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The 2020 Presidential Election

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Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Still have never grasped why the dems here think that the Trump supporters LOVE trump,people dont love trump.

Is it possible that many in America support some of his policies.
That's something I've never understood,if you support any of his policies you are a trumpturd or a trump this,or that.
You are no longer an American citizen with opposing political beliefs.
That just feeds the division,it's the us vs them mentality,no?
So yeah from whichever side you're on,the other side is the enemy

Mr D

This is a weird sub thread...yeah, politics aside, NOT anyone but the wrong-wing dedicates. They parade in their cammies and ‘tactical’ gear, they show off their liberal hunting licenses, they debate their laser sights and their trigger-pull and how ready they are to get at killing those demonic democrats, they devour books about the staunch patriot standing against the senseless machinations of a made-up ‘socialism’ or something, they perfect their bug-out bags...

Yeah, NOT any equivalent anywhere, politics aside. That’s all on them.

Who needs cammies?

BREAKING: Joe Biden to announce Hunter Biden as his running mate.

Now both are immune to prosecution.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
This is a weird sub thread...yeah, politics aside, NOT anyone but the wrong-wing dedicates. They parade in their cammies and ‘tactical’ gear, they show off their liberal hunting licenses, they debate their laser sights and their trigger-pull and how ready they are to get at killing those demonic democrats, they devour books about the staunch patriot standing against the senseless machinations of a made-up ‘socialism’ or something, they perfect their bug-out bags...

Yeah, NOT any equivalent anywhere, politics aside. That’s all on them.

I guess I'm fortunate I dont live in the same neighborhood as the folks you are talking about,in fact I've never even met one as far as I know.

Mr D

I guess I'm fortunate I dont live in the same neighborhood as the folks you are talking about,in fact I've never even met one as far as I know.

You senseless Neanderthal with your Trump is God bumpersticker when are you going to wake up and realize how wrong sided you are.

Any idiot knows when you put democrat in front of socialism it's no longer socialism. It's actually poorly thought out really bad policies. But it's still better than Trumpturd.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
If I ever heard someone say that they don't love Trump but support his policies then I would regard that someone as they present themselves.

To be honest I'm grateful for the hateful bigotry seeping up through the cracks.

I had no inkling of the society around me until Trump's election.

I don't plan on sticking around to watch it fall apart, but I'll pitch in until I can get out.

Mr D

If I ever heard someone say that they don't love Trump but support his policies then I would regard that someone as they present themselves.

To be honest I'm grateful for the hateful bigotry seeping up through the cracks.

I had no inkling of the society around me until Trump's election.

I don't plan on sticking around to watch it fall apart, but I'll pitch in until I can get out.

Slept right through "White Privilege" eyyy

Hateful bigotry could have been Obama's son, after all his mother was a typical white women.

Maybe listening to Chris Matthews and his defenders at MSNBC wasn't a great idea. Five women were planning to come forward to say Matthews was a serial sexual harasser.

He also told one black woman, “In another time I’d have owned you.”


Active member
This is dirty politics

bad juju

That's some hollow endorsements

Just found a way to stab Bernie Sanders in the back again and distort the will of the people

Twisted fucks!

They want to beat Trump thats all... the fucks

How about electing someone that will move us ahead a few steps??

Fools, Theives, Liars and dirty politics Manufactured by the DNC

And whats up with Warren...what Did they give her to stay in?

Steal Bernie's platform Water it down... and then bleed him for delegates!

Not this time DNC

What a soulless crew

They are more afraid of Bernie than they are Trump!

Warren could drop out now and endorse Bernie but they must have bought her ass

This shit is rigged against Bernie once again DNC poisoning him against the public and doing their best sabotage his campaign

Its too early for this Not going to work! These hollow mothers They cant figure it out

Warren is so full of shit Keep talking you huge Liar Politics plain and simple No doubt

Nothing real Not for the people Its too early for this move Sanders will come out ahead tomorrow and then Warren will have to drop out

Bernie is going to kill it and these hollow, soulless, wack jobs, are going nowhere

Even if they win This will be a joke at general election Cant send out an internal memo and do a quick huddle to win Like they are trying to do here

DNC corrupt as hell

It wont work...Too many states left And these fuckers can burn in hell as far as I'm concerned

They want to install Biden as the nominee Fuck that never mind the will of the people!

oh, this is gonna be Awesome! Fuckin' Losers

Warren just said Bernie wants to raise taxes on the middle class!!! what a Liar

She knows better than that...She just got on team Biden

Klobachar, Buttigeg, Warren and Biden vs Bernie Sanders

If he wins no doubt he will be ready to take on Trump!



Active member
The country could not be further divided,Americans hate Americans for different political beliefs.Just like in here.
Some believe in the john & Yoko country,but others dont.
That's not going to change.Personally I think if trump loses in November there will be atleast as much hate in this country as there is now,if not more.
America isn't ready to have far left radical policies forced upon them.Either way I can see American vs American in the not to distant future.

I’d smoke a bowl with anybody here. Argue trump, then smoke another.


So if by chance Bernie gets elected not much will change. We will pay higher taxes to help the poor, pay off college debt ect. Maybe even legalized weed.
What happens when Bernie's term is done?
Where does all that extra tax revenue go?
You guessed it to the fuckin war machine.
As a country we bomb shit.
And we are good at it.

The government is not your friend.
The politicians are all millionaires and could care less about you.
Weed is legal in D.C.
Yet not federally.
So my congressional representative can smoke it yet they vote against it.


Active member
So if by chance Bernie gets elected not much will change. We will pay higher taxes to help the poor, pay off college debt ect. Maybe even legalized weed.
What happens when Bernie's term is done?
Where does all that extra tax revenue go?
You guessed it to the fuckin war machine.
As a country we bomb shit.
And we are good at it.

The government is not your friend.
The politicians are all millionaires and could care less about you.
Weed is legal in D.C.
Yet not federally.
So my congressional representative can smoke it yet they vote against it.

Greenback “liberals”. They believe all it takes is money. Too many capitalists willing to take advantage.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
We're not going to be able to quit the military industrial complex cold turkey.

We've too many fingers in too many pies.

Because that's been business as usual thus far.

If we don't elect Bernie we can expect to be paying a trillion a year on our military machine.

Is that really your incentive?

A vote for Trump would allow you to watch him spend that and then some.

I'm really confused as to why you are speaking of military spending as if it wouldn't be worse under Trump's administration....


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Still have never grasped why the dems here think that the Trump supporters LOVE trump,people dont love trump.

Is it possible that many in America support some of his policies.
That's something I've never understood,if you support any of his policies you are a trumpturd or a trump this,or that.
You are no longer an American citizen with opposing political beliefs.
That just feeds the division,it's the us vs them mentality,no?
So yeah from whichever side you're on,the other side is the enemy

Well people at the rallies sure love him and typify White Beard's description.


Active member
"Hell, yes, we're going to take your AR-15, your AK-47"~ Beto O'Rourke

O'Rourke endorses Biden at Dallas rally on eve of Super Tuesday, as ex-VP appears to offer gun-control role

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