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Shiva Grows


Well-known member
i woke at 4 , and again just now . i over sleep to compensate my broken sleep . i'm always ready to sleep
The best time to get up and do powerful spiritual practice. 😃
Hope to come there again.
f i take mdma , i start yawning instantly , go straight to bed and sleep . brain chemistry
Haha, the same here with coffee.
when i drink coffee, i get really tired straight away, but unfortunately it's not enough to sleep through the night. after 30 minutes i'm awake and exhausted again.
start drugs young is key to plenty of sleep
A myth :rolleyes:


Well-known member
The best time to get up and do powerful spiritual practice. 😃
Hope to come there again.

Haha, the same here with coffee.
when i drink coffee, i get really tired straight away, but unfortunately it's not enough to sleep through the night. after 30 minutes i'm awake and exhausted again.

A myth :rolleyes:
i was joking regarding taking drugs early .... it damages serotonin and natural dopamine patterns


Well-known member
no better option that being fully natty natural . and sobriety i promote , based on damage i have witnessed to myself and others around me


Well-known member
going to go on a short hike in the sun . my foot is still damaged and toe hurts , but who cares . not going to help by doing nothing . catch you later . peace


Well-known member
i enjoyed it so much , i will be going back out shortly ...

stopping my regular boxing training a few months back made my body shut down i feel.

need to fire it all back up

my foot feels actually good now , for the moment

i will start doing more training and focus less on the farm . start rebuilding my own gardens again


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Well-known member
feeling totally useless at work today, my brain is kinda feverish from the stresss.
i did however engage in shivas favorite vices yesterday night.
work might be too much of an opposite experience now, my brain wants hash and booty back....
just remember that there is many people even more useless than yourself ... is what i tell myself.

and every dog has its day . the blue collar workers will be respected again once the global coup is ended