyalty to the broken corrupt 2 party system is the real problem.

Mr D

Let's talk about Biden helping credit card companies charge 21% interest while the Fed gives banks billions for free once you remove your tongue from the DNC's asshole.

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