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Super simple ebb & flow buckets


Active member
Howdy OOglebird, it drains back through the flood pump. Again just using gravity, all that water just pushes its way out through the pump,did you know water will flow backwards though a pump gven enough pressureand a little time , its not the fastast way to drain, but not bad either.



>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Nam myoho renge kyo>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


I did know that....

But Now seeing how it works it still looks like when the buckets are full that the water would drain thru the overflow tube.... especially when the buckets are full....

I cant see why it doesnt.....


thanks for the help...


Active member
Because during the FLOOD cycle your pump is constantly pumping t doe'snt just come on and then shut off and stay flooded, so for the whole 15 minute cycle, that pjmp is a pumpin'!


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Nam myoho renge kyo>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


Yeah....My buddy...........Help!......Gotta be somewhere.........I just gotta know where to put the overflow inline and I`ll be shitin in high cotton........PEACE..........DHF......... :sasmokin:


Active member
Kudos for the overflow tube, but given the small sq/ft of his grow, a common tray Ebb & Flow system would have worked rather than all those buckets.

The problem with all gravity systems is that they take up head height and are therfore restricted to smaller plants. To grow bigger plants the buckets usually need to be on the floor and that brings us back to the controller.
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Active member
Howdy B.D. How are ya! You make some valid points. Which i will address tomorrow cause i am dead tired. I will say however very quickly as far as the loss in height, unless you are using vertical lights thats plenty of room , actually room to spare, believe me ive grown trees in here and i lose so much in light intensity at the bottom of the plants its just not worth it, If usine horizontall lighting , plants should be no taller than 3 feet. and thats a fact jack.i would and have run clones with a little LST and 2 feet max was perfect, HPS lights only penetrate so far and to get the most out of em' the shorter the better. So if you have enough room to run trees and use vertical lighting then more power to ya but for the size of this space i cant use vert lighting, i could but it would be a painin the ass that i dont want to deal with right now.

peace and thanks for your input


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Nam myoho renge kyo>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


I hope I did`nt open up a can of worms about systems but I do know that controllers are not necessary Blind Date.......Bonz........YOU are da man!.....All we haveta figure out is howta keep the fluid level where it needsta stay and that`s it...right?.......As long as there`s no "OVERFLOW" then it`s all good ............Take your time dewd as I`m still tryin to figure out howta make this work and since you `ve been doin it ,I`m dependin on yo ass to help MY ass........PEACE..........DHF......... :sasmokin:


Active member
No YOU DA MAN FRED !!!!! Hey i got ideas poppin, gimme a couple more days, its that inline pump that is the key here the pverflow can be put ANYWHERE in the system , then we use inlines to pump it back to rez however there is one lil snag and ive allmost got it figured, WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

FUN FUN FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What about Lite beer from Miller?



>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Nam myoho renge kyo>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


:moon: .......I think Corona Extra w/ slice /a /lime is in order........ :wave: Bonz......Anyways........Comin outta the 325 gal. rez with 1" pvc straight to a "T" then 90`s to 2 side-by-side rooms w/40-3 1/2 gal buckets with netpots and lava in each room for equal distance and pressure from Rez.......In front of both inline pumps will be a pvc "Y" headed back toward the rez for drain cycle after the flood(inline pumps only pump 1 direction and the 2 other pumps will flow in the opposite direction to drain on timers as well).........Once the flood comes up to the specified levels(exactly where your overflow thingy is of maximum importance),the flood timers cut off and the drain timers "cut on" letting the pumps behind the "Y" drain the system way faster than just gravity assisted pulling more O2 down through the lava each and "every" feed...As roots dry out and "search for moisture and nutes" the way MJ was put on this earth to do "naturally",the plants respond and "swell" accordingly...........My Bud cross da pond regularly does what he calls OVER "2 ozs. per sq. ft." with closet like grows instead of grams per watt with "concentrated lumens" (5x8 rooms with 3-600 hps`s and 35 ebb & flow buckets,no a/c,no CO2,and no dehumidifier,just MAJOR "air exchange") ....Big rooms dissipate light instead of focusing it down on the plants and I`ve said this numerous times through experience but like Bonz`s overflow thingy we`ve been viewed in passing..........PEACE...........DHF......... :sasmokin: ........


Active member
heya bonz :wave: please allow me to pick your brain a bit here...
I added some colorful notes to one of your pics
Lemme know if I have it about right:

is it really that simple? no air pumps bubbling anything? I guess you use a smaller bucket instead of a larger net pot though..
Thanks bro
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Active member
...wait now I see an air pump...Did it just bubble away in the res?
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Active member
HAHAAAAAAAAA. Wooooooooooo Hoooooooooooooo!!!! Howdy Anima! :wave: Man that is THE COOLEST thing you did there! You got it bro, and yes the air pump was just to aereate the REZ. Notice how i went from a 4" netpot, then to a 6" and then into the buckete? The 6" netpot could be bypassed and the 4" just dropped in. I think i needed to buy some time (buckets werent ready or somethin') You could also , which is prolly the best , least amount of restriction to the roots is to use a 4" rockwool cube, with no netpots at all. I just suck with and cannot grow worth a crap in'em so i used the netpots. Wow dude i cant get over how cool that lil diagram is and the great thing is that it will work just as well with 20 buckets as with 2, Woooooooooooooo Hooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! he he he!!! Too cool Anima!!! :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:


bonz :wave:

Nam myoho renge kyo!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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Active member
Allmost forgot one of the most important things dude...............14 oz's of killer buddage with 400 watts of hps: Wooooooooooooo Hoooooooooooooo!!!

and one of the most important things, the anti siphon hole on top of overflow
1/4" hole is fine:



Nam myoho renge kyo~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


Active member
heya bonz!
14 OZ?!?!?!?!?! Oh my...that is huge!!!!
I am going to shuffle in one more pic because I think it was one that helped bring it all together for me...from post #391 in your "Freedom for Bonz" thread!!!
bottom of smaller upper bucket:

Thats what they look like in this setup as well right?
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Active member
here we go:

ROOT PORN!!!!!!!!!!!



Nam myoho renge kyo~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

In Vino Veritas

Damn I know what system you saw when you thought of this. I've been seeing the same little tub with 2l bottles for years now.. Man you ****ing ran with that idea. How big is the res for that 12 bucket setup?

Between you and DHF I'ma go nuts before I decide what the **** I'm going to do... heh.. be safe bros! happy holidaze..


So ok sorry if i sound dumb but let me get this strait.... U got one 2 gallon bucket in a 5 gal bucket that has a 8" net pet in the 2 gal bucket.the 2 gal bucket has holes on the bottom to drain out and back into the 5 gal bucket. all are full of hydroton but the bottom bucket. The pump is pumped up through the bottomof the buckets? and has a over flow with the pvc pipes to keep it from over flowing... and the over flow has a hole drilled in the top...? And it drains out the same hole it get pumps in....

Can you give me a round about number for the height and width of your plants? I got a 5x9 room im settign up but this is a simple and cost effeicent design compared to the 2 gal ebb and flow design that you buy at the store...

So if i get a 5x9 room im looking at your design with the multi bucket in that last room and it looks very nice i would love to get this goign back at the house how big is that rez doing that big setup on page 7? thanks for this thread ebb and flo buckets rock
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wooohoooo bonzoooo GPW straight from the closet.... amazing work bonz love those buds mmmmm :yummy: what strain are we lookin at?

u da man. :smoke: