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Not exactly sure what you are asking, but, Delta9 states in this very thread that he does 15 seconds on and 60 minutes off. The 15 seconds pumps 36 oz.

Actually later I read that he does 30 seconds every 90, not sure if that is his final setting, but I guess you just have to play around with it for your situation.


has anyone come up with a decent way to wash lots of the perlite and turface? i kind of want to just take it in burlap bags to the river and shake it in the water lol. "im just washing gravel for my fish tank, don't mind me......" :)

What I've been doing is pour the turface into a black tote, fill it with water and stir it around a bit, then drain it by tipping the tote and using a screen to hold the turface from falling out.


I posted this on the plant illness forum, but thought I'd post it here as I'm specifically doing this method.

My girls are not looking so good. They are developing yellow and brown lower leave tips. Also there growth is lackluster.

Up til now I was using hydroponic research veg + bloom in recommended dosage which came out to be around 800 ppm.

I just got my Jack's in so I've been using that for the past day.

5.8 ph
temp and humidity are good.

Any ideas what the issue is?


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I posted this on the plant illness forum, but thought I'd post it here as I'm specifically doing this method.

My girls are not looking so good. They are developing yellow and brown lower leave tips. Also there growth is lackluster.

Up til now I was using hydroponic research veg + bloom in recommended dosage which came out to be around 800 ppm.

I just got my Jack's in so I've been using that for the past day.

5.8 ph
temp and humidity are good.

Any ideas what the issue is?

How often and for how long are you watering? What media are you using?
To me it looks like over watering, but I'm not an expert.


They started getting the yellow lower leaves when they were in little black pots filled with coco and perlite, about 60% perlite. I was watering about every other day when they were very dry.

Now that they are in the ppk system I'm watering on the timer for 2 minutes every 90 minutes.


Question I forgot to ask, do you guys water 24/7?

Wouldn't it be better to stop the watering during the dark cycle, my understanding is that they don't feed then anyway?

Desert Hydro

Well-known member
the last picture looks fine. mine went through a rough patch as well. my fault. i didnt have a timer on my veg light and i would just lazily turn it off and on at night/morning. next thing you know they are flowering so i just left the light on 24/7 after that. now they are re-vegging and going through the mutation leaf stage and in a weird turn of events they have been monster cropped on accident and they are now getting bushy as fuck! may have to run them vertically if they refuse to bend into the scrog without breaking like my test plant lol.

mine will go into the ppk tonight if all goes well.


Does anyone do something different than the little T's in veg (see pics). It seems like using these does not get water to the whole pot, and only roots under that limited flow area will get nutes.

I'm sure it works fine if Delta9 uses it, I just cannot see how.


Well-known member
im no ppk wiz but alot of different timing feeds work

lately im lights on feed only. every 2hrs with 15 second bursts of water. then once in flower an bigger i go lights on only, every hour at 15-20 second bursts.

i also have 950gph pumps, an run a "feed rail" an dont have individual pumps per site. when the roots fill the pot , i may have to go like 10-15 seconds cause a 20 second burst of water may overflow cause the roots are massive an blocking flow more then normal

thing to remember is your not just "feeding". so with every feed cycle u are readjusting ph , an you are exchanging the air in the roots. cause with the water feed it forces old air out, then the vacuum of the drain pulls new air in.

Desert Hydro

Well-known member
cant seem to get all my units to flood with my little pumps lol. gonna build the line into a ring and add a pump to each side of the ring and see if that fixes it. i tried adding another inline pump for the last four but then that pump just starved the middle ppks lol. fun times. i have a BIG ASS whole house pump from harbor freight and i thought about using that but i dont trust those zip tied lines with big time pressure. tomorrow is a new day. i shall regroup and conquer.

the unit in the pictures that im building now is just my veg system. the flowering system will be the new style.


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cant seem to get all my units to flood with my little pumps lol. gonna build the line into a ring and add a pump to each side of the ring and see if that fixes it. i tried adding another inline pump for the last four but then that pump just starved the middle ppks lol. fun times. i have a BIG ASS whole house pump from harbor freight and i thought about using that but i dont trust those zip tied lines with big time pressure. tomorrow is a new day. i shall regroup and conquer.

the unit in the pictures that im building now is just my veg system. the flowering system will be the new style.

I ended up running a 170-185 gph pump to each ppk site. Usually four or five out of one 27 gallon tote. Your room is looking good.

Mojo Jojo

New member
time should be a rough guideline...
depending on pump/distance of pump to halo/halo tech/medium(afp) & stage of growth.
its worth it to measure how much is making it through each halo.
35 secs every 90 mins for me is about 12-14oz. at 37%afp
it took me a month to diagnose an unhappy girl whose halo was only delivering half that...

Mojo Jojo

New member
Does anyone do something different than the little T's in veg

i believe he is adding a 2" piece of tube with another barbed tee off both sides of what you already have. 4 paths for the water further away from the stem instead of the two.

side note: i just built a "d9 pre-vegger'er" myself and for some dumb reason i made little halos. in hindsight, it was a pain in the ass to drill all those little holes and they are near impossible to 'tune' i.e. they all dump out different volumes...

i think i need to do some soul searching in order to seek and destroy that last little bit of me that so desires to overbuild things.
Not exactly sure what you are asking, but, Delta9 states in this very thread that he does 15 seconds on and 60 minutes off. The 15 seconds pumps 36 oz.

I've searched, only seen timing of 1.5 hours off. iirc 15 seconds puts .5 gallon into media.

Sorry for the confusion, my timer will cycle in hour/min mode. This is the only way I can get 1.5 hour off cycle. But, the on cycle is then limited to one minute increments in this mode.

If I switch to min/second mode I can cycle times up to 1 hour or as little as 1 second.

Thanks for your input,


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