Before those days, guys that I know that were recycling soil blindly were just adding back a shit ton of lime and trace minerals every run, and maybe some kelp meal for K. Their soil mixes would have enough insoluble phosphate for about 10 years of growing. But those guys would still feed something like Earth Juice or Age Old during flower, probably to keep up with the need for K and trace metals. I still know quite a few dudes rocking soil like this. But non-science has never been my style.
As I see it, chemistry is a science that is built upon physics. The electrostatic charges or atoms and molecules and their interactions. Much the same way, biology is built up with the fundamental concepts of chemistry, cell structure and tissue mobilization of compounds, ect. So if you are trying to grow scientifically, you can't just read "Teaming with Microbes" and skip all the chemistry. But the average high school or even college educated person hated/s chemistry because it is "hard" and dissecting a frog is always so much more fun. But chemistry is MORE fundamental than biology. Your loss if you don't want to go back and learn it. And not just in soil, but in all natural phenomena, chemistry is the best system we have for describing the universe around us, from the origins of the water on our planet, to the formation of star clusters in galaxies. Anyone with a true curiousity of the natural world will arrive at chemistry at some point.
Thanks for the answer Space Case!