any insight on this soil is welcome please..
found this soil localy for use as part of my base mix, its hot at EC 3, but i guess im going to cut it
what are they talking about Ammonium acetate?
thanks in advance
Technical data:
Humidity 105 ° C: 1.4%
PH (ext.1; 25.5 H2O): 7.6
Cond. Elec. 25 ° C (ext 1; 25.5 H 2 O): 3.01 dS / m
Mat. Organic (Walkley-Black): 2.90%
Nitrogen-nitric (N-NO3): 20 mg / kg
Phosphorus (P) (Olsen): 62 mg / kg
Potassium (K) (ext. Ammonium acetate): 856 mg / kg
Magnesium (Mg) (ext. Ammonium acetate): 380 mg / kg
Calcium (Ca) (ext. Ammonium acetate): 4453 mg / kg
Sodium (Na) (ext ammonium acetate): 171 mg / kg
Carbonates: <3%
Ammonium acetate at what pH? For Spain with an alkaline soil, I would bet that this is ammonium acetate at a pH of 7. This will break up carbonates and give you back an unrealistically high Ca number. In fact, everyone will say that this soil is suffering from high Ca. haha
Read this from the PGA