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Shiva Grows


Well-known member
a nug of orange peel to smoke for the day . i will take some to the farm later and have a laugh with my mate . he prefers growing weed to growing veg by the looks of it


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Well-known member
@zaprjaques if you think for just one moment how useless the average joe is on earth , and then take a moment to reflect that half of the whole world is even more useless that that

some perspective


da boveda kid
@zaprjaques if you think for just one moment how useless the average joe is on earth , and then take a moment to reflect that half of the whole world is even more useless that that

some perspective
yeah man i don't know, just feeling a little burnt out today, ive been pushing it kinda hard lately and didnt do any cycling either for the last 2 or 3 weeks.
not been able to really snap out of it today, i'll call it a day and try and go to sleep early.
i will need to work steady for hopefully only 4 more days and then i'll take a break of about a week.
it is what it is.
have fun!


Well-known member
i'm going to risk the autopot with a space monkey clone that i had vegging .

i will get it clean . plant the clone , and with the room set to flowering mode i'm hoping she sends roots out within a couple of weeks and then i can turn on the system . not ideal but should work ok . i don't like wasting space but hopefully the clone stretches into position nicely within a couple of weeks if i get her healthy


Well-known member
@zaprjaques if you think for just one moment how useless the average joe is on earth , and then take a moment to reflect that half of the whole world is even more useless that that

some perspective
A higher level of joy has a higher level of truth.
Isn't it?
put another timetravel seedling into the flowering test chamber . hopefully it is female
You got me. The funny name and pink colour 😂


Well-known member
Smoked my first joint today after a decade.
Started with a blowpipe weeks ago, which was fine.

The joint had a completly different and nasty effect.
It was a small one and i puffed only 4 times from it. It build up strong pressure in the head, negative feelings, disorientation and dizziness with ended with a headache after 3 hours.

Can't wait for the first quality harvest.
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Well-known member
Smoked my first joint today after a decade.
Started with a blowpipe weeks ago, which is fine.

The joint had a completly different and nasty effect.
It was a small one and i puffed only 4 times from it. It build up strong pressure in the head, negative feelings, disorientation and dizziness with ended with a headache after 3 hours.

Can't wait for the first quality harvest.
Maybe you don't have tolerance for carbon monoxide...

Just vape.


Well-known member
I started smoking pure joints after my first growing experiences a long time ago. But to be honest, I don't like the taste of burned weed anymore and are happy, when my vaper arrives. Tested a pax and it was really nice.