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The 2020 Presidential Election

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Capra ibex

It all started in 2016 on Hillary's make America garbage campaing
When she got on a live mic and said people who support change (represented by Trump )
Were xenophobic,homophobic,racist this and thats and she puts them in the basket of deplorables
Well roughly 60% of the country didn't listen and elected Trump.
Then after the dnc controlled media stopped crying and realized that no one is buying that Russia stole the vote for trump narrative
They started replaying the race card early and often,then it really picked up steam when the social justice twitter warriors jumped in and started calling everythin under the sun racist...
Thank the left.The word no longer carries any weight in America

Emotional George.... Trump is xenophobic, homophobic and racist.... does it make YOU racist for supporting him, not necessarily....
Who cares what Hillary Clinton says.... if you take it to heart what she says then i would say you have earned your nickname on merit.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Yeah - well - I look at what other races and mixes of kids my kids are in school with - and its very mixed - and so are my kids mixed race - and the kids have no idea what racism is - since they don't encounter it day-to-day - so it makes me think that its just a construct of the adults to bait one side or the other of the political divide - by constantly harping on about it - to the point where the word has been misused and overused so often - that its virtually worthless -

Why would anyone not being directly labelled as a racist get offended at someone saying 'there is a racism problem in our country' (or any other) country for that matter?

Just because there may be even worse racism somewhere else shouldn't make you get all defensive about your own country.... racism IS a problem, all over the world still.... does that mean that progress hasn't been made- NO, of course not.... but to deny that more needs to be done, is either stupid or ignorant.

Capra ibex

The thing is that WHITE PEOPLE are the least effected by racism in western countries because we are the majority.... it doesn't mean that great progress hasn't been made, but when white people now whine about being called racists, it may be a fair gripe but to be non directly labelled as a racist and clutch pearls because of it shows a great disconnect with recent history of egregious blatant racism.

Wanting to wash ones hands of the subject because it makes them feel 'icky' is understandable, but to just expect coloured people to 'get over it' and start afresh is pretty insensitive....

To be able to move forward as a whole, our history has to be addressed and coloured peoples opinions probably have more weight, as they had to deal with much greater problems than being indirectly labelled racist- to say the least.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
If you make such a big issue out of what maybe 5% of the population might stupidly support - and not look around you to see what mass miscegenation and immigration has already achieved - then all you are doing is promoting what tiny bit of racism there might be left in our modern, civil and inclusive societies -

Best just 'Let it Be' - and realize that we are all gonna end up coffee coloured - sooner than a tiny percentage of people might like it to be - and by that time - it won't matter anyway -

The thing is that WHITE PEOPLE are the least effected by racism in western countries because we are the majority.... it doesn't mean that great progress hasn't been made, but when white people now whine about being called racists, it may be a fair gripe but to be non directly labelled as a racist and clutch pearls because of it shows a great disconnect with recent history of egregious blatant racism.

Wanting to wash ones hands of the subject because it makes them feel 'icky' is understandable, but to just expect coloured people to 'get over it' and start afresh is pretty insensitive....

To be able to move forward as a whole, our history has to be addressed and coloured peoples opinions probably have more weight, as they had to deal with much greater problems than being indirectly labelled racist- to say the least.

Capra ibex

If you make such a big issue out of what maybe 5% of the population might stupidly support - and not look around you to see what mass miscegenation and immigration has already achieved - then all you are doing is promoting what tiny bit of racism there might be left in our modern, civil and inclusive societies -

Best just 'Let it Be' - and realize that we are all gonna end up coffee coloured - sooner than a tiny percentage of people might like it to be - and by that time - it won't matter anyway -

Big issue? What are you talking about? 5% on what?

All i am saying is that white people whining about being indirectly labelled as racist is a much bigger 'clutching pearls' attitude than understanding that a lot of coloured people still feel like second rate citizens because they were slaves a couple of generations ago, or- in Australia had their children and land taken from them.

Of course there has to be a big chunk of 'let it be' as well to be able to move forward together.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Well - here are a few links to what I'm getting at - maybe it will give you a slightly augmented mind-set on the topic of racism - and how our western nations are barely on the chart where that is concerned

: http://worldpopulationreview.com/countries/most-racist-countries/

: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/ar...ds-racist-countries-answers-surprise-you.html

Big issue? What are you talking about? 5% on what?

All i am saying is that white people whining about being indirectly labelled as racist is a much bigger 'clutching pearls' attitude than understanding that a lot of coloured people still feel like second rate citizens because they were slaves a couple of generations ago, or- in Australia had their children and land taken from them.

Of course there has to be a big chunk of 'let it be' as well to be able to move forward together.


Sad to say, but even in a coffee coloured world there will still be racism.
Countries that are predominantly brown still have to deal with discrimination due to skin color.

