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Super simple ebb & flow buckets



nice work bonzo and a great idea , i ll be using this system real soon


for this 2 buckets system could you please tell ma about your pump power and i also would like to know about your res.
when you have to refill it do you add adjusted ph water with no nuts or with nuts .
and a last one , knowing that i never used such system could you tell me if the plants need a bigger amount of nutrients or the same amount as a basic hydro system or less nutrients

thank you and once again great work here

i m disapointed not having found your thread earlier


Active member
Hita FRED!!!! Indeed bro eveything you said and more! Woooooooooo Hoooooooooooo!!! So simple its just plain silly!!!

Hiya seaofvert! Thanks bro, and you wont regret it! I used an EcoPlus 264 or 396 eaither in i think will do the job for just 2 buckets. I top with nutes cause if your nutes and plants ar in a symbiotic relationship, your plants should be eating , therfor when you check your nutes, if they have been drinking heavily i want to add back or top off to the starting nute strength, givin em plain water will leave your ppms way lower than when you initially filled it. Thats what I do i know some people top off with plain fresh water and i dony get it, no matter what you do make sure your PH gets adjusted to whatever your planys are used to, between 5.6 and 5.9 for me.

Same nutes bro, as a matter of fact it sure would help if your allready familiar wiyh a certain line of nutes, you got a huge jump on the game right there!!

peace my friend and keep us updated!!!

good luck


Nam myoho renge kyo~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


that s it bonzo , i ve made my plan for 8 ak47 ladies EBB and FLOW system .
i m very excited (like a child ... good feeling, it reminds me when i first started growing these beautiful plants)

anyhow if you feel like giving me few more advices i ll be glad to get them and improve the system

HAPPY NEW YEAR 2008 :wave:


Hey bonzo i dont mean to be a pain man but im not finding the peices for the buckets at home depot... IVe looked in the electircal department and the plumbing... i cant find your 3 gray peices that screw into eachother and connect to the buckets. i looked for like an hour or more and asked the home depot guy he said he doesnt carry anything like that with both a male thread and a female thread on one peice....

maybe im looking in the worng direction or just stupid you think you could help me?


Active member
Heya Blunted!
still stuck on finding the grey fittings?
ok bro I'll give you the scoop on what I got.
The grey pieces are non-metallic electrical conduit connector pieces. (2 diffrent pieces)
I got mine at lowe's..you can check the website...heres the numbers that will make your mission a snap.

heres the female part:
1" PVC Female Adapter

Item #: 115917 Model: E942FR-CTN
***The model number on the particular part I got only said E942F, but its the same**

Male part:
1" PVC Terminal Adapter

Item #: 72856 Model: 73510
****The model number on the particular part I got said E943F, but its the same**

I also picked up some O rings, and pipe dope tape to help seal things up. it is not EXACTLY what Bonz' has got but essentially the same thing..
good luck bro!! :yes:

*edit*oh and that "third" male part I believe is just the same as the bigger one but it is cut shorter so that the pool of water isn't so high when the bucket drains..Am I right Bonz? Let us know buddy!

Be kind
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You will not be forgotten
sooo.... im a little slow on the draw... but i found you bonzo!

Happy holidayzzzz and merry new years and all that good stuff :rasta: now....

moving onto the important topic at hand.. lovely looking ladies! glad to see everything looking so well and hope your enjoying the start to the new year.

i will be back my to say hello, take it easy brotha! :wave:


hey anima i was looking at those today but i wasnt sure if they would hold to the bucket right or not i was looking for what bonz had with the three pieces... Do you got them pieces on your buckets yet you care to try and upload some pics?


Active member
.....I just got my buckets like 10 mins ago..no pieces are assembled as of yet..
Here I grabbed you a pic:

The threaded "T" and the hose connector for the pump are on the left.

The 2 pair of grey things on the right are what you are after (they don't come with O rings)


yea i understand what they are im just wondering since its a diff design if its still gonna be leak proof... or any other problems you want to update me?


Active member
As long as you are careful cutting out your holes I don't think that they'll be a problem...You could get some gaskets like Bonz has instead of O rings if you want I guess...but I looked long and hard for EXACTLY what bonz has and I came to no avail...the pieces that I showed you were in a box on the shelf with a pic of EXACTLY what bonz has,,,but they were the round pieces...just new stock I guess..

As far as leak proof goes I can't vouch for anything yet...still going to be a week or so before I have the system up and running..


So anima it seems you have this setup down pretty good i appreciate the help have you screwed one on and put water in a bucket yet to see if it leaks? Also all i foudn were 3 gal buckets should i be looking for 2 gal buckets instead? Tehy might be 3.5 not sure yet havent got them.... And is the small bucket just have holes drilled through the bottom?


Active member
nope like I said...
As far as leak proof goes I can't vouch for anything yet...still going to be a week or so before I have the system up and running..
I haven't got any holes drilled in the buckets yet either...and like I hinted at earlier I think Bonz took a saw to the male threaded grey PVC piece, and cut it down so that it doesn't stick up so high in the bottom bucket, and you get better drainage...thats why there is 3 pieces in this pic:

One piece is chopped....(back me up here brother Bonz!!:wave:)

I'm going with two 3.5 gallon buckets stacked up...and yup :yes:, the top bucket has a bunch of smaller holes in the bottom. I posted a pic from one another one of Bonz' threads a few posts ago..

It's all in here dude...if you understand the general concept getting every single piece the exact same isn't a necessity...
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Active member
Yeah... He definitely took a saw to that electrical fitting. It's cheap way to create an overflow. Love the simplicity of those buckets.


a saw??? Man now shit makes since to me i get it all as long as i can get them not to leak i think i would be good i had both of those peices in my hand for like and hour today and didnt get them because they werent the same and they weren't in there old packaging to let me know they were the same thanks for clearing it up...


Active member
:yes: :wink: No problem dude. I know how it is...Been to the hardware store a few times in the last couple days myself :D

Plus I'm still learning, so explaining it helps iron out the kinks..:whip:


Active member
and fabrication ensued..

and fabrication ensued..

Hello again...:wave:
Thought I'd show you fella's my progress:

Plumbing complete (sorta)! No pump yet so still no leak tests yet. I haven't glued anything together either....I am thinking about shortening up the long pipe on the bottom so my buckets are an inch or so closer... Also I might try to change out the 2x4 pieces of wood for some PVC to make sure there is no wet wood happening...

Yo Blunted!!! Check it out:

Instead of cutting them shorter I just drilled 4 holes close the bottom. I think it'll work ok...:yes:

Anti-siphon hole = CHECK!

Bonzo, my man, I hope you don't mind me blabbering on in here... I just can't seem to get enough...
I have got another question for you though: How big are the holes in the bottoms of the upper buckets that hold the hydroton? (My eye suggests about 1/2 inch) How big are the hydroton balls? I ask because I haven't got those drilled yet....seems I am lacking the proper size drill bit..my selection jumps from 5/16th of an inch, and jumps to 7/8th of an inch....is 7/8 too big?...is 5/16 too small? :confused:

Thanks tons for all of your help so far bro!! :rasta: :joint: :friends:
Stay kind


hey bonzo or anima

what is the size of the upper bucket and the size of the bottom bucket ?

thx amigos



Active member
top bucket=3.5 gallon
bottom bucket=3.5 gallon...Bonz has used a 5 gal (FOR THE BOTTOM) as well I believe...

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