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The 2020 Presidential Election

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Active member
C'mon Gypsy you're taking away the funnest part of being on the line.....I kid I kid .But seeing as I'm a guest in your house ,I suppose I should comply...But careful with those Bernie kids they are resistance culture ,rules are just part of the white supremacist ,xenophobic,homophobic,authoritarian patriarchy .Your house is my house and if you don't give it to me you're a bad person kind of philosophy ...

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Well - I don't think its so funny when the 'I kid I kid' bit gets so serious - and then you are both trying to rip each other a new asshole - which isn't really entertaining to anyone but yourselves - in that verbal game of oneupmanship -

C'mon Gypsy you're taking away the funnest part of being on the line.....I kid I kid .But seeing as I'm a guest in your house ,I suppose I should comply...But careful with those Bernie kids they are resistance culture ,rules are just part of the white supremacist ,xenophobic,homophobic,authoritarian patriarchy .Your house is my house and if you don't give it to me you're a bad person kind of philosophy ...


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Trying to imagine all the nasty things to happen in this country between now,and November between Americans.
I can see some on the far right,and far left doing some seriously violent deeds.


Active member
Well for the record I acknowledge my part and will keep it political I'm not playing victim like I played no part in it that's such a liberal/democrat/socialist kind of move.

Trumpturd2020 KEEPING America Great
#promises made promises kept
#build that wall
#4 more years

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
At least we now know that the UK is safe from American chicken - lol

''Chlorinated chicken will not be imported into the UK after Brexit, ministers have said.
Trade Secretary Liz Truss is to publish a blueprint for trade talks with the United States on Monday.
Campaigners have warned against allowing in American farm produce, which they say is produced to lower standards.
But last night sources said ministers had agreed there will be no relaxation of animal welfare standards – effectively ruling out chlorinated chicken, which has acquired totemic status in the row over a trade deal with the US.''

*because he referred to the conservatives aligning themselves with a US trade deal after Brexit so often - and the UK having to buy 'Chlorinated Chicken' - the Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn is now often being referred to as - 'The Corbynated Chicken' -



Active member
Build a wall.....

Just like The Biggest Communist Dictatorship on Earth

Lets follow their lead

Everybody ignore pollution, outlaw everything Fun and snitch out your neighbor for extra perks from the grand imperial Dorkface



Active member
Bernie Sanders is the Non-Establishment... Establishment

enough said

oh wait,

Get ready to Feel the Bern suckas!!!!

White Beard

Active member
IDK maybe instead of projecting your closeted racism and stupidity onto everyone else you should give responsibility a try .
Like for real who the fuck are you to judge anyone ?
Your a career criminal and tax dodger in my eyes pal you chose to make a living illegally growing and selling a controlled substance on the black market.
So save your sanctimonious ,holyer than tho attitude old timer.

Somebody trigger you, sport?

What’s a matter, are people not being *nice* enough to you? Not getting the respect you believe you deserve?

Good question, though: who the fuck are YOU besides a big mouth with an attitude problem? Way to take the moral high ground, ‘hero’ - *you* want to push responsibility? Then ACT responsibly, words and deeds: cut the cartoon bully bullshit.


Active member
Trying to imagine all the nasty things to happen in this country between now,and November between Americans.
I can see some on the far right,and far left doing some seriously violent deeds.

The far left are already violent what do you think is gonna happen when the silent majority starts fighting back ? It is scary .Remember before Obama nerfed the country,sold us off to china in bits ,and made us all learn what non bianary sexual identity means.
When everyone just kinda got along even the left and right respected each other as people
No one was racist really everybody just kinda thought people are people and got along with everybody .
When every phrase you speak didn't get twisted into knots to make you look like some sinister villan
I remember and so does Peppridge Farm.
That's my America .

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
I really don't understand all this talk of racism - our western nations are the least racist in the world - so much so that every race feels comfortable about coming here to live - and generally we all get along - what little racism there is - seems to be blown up and weaponized by one side of the political divide or another -

Capra ibex

Why would anyone not being directly labelled as a racist get offended at someone saying 'there is a racism problem in our country' (or any other) country for that matter?

Just because there may be even worse racism somewhere else shouldn't make you get all defensive about your own country.... racism IS a problem, all over the world still.... does that mean that progress hasn't been made- NO, of course not.... but to deny that more needs to be done, is either stupid or ignorant.


Active member
I got this.

I got this.

I really don't understand all this talk of racism - our western nations are the least racist in the world - so much so that every race feels comfortable about coming here to live - and generally we all get along - what little racism there is - seems to be blown up and weaponized by one side of the political divide or another -

It all started in 2016 on Hillary's make America garbage campaing
When she got on a live mic and said people who support change (represented by Trump )
Were xenophobic,homophobic,racist this and thats and she puts them in the basket of deplorables
Well roughly 60% of the country didn't listen and elected Trump.
Then after the dnc controlled media stopped crying and realized that no one is buying that Russia stole the vote for trump narrative
They started replaying the race card early and often,then it really picked up steam when the social justice twitter warriors jumped in and started calling everythin under the sun racist...
Thank the left.The word no longer carries any weight in America
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