Perhaps even more so than the U.S.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
I have travelled extensively in my 60 years - and have seen far more racism abroad in other 'brown' or 'black' or 'yellow' nations than ever I have seen in the UK - or the USA - our nations are just about the most tolerant to diversity and being multi-cultural on the planet - than any nations have been throughout all history - and its getting better all the time -

White people make up a small minority of about 8% of the worlds population - and are the most hospitable and accommodating towards other races, living within their own societies -

Sad to say, but even in a coffee coloured world there will still be racism.
Countries that are predominantly brown still have to deal with discrimination due to skin color.

Perhaps even more so than the U.S.

Capra ibex

I'm not picking on 'our' countries, i know racism doesn't really have borders....

I'm trying to argue one little aspect of the situation.... people getting outraged at being 'labelled' racist, which is usually indirect or not directed at them at all, and they just infer that they are being called racist.
And comparing it to the problems that many minorities actually have to deal with because it has been a huge part of human behaviour/culture for millennia.... to think that it's all done with and that us humans are beyond devolving back into it when we are only so recently acknowledging that IT IS WRONG and still has tentacles deep in our cultures, is a bit premature.

Capra ibex

I have travelled extensively in my 60 years - and have seen far more racism abroad in other 'brown' or 'black' or 'yellow' nations than ever I have seen in the UK - or the USA - our nations are just about the most tolerant to diversity and being multi-cultural on the planet - than any nations have been throughout all history - and its getting better all the time -

White people make up a small minority of about 8% of the worlds population - and are the most hospitable and accommodating towards other races, living within their own societies -

Could it be possible that because you are white that you 'felt' more racism in countries that are predominantly dark as compared to USA and UK which are predominantly white?

I don't say that thinking i already know the answer, just wondered.... i'm white too.
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Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Oh yeah - racism can still be a problem - but I see more and more imported racism - from new arrivals, migrants, refugees - than I rarely see from any locals -

As the mass influx of immigrants from most all other nations continues into the UK - they also bring their own cultural/religious supremacist ideologies with them - which are inherently bias towards anyone not following that particular cult/culture or not their colour/race - I don't see much if any lately coming from the indigenous natives of the nation - most all locals have realized long ago how ridiculous racism is -

I'm not picking on 'our' countries, i know racism doesn't really have borders....

I'm trying to argue one little aspect of the situation.... people getting outraged at being 'labelled' racist, which is usually indirect or not directed at them at all, and they just infer that they are being called racist.
And comparing it to the problems that many minorities actually have to deal with because it has been a huge part of human behaviour/culture for millennia.... to think that it's all done with and that us humans are beyond devolving back into it when we are only so recently acknowledging that IT IS WRONG and still has tentacles deep in our cultures, is a bit premature.


Well-known member
I don't say that thinking i already know the answer, just wondered.... i'm white too.

damn few alive today with nothing hiding in their genetic woodpile, even amongst the "pure as driven snow" Mayflower snobs in NE USA. if some of these folks knew what grandpa or grandma had done in the past, they'd noose a rope & hang from it in embarrassment...:biggrin:

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
I saw Zulu making bad jokes about Xhosa tribes people - as we might do the Irish in England back in the 70's - in South Africa - In Bangladesh(Muslim) I heard locals ripping into the Indians (Hindu's) - and I have heard the opposite from Hindu's in the UK -

In the Philippines I felt the racial tension between the majority Christian and minority Muslim population (the lighter coloured and the darker) - with racist jibes from both sides - and when I was jailed - I felt it towards my colour from Christian and Muslim alike -

These are just a very few of the experiences of a racist nature I have seen and heard - I could go on trying to recount them all thru 53 nations and 60 years - but then I might be here all day - lol

In Mobile Alabama USA - I hung out round a truck stop with a bunch of drunk white guys who thought it fun to talk in a disparaging way about people with dark skin - it soon got boring -

Yeah - racism is always gonna be around in some misguided head - but honestly that person could be any colour - and is most unlikely to be white - at this point in history -

Could it be possible that because you are white that you 'felt' more racism in countries that are predominantly dark as compared to USA and UK which are predominantly white?

I don't say that thinking i already know the answer, just wondered.... i'm white too.


Active member
For Christmas I asked for a Tucker Carlson doll that when you pull the string it sarcastically screams "Russia" or Racist..There's someone here who reminds me of why.
I didn't get the doll.
I won't mention his name cause he just represents the idiotic woke culture that Obummer ushered in
Where we need to re address our shady history over and over till everything just dissappears
They need to keep racism alive so despite being completely mediocre,un deserving and basically useless to a functioning economy they can convince themselves they are good people morally superior to you because they are woke and you are not they fight the evil racist seedyunderbelly of our country that desite overwhelming mountain 's of evidence to the contrary,they still believe is there
They are the crusaders on a rightous quest to re remind you that you are just ignorant if you believe society has moved past racism .It's just disingenuous gobboly gook of the woke
Caue they grew up rich and hating their fathers .
But I'm the emotional one lol.


