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Shiva Grows


Well-known member
i don't agree with the theory of relativity either, and i think einstein was a fraud...

somebody send me to gulag for re education

or meductate me with shaman medman... as torture. for my sins


Well-known member
The life of a student! Nothing better! Weed helped me finish university hahaha good times had been spent!

bought the congo too

I have bought Nepal Jam x Kali China and Ethiopian. My first Ace Seeds
its Not just What they teach you, because its Not Bad to teach a broad spectrum. We have different schooltypes and in some nearly just rich people kids go. Like this they reproduce classes. They’re talking since a long time to stop this schoolform but some people doesn’t want that.
Our closing system only produces labour. It is not designed for anything else.
We need school systems that reward people for thinking and acting holistically.

Guide pupils towards humane guiding principles.
"What connects us humans."
"How can as many people and the environment as possible benefit from my actions?"
"What can I do to leave the world a little better than I found it?"
"What makes sense to do so that something great can be created in 50 or 100 years' time."

I was a poor child in a rich school, and I can tell you it was weird and I didn’t want to be part of that world, that’s why I changed school later, also because with the other school I would at least have a profession after finishing it.
Rich people often lack human joy, warmth and connection. I know that.
Education is good. Also history in Germany and Austria is important, that this things won’t happen again (school of Frankfurt, Adorno meant it’s the most important thing to teach.
It is most convenient to make the same mistakes as our ancestors.
If you are smart, you look at history and preferably at a topic from different sources and societies.
Having to experience everything yourself can be very painful.
both my brothers and sister are highly educated , and some of the shit that comes out of their mouths is mesmerising . the wokism is next level , and the fake history they believe blindly is something to behold
The school system is also not designed to produce particularly compassionate or independent people. In addition, you quickly become dependent and prostitute your own opinion.
An expensive flat and other amenities of the establishment need to be financed. What's more, many followers can't stand it if they can be antagonised.
it is all just perception i suppose ...

like during the scamdemic, some of the most obedient and educated people , blindly following top tier gangsters advice
Many are financially dependent and fear that they will no longer be able to provide for their families as a result of the reprisals.
education is great . we all need it . university on the other hand. is not needed
its the concept of school that sucks horsecock imo. i wish i had a solution.
Mathematics, some languages and initiations should do the trick.
school forces you to not want to fail as a part of society while you are in danger of failing as an individual. maybe.
There are plenty of other offers for the individual part.
Unfortunately, there is no overview of what is good and what is not.


Well-known member
or when they say ,' follow the science , you are not a dr , or a graduate ' and the next sentance they can't define a man or a woman and think a man can be a woman and vice versa .... students . bless them


Well-known member
I have bought Nepal Jam x Kali China and Ethiopian. My first Ace Seeds

Our closing system only produces labour. It is not designed for anything else.
We need school systems that reward people for thinking and acting holistically.

Guide pupils towards humane guiding principles.
"What connects us humans."
"How can as many people and the environment as possible benefit from my actions?"
"What can I do to leave the world a little better than I found it?"
"What makes sense to do so that something great can be created in 50 or 100 years' time."

Rich people often lack human joy, warmth and connection. I know that.

It is most convenient to make the same mistakes as our ancestors.
If you are smart, you look at history and preferably at a topic from different sources and societies.
Having to experience everything yourself can be very painful.

The school system is also not designed to produce particularly compassionate or independent people. In addition, you quickly become dependent and prostitute your own opinion.
An expensive flat and other amenities of the establishment need to be financed. What's more, many followers can't stand it if they can be antagonised.

Many are financially dependent and fear that they will no longer be able to provide for their families as a result of the reprisals.

Mathematics, some languages and initiations should do the trick.

There are plenty of other offers for the individual part.
Unfortunately, there is no overview of what is good and what is not.
decent post. thoughtful


Well-known member
a long day , and i kind of failed , but that is life. i can rest for maybe an hour before i work at the farm .... i enjoy this life very much though. that is why i'm me


Well-known member
in germany do they teach about all the german natives that were wiped out in the millions? the intensity of the fires in dresden so intense that the water people jumped into to save themselves was on fire . or eisenhower starving to death 4 million german healthy men , in a field ?

i imagine they don't


Well-known member
i don't agree with the theory of relativity either, and i think einstein was a fraud...
The fact that light from stars is bent when it passes by large masses such as the sun can be seen in photos and a changed flow of time can be measured by travelling by plane.

However, I also find it absolutely untenable that the laws of physics are the same for all observers, regardless of how fast they are travelling.
Some people want their school fees back after meeting a lama or guru.
somebody send me to gulag for re education

or meductate me with shaman medman... as torture. for my sins
Be careful what you wish for.
School is what you make of it..
A beautifully pragmatic approach. I hope that we, as intelligent and compassionate people, manage to improve the school system for future generations.