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Shiva Grows


Well-known member
in the u.k the buddhist temples have been westernised . upper class vegan folk driving mercedes

i go walking with a buddhist group now and then that are cool
The monastic order isn’t for our civilization and countries.
Lay buddhism is the way to go here and now.
Once I met a monk, who fled from china and he slept in our home for a night, then we went to our lama and we meditated all together. He sat next to me and when he went into deep meditation, his power was amazing. You know it, when you see and feel it.


Well-known member
Living Meaningfully, Dying Joyfully: The Profound Practice of Transference of Consciousness
Author:Geshe Kelsang Gyatso

We are alive, therefore we will die.

This is the simplest, most obvious truth of our existence, yet very few of us have really come to terms with this fact.

This inspiring book helps us to make the most of our human life, to prepare for death and to help others who are dying.

In this way, instead of something to be feared or denied, death can become a positive experience.

There is nothing more precious than our human life. Having been born as a human being we have immense freedom to accomplish almost anything we want. With so much freedom, we need to ask ourself what is the most meaningful way to use our life. What will make us truly happy? What will benefit others most? And when this life is over, what will help us then?


Well-known member
i was given that book in alcohol detox by a deeply traumatised individual who became my friend during the detox


Well-known member
my most rewarding book i have read , was called ' living meaningfully and dying joyfully ' . i need to read it again i feel . it is a book to go back to now and again
The teachings are deep.

Living Meaningfully, Dying Joyfully: The Profound Practice of Transference of Consciousness
Author:Geshe Kelsang Gyatso

We are alive, therefore we will die.

This is the simplest, most obvious truth of our existence, yet very few of us have really come to terms with this fact.

This inspiring book helps us to make the most of our human life, to prepare for death and to help others who are dying.

In this way, instead of something to be feared or denied, death can become a positive experience.
I read a few books from him. A lot of good teachings.
In religion there is corruption and false egoism too. Check, if your teacher keeps the bond with his teacher or the teacher of the linage.

Unfortunately, he doesn’t keep the bonds and teaches a part in a style, which is against buddhistic teachings.
So his lineage and old teacher give clear information about the situation.
i was given that book in alcohol detox by a deeply traumatised individual who became my friend during the detox
Very nice.

When you speak about buddhism, it is important to get the meta-view.
There are three different kinds of buddhism for different needs.
The first is for people, who don’t want the ups and downs anymore. Then there are people, who want to bring other people to that exit door too. The third kind of people sees no difference between them and enlightened beeings and wants to help everyone else too.

These three groups each have many different schools. And in the group I'm in, there are schools for proud, friendly, angry and confused people. The friendly and curious people usually want to experience something and are more attracted to a teacher who seems vital and attractive rather than a teacher who just sits behind his books and studies.

Stanislav Grof said, that he became aware during his 5000 psychedelic sessions with his patients. That’s a constellation of the planets has direct influence if the trip is nice or bad. I had it yesterday and remembered that you had some bad DMT experiences. Maybe it’s interesting for you.

I need some rest, too.
It was interesting, as always.


Well-known member
The teachings are deep.

I read a few books from him. A lot of good teachings.
In religion there is corruption and false egoism too. Check, if your teacher keeps the bond with his teacher or the teacher of the linage.

Unfortunately, he doesn’t keep the bonds and teaches a part in a style, which is against buddhistic teachings.
So his lineage and old teacher give clear information about the situation.

Very nice.

When you speak about buddhism, it is important to get the meta-view.
There are three different kinds of buddhism for different needs.
The first is for people, who don’t want the ups and downs anymore. Then there are people, who want to bring other people to that exit door too. The third kind of people sees no difference between them and enlightened beeings and wants to help everyone else too.

These three groups each have many different schools. And in the group I'm in, there are schools for proud, friendly, angry and confused people. The friendly and curious people usually want to experience something and are more attracted to a teacher who seems vital and attractive rather than a teacher who just sits behind his books and studies.

Stanislav Grof said, that he became aware during his 5000 psychedelic sessions with his patients. That’s a constellation of the planets has direct influence if the trip is nice or bad. I had it yesterday and remembered that you had some bad DMT experiences. Maybe it’s interesting for you.

I need some rest, too.
It was interesting, as always.
beautiful .

sobriety is key . i nearly died . i conquered my demons by going clean

i will create dmt when i'm dying joyfully


Well-known member
the chap that gave that book .... he was a lifetime drug user, and had been in care most his life and abused by his carers ,,, in every disgusting way imaginable .... he ended up in care after living a normal life with his parents sister and brother.... his brother , one night , was smoking in a bed , and fell asleep and managed to knock his ash tray with a lit joint , that burnt his house down and killed his parents his sister and his brother. my friend was the only one to survive ...

as real as it gets . i hope he is alive and i hope he has a good network around him . i lost contact with him around 8 years ago

that book helped him progress and i felt touched when he gave it me


Well-known member
paint me pink and call me the boveda kid... the sun is shining today , 24 c , blue skies with minor cloud seeding, and i'm trapped indoors working all day . the good life ....

however , it gets hotter next week , and i'm taking full days off to lounge outdoors


da boveda kid
paint me pink and call me the boveda kid... the sun is shining today , 24 c , blue skies with minor cloud seeding, and i'm trapped indoors working all day . the good life ....

however , it gets hotter next week , and i'm taking full days off to lounge outdoors
same here man.
what color do i need to paint myself to call myself shiva ?
probably blue ?