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Super simple ebb & flow buckets


Active member
Thanks alot Strain Searcher! I am so glad you enjoyed it, that makes me feel good man :friends: The bigger room is comin' soon! :D................Howdy HOG! :wave: how are ya! I love happy endings too! :smile: right before these went into flower i thought i killed them or stunted them beyond recovery and didnt think there would be any kind of an ending except an early one :eek: but they pulled through and finished pretty strong, it was alot of fun :smile: This is whats next; OGRE kush & M-39, i started a new thread for it. Thanks again guys :smoweed:

peace and prosperity, Bonzo :D




great thread bonzo

so now are you saying that you like the top feed better than bottom feed? and is the top feed constant?

I like this ebb n Flow with buckets idea, its so cheap and simple and effective

im gonna build something of this sort I think with 5 gallon buckets that would be a TON of hydroton, you think that would work or should I just stick to 3.5 gallon buckets?

plants look great :canabis:


Active member
Thanks BongSmoke, nice to see this old thread again! No the top feed was just a temporary setup for 2 cuts, i put a drip ring on 1 and a srtait 1/4 feed line and the feed line worked best. As far as these buckets go they allways fill and drain through the bottom. I think its the easiest, cheapest way to see if ebb & flow buckets will work for you. I dont recomend using 5 gallon for the inner bucket, the 3.5ers hold plenty of media, have a ton of root space yet they allow the roots to drop through to the outer bucket. You can allways change the outer bucket to 5 gallon if you feel you need more space for the roots. I just went through that and it worked great. Also i am switching to lava cause im fed up with hydroton. And im tryin' a new system as well that should be alot of fun that will defenitly use lava.

thanks again BS gimme a hollar if you got any more questions.

peace out



the thread is close to a year old but its still a good one.
good read, nice system, great result.
cant wait to see the 2k grow :wave:


Active member
Thank you jjfto :wave: , my next run in 2k flowering room will be with this system, with 6 buckets, its just bullet proof and works well. Dont know what ill be runnin in it yet, got alot to choose from. Skunk Special from female seeds is a big possibility. Or Chronic or maybe Coquistador. WOOOO HOOO MAN! :woohoo: what fun eh? Stay tuned for the new thread.

bonz :wave:


Active member
:wave: Bonz - Great name BTW

Got to this thread extremely late- but better late then never ey. What a cracking thread buddy- Its threads like yours that make growing that bit easier. I think alot of people are abit put off by a hydro set-ups, but with thread like this and big-tokes and dr d's-there's really no need to be is there.

All the best


Active member
Good mornin' and thank you Guvnor :wave: . It really is a simple system and thats why im going back to it. I did some experimenting for awhile and will do more in the future but for now i just want to get back to basics and grow some fat buds. That was my first thread and first real grow in a long time and i still havnt topped it even with 2k of light.

have a good day

bONZ :wave:


Active member
Thank You The Dopest, its amazing how simpleit is isnt it? Do you know after 2 or so years posting these and other buckets NOWONE has tried the Super simple ebb & flow Buckets, heres a 16 bucket setup:

no controller, no 55 gallon drum and no pumps controlling the flood and drain height, no float valves to worry about goin bad and flooding your whole house! i love gravity! the guy who origanally designed this setup with the 2 litre bottles was a genius!

not to mention several hundred dollars cheaper! :woohoo:

peaceout homie

bonz :wave:

by the way these are 2 gallon buckets.
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Voluptuous Trichomes
I like the bucket setup....I want to start with mothers.....I've got everything I need except a pump (that's right...I can't afford one right now...go figure :rolleyes: )

I have the buckets and the netpots just like yours (have had this extra stuff for sometime now).....I just may do my "overflow" a lil' differently.....

Was gonna do a veg setup and someone gave me a nice pre-made E/F....so I had to put it to use....so that got in the way....

I have had several handwater setups...started one just like your buckets minus the automation....so I have a "feel" for it. I saw in this thread...you expressed a desire to go from Hydrotron to Lava...but...on you other thread (most recent)...you had "issues" with Lava....(not wanting to get into that)...but, anyways I am gonna do the Lowes lava as they have small chunks...Home Depot has the bigger chunks....I hate Hydrotron....

Not sure how I'll do the overflow...but it will be the only major difference...(when I finally get a pump)...Thanks for all the hard work doing this thread and the other one....I'll get it up and running and then there will be "that one"





very nice setup bonzo. I'm still getting my feet wet with hydro but have a couple ebb and flow grows under my belt. My setup was just a smaller container sitting inside a deeper one with the same length and width. Was definately ghetto, but worked fine. Like you said, gravity is a beautiful thing. Thinking about designing something similiar to yours with my new setup now : ) Also made me realize this would be a simple and effective way of making a rez for DWC to get some cheap recirculation going on with smaller scale setups. Keep up the good work man.

Oh, VT... just a thought, but I used a cheap fountain pump you can find at lowes, home depot, wal-mart, etc.... the ones used for ornamental ponds. Can pick em up for $20 - $40 or so depending on how much water you're needing to cycle and how fast. Cheap though and the little one did me fine with my small setup, just gotta make sure your tray/bucket isn't draining too fast for it to flood it effectively.


Voluptuous Trichomes
Getting there....

Getting there....

-VT- said:
Not sure how I'll do the overflow...but it will be the only major difference...(when I finally get a pump)...Thanks for all the hard work doing this thread and the other one....I'll get it up and running and then there will be "that one"
Got the pump....264gph for 4 buckets....


Active member
Hey VT! that will do just fine bro. Thats the same pump i use ECOPlus? Good pumps, never had any probs with em. You got all the other shit down? The pvc and how the overflow works? Hit me up if ya got any Q's. Your gonna like the ease of these things.
what nutes are you gonna run?



>>>>>>>>>nam myoho renge kyo>>>>>>>>>>!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Active member
Thank you BubbleBoi, if ya got any Q's feel free to give me a holla! sorry for being so late with a response.



>>>>>>>>>>nam myoho renge kyo>>>>>>>>>>!!!!
Ok, I know this is a really old thread, but I wanted to *bump* it because of what a great idea that overflow is. Much simpler, cheaper and you get some circulation going through your buckets, to help bring the temps down to the res temp. Thank you for the pictures and ideas!



:moon: BONZ..... :wave: .......I totally agree GWG.........This thread has never gotten the attention it`s deserved since IMHO All controllers with float switches, timers, and electricity strapped to a bucket full of liquid has NEVER been a good idea .......I`ve heard my share of nightmare stories bout em but let`s focus on the solution..........Bonz`s "overflow thingy"..........Bonz.......Does it haveta be mounted inside the REZ?........I know it`s gotta be at the same height as the fill level of the buckets,but I`m perplexed as to if it can be placed elsewhere inline somewhere instead as I`ve got a HUGE sealed 325 gal. tank for the rez that`s "outside" the grow areas and gonna have 2 rooms full of buckets........All info is greatly appreciated and PEACE............DHF..... :sasmokin: .......Nice "bump" GWG.......


Im a little bit perplexed about what happens after the pump shuts off and how it drains.....

Does it drain back into the res via the overflow tube???

Just from water pressure....

Like duh....



Active member
WOW how cool!!!! Im gonna have a cup of coffee and think about that for a minute FRED!! HI GirlWonderGrows, Thank you very much! It really is simple.

There has to be a way FRED for the overflow to drain somewhere else and be pumped back into the rez , Is that what your thinkin?