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Shiva Grows


ICMag Donor
Haha. Yeah women like to complicate everything, men are simple creatures. Best to find one thats a good match and don't disturb the bear. I need time to search through anyway. Man if its ever legal to grow, and I start up an indoor grow, thats another 4 generations per year! Can make some progress in breeding, maybe. I like my old school method outdoors though, but indoors could be valuable to move along a project goals.



Well-known member
Haha. Yeah women like to complicate everything, men are simple creatures. Best to find one thats a good match and don't disturb the bear. I need time to search through anyway. Man if its ever legal to grow, and I start up an indoor grow, thats another 4 generations per year! Can make some progress in breeding, maybe. I like my old school method outdoors though, but indoors could be valuable to move along a project goals.



Well-known member

Love this zippo, after the Day of the Lord, when well all burned up and gone, they will look at this lighter and know what plant they need to find and preserve. :smoke:
I haven’t sparked anything up with a zippo in over 20 years!
I remember those first two or threes pulls of straight fuel ahahaha.


ICMag Donor
I love them. I just smoke pipes so its handy. I barely light it and never taste gasoline. Its kind of an artform I think. Have to light it with the tip of the flame and hold the ligher far away to prevent fuel smell.

Pipes are easy to pack and snuff out. I pack a lot of small pipes. On a big one of Blueberry x DC.

Rest phase of the year. Do you have outdoor plants going, Greenest Bastard, down under??


Well-known member
I love them. I just smoke pipes so its handy. I barely light it and never taste gasoline. Its kind of an artform I think. Have to light it with the tip of the flame and hold the ligher far away to prevent fuel smell.

Pipes are easy to pack and snuff out. I pack a lot of small pipes. On a big one of Blueberry x DC.

Rest phase of the year. Do you have outdoor plants going, Greenest Bastard, down under??
I got my outdoor crop robbed a few years ago and to be completely honest it still fucking hurts!

Not so much the fact they got off with the most bud I’d ever seen with my own eyes, but the feeling of being violated so hard and being able to absolutely nothing about it.

They took EVERYTHING!!!

Got drone stalked the following year… they should be fucking banned!!!

Then stupidly put some tester seeds and mothers out to make seeds, in pots, rather than the ground and the cunts come back and had them too!!
The desperate rats even took a fem seed project I was working on S1ing my Rose and lemon P clones covered in pollen, seeds and sprayed down with STS. Idiots!!!

When I look back it was my mistake for doing such a huge crop and a mistake that has come back to haunt me for two seasons now, and if they’re still desperate and keen to hop fences, then I dare say this year too!…

All that aside I put a rose soul, soulmate and Panama x PCK in the greenhouse with a lock.

It’s funny you ask because I’ve been out there in the rain throwing shade cloth, sticks, leaves and all sorts of junk around greenhouse that hides the plants and is noisy to move. Give me a chance to get hold of them once and for all…

Time will tell what happens mate. I’m very apprehensive about this time of year now regardless of having plants.

You don’t even want to know the dark fantasies I’ve had, and still have about finally being stood next to one another. Let’s just say they’d be staying as my guest for a period of time they’d never forget!


Well-known member
Was gonna buy a box of handbag alarms and set them up everywhere like tripwires.

Like anything though, most of the time it’s easier to attack than defend, so I’m at a disadvantage.

Worst part is I enjoy outdoor growing a lot more than indoor and between the dog and that, it’s been the only thing that’s kept me in this country on more than a few occasions before I had kids.

Just got to keep positive and not let these underdeveloped peasants actions take my energy.


Well-known member
Also not a fan of the fuel taste from a Zippo or don't have the skill to prevent it but it's an iconic lighter and some of the designs are quite nice and you can retrofit them with a torch lighter so might get one and do that.


Well-known member
disease x = another social engineering opportunity using their inbuilt natural ability of lies and deception without shame or guilt.


Well-known member
astra zeneca have already made a vaccine for the disease that does not exist again , based on their' sucessful viral vector covid vaccine'

you can't make it up

the dogs lap it up

i still want compensation for exposure to the spike protein that the majority have been shedding in society


Well-known member
early finish for me today. my customer is on too much medication i think. they insisted on getting the materials themselves,,, to which i should of said , leave it then, get somebody else.... the materials i needed last week were still not there on arrival.... 4 times he went out to buy one product , and 4 times he came back with something completley different ... its ok he says , he will go back again ..... i'm on price work , therefore it may be ok for him, but now i have to charge him extra for each hour wasted , and we are going to fall out over it , as i'm not a diplomat