Active member
For Christmas I asked for a Tucker Carlson doll that when you pull the string it sarcastically screams "Russia" or Racist..There's someone here who reminds me of why.
I didn't get the doll.
I won't mention his name cause he just represents the idiotic woke culture that Obummer ushered in
Where we need to re address our shady history over and over till everything just dissappears
They need to keep racism alive so despite being completely mediocre,un deserving and basically useless to a functioning economy they can convince themselves they are good people morally superior to you because they are woke and you are not they fight the evil racist seedyunderbelly of our country that desite overwhelming mountain 's of evidence to the contrary,they still believe is there
They are the crusaders on a rightous quest to re remind you that you are just ignorant if you believe society has moved past racism .It's just disingenuous gobboly gook of the woke
Caue they grew up rich and hating their fathers .
But I'm the emotional one lol.

Defending the poor racists for being called out. Can’t even burn your crosses anymore without others feeling superior. Must be rough.

Capra ibex

For Christmas I asked for a Tucker Carlson doll that when you pull the string it sarcastically screams "Russia" or Racist..There's someone here who reminds me of why.
I didn't get the doll.
I won't mention his name cause he just represents the idiotic woke culture that Obummer ushered in
Where we need to re address our shady history over and over till everything just dissappears
They need to keep racism alive so despite being completely mediocre,un deserving and basically useless to a functioning economy they can convince themselves they are good people morally superior to you because they are woke and you are not they fight the evil racist seedyunderbelly of our country that desite overwhelming mountain 's of evidence to the contrary,they still believe is there
They are the crusaders on a rightous quest to re remind you that you are just ignorant if you believe society has moved past racism .It's just disingenuous gobboly gook of the woke
Caue they grew up rich and hating their fathers .
But I'm the emotional one lol.

You sound like Stefan Mloyneux?


Active member
I saw Zulu making bad jokes about Xhosa tribes people - as we might do the Irish in England back in the 70's - in South Africa - In Bangladesh(Muslim) I heard locals ripping into the Indians (Hindu's) - and I have heard the opposite from Hindu's in the UK -

In the Philippines I felt the racial tension between the majority Christian and minority Muslim population (the lighter coloured and the darker) - with racist jibes from both sides - and when I was jailed - I felt it towards my colour from Christian and Muslim alike -

These are just a very few of the experiences of a racist nature I have seen and heard - I could go on trying to recount them all thru 53 nations and 60 years - but then I might be here all day - lol

In Mobile Alabama USA - I hung out round a truck stop with a bunch of drunk white guys who thought it fun to talk in a disparaging way about people with dark skin - it soon got boring -

Yeah - racism is always gonna be around in some misguided head - but honestly that person could be any colour - and is most unlikely to be white - at this point in history -

Very true, but it doesn’t excuse it.
I hung out with those same drunk white dudes. Found them boring, yet I kept quite. Complacency is racism. It’s acceptance. I try to do better than I did.

I certainly have my own phobias. We all do. I try not to push them too hard as I know what most of them are. I know most of them are misplaced. I try not to let them interfere with my life.

Certainly not a superiority thing. Only a thing that we all need to constantly work on. We are all racists in remission. It’s a matter of fairness.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Personally I never saw myself as being of one particular race - if you ever study anthropological palaeontology you will notice that humans all came from the one main source of bi-pedal hominids - so we are all really one race - the human race -

In a majority non-racist society - by constantly harping on about racism - you are in my mind just advertising what is quite obviously dying out in most peoples lives - many of whom have come to live in the west specifically because its not racist - compared to where they are coming from -

Very true, but it doesn’t excuse it.
I hung out with those same drunk white dudes. Found them boring, yet I kept quite. Complacency is racism. It’s acceptance. I try to do better than I did.

I certainly have my own phobias. We all do. I try not to push them too hard as I know what most of them are. I know most of them are misplaced. I try not to let them interfere with my life.

Certainly not a superiority thing. Only a thing that we all need to constantly work on. We are all racists in remission. It’s a matter of fairness.


Active member
Personally I never saw myself as being of one particular race - if you ever study anthropological palaeontology you will notice that humans all came from the one main source of bi-pedal hominids - so we are all really one race - the human race -

In a majority non-racist society - by constantly harping on about racism - you are in my mind just advertising what is quite obviously dying out in most peoples lives - many of whom have come to live in the west specifically because its not racist - compared to where they are coming from -

It hasn’t died out. It just went underground. It peeks its head out and we all act surprised. Keeping quite doesn’t make it go away. It allows it to fester and spread. Nice dodge.
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