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Shiva Grows


Well-known member
i have watched people wet trim, dry on racks , and then final trim through machines. the buds come out with that rounded look with all the goodness collected in a big tub haha. us small time personal growers have no reason to man handle buds like that


Well-known member
the customers are great. just forgetful . i would prefer to get the materials i need myself and give them the bill, even if it takes some of my time. that way i'm happy with what i'm using. i have to use low v.o.c products in this property ,as 3 elderly people live there, and he would come back with a different product each time, even though i had written down the exact product to buy . it was like a glitch in the matrix . 4 times he went. the final time, i just said' yeah, that's the stuff' even though it was wrong again . i did not want him to get upset with himself
Maybe pops is a huffer :D


Well-known member
Maybe pops is a huffer :D
he has had 3 heart attacks. it is a miracle he is alive . hopefully he is alive still next week for pay day . haha. he is a great guy , and to be honest i'm happy to help him out. that's why i went on his roof to find the leak for him

i work for his whole family and cousins and such. all good people


Well-known member
he is super chilled and full of wisdom. just useless at collecting materials . haha .
he asks the good tricky questions when i'm ranting about life. the type of questions i can't answer . i like his style and humour . working class , to self made . good people to be around i find if i need positive vibes


Well-known member
did you fix your plants? over watered and cold rootzone?
Yes that was the problem. Half good, half so lala, had to change places to fill Spaces. Cut clones too, of the smaller ones just the tops to keep with the genetics. Just a Shame that it happens on my First Test grow and grow diary. Thats life: win some, lose some..


ICMag Donor
Good man, the customer's always right, get r done even if its not exactly perfect. Cool customers are worth keeping around, even if there is a small headache here and there.

Collected payment from a mowing customer who is a young man about 20 years old in the National Guard and working for TSA, (Transporateion Security Administration). He was talking about the possibility of being called to Texas sooner or later to help guard the border. Sounds like its an escalating situation. He was reaffirming the threat of sleeper cells of military age men who are islamic extremists from the middle east like Turkey and Syria I think he said.

We feel for the refugees, but we have to keep a secure border and have lawful immigration. The open-arms freebie policies for the illegals is what draws them here in such numbers, as well as our good economy.


Well-known member
Good man, the customer's always right, get r done even if its not exactly perfect. Cool customers are worth keeping around, even if there is a small headache here and there.

Collected payment from a mowing customer who is a young man about 20 years old in the National Guard and working for TSA, (Transporateion Security Administration). He was talking about the possibility of being called to Texas sooner or later to help guard the border. Sounds like its an escalating situation. He was reaffirming the threat of sleeper cells of military age men who are islamic extremists from the middle east like Turkey and Syria I think he said.

We feel for the refugees, but we have to keep a secure border and have lawful immigration. The open-arms freebie policies for the illegals is what draws them here in such numbers, as well as our good economy.
i agree . i'm just a grumpy bastard at times . i get more chilled out as the week goes on . when i worry about time and trying to finish to make my quote, and then delayed and such, i get a bit tetchy . tomorrow i will be zen


Well-known member
tropical mix from ace seeds. she is just waking up . suddenly . a nice softer start would be better than straight on full power in an instant. first feed today. she needs it . just


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Well-known member
oldtimer haze hybrids . Muddyhay and Bottomshelfhaze . i will let them stretch into the more intense light and then start training them into a custom shaped canopy once they are old enough for easy bending , and low chance of snap.


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ICMag Donor
Looking good. the Tropical sativa has some long sativa leaves! Going to really move in a week after feeding.

State congress-- Senate had a cannabis amendment presented in a psilosybin treatment program bill, the senate refused to look at it, but it was epic.

He brought forth the amendment and said 85 % of people surveyed in the state recently suppored medical or adult use cannabis. Going to send a thank you to Senator Taylor.


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The book of the dream visions of Enoch.


The chronological source of the book of Enoch from when it was first penned has been in dispute since its discovery in the Dead Sea scrolls in 1946 and its later translation into English. Because of the accuracy of these prophecies modern scholars agree that this book was written between the Maccabeun period of 167 – 63 BC. I strongly disagree with them. They also date the book of Daniel in this period as well again because of the accuracy of the prophecies in the dreams revealed between its pages. Although I respect their work very much. If it wasn't for R.H.Charles of oxford university press England for example, we would not have an English translation of the book of Enoch. Enoch was the seventh from Adam according to Jude 1:14 and if taken literally, that Enoch wrote these books, then the true date of when they were penned would have been five thousand five hundred years ago approximately one thousand years before the flood of Noah. I have written this commentary in an attempt to collaborate scripture with the book of Enoch. The comparison I present with the scriptures I am sure is enough evidence of the authentication of the book of Enoch; however it’s down to the reader to make up their own mind.

The book of Enoch we have today is an accumulation of five books all written by Enoch the seventh from Adam as follows:

The Book of the Watchers (Enoch 1 – 36)

The Book of Parables of Enoch (Enoch 37 – 71)

Book of the Heavenly Luminaries (Enoch 72 – 82)

The Book of Dream Visions (Enoch 83 – 90) of which this commentary is based on.

The Epistle of Enoch ( Enoch 91 – 108)


Well-known member
7000 years of the history of the Word.

In Chapter 83 of the book of Enoch, Enoch receives a dream that the earth is going to be destroyed by a flood Gen 6:13. Chapter 84 is Enoch’s prayer of intercession that God would leave a remnant on the earth and save them from the coming destruction. Chapter 85 onwards is what I want to focus on.

Chapter 85

Here God/El starts to reveal the history of the world from the creation of Adam and Eve, their fall right up to the new heaven and new earth in perfect chronological order. I will attempt here to interpret the analogy of the animals and what they represent from the birds of the air to the beasts of the field clean and unclean.

First is mentioned a white bull and a heifer Adam and Eve. Gen 2:7/Gen 2:21. There are two bulls one black/Cain and the other red/Abel. Cain being the first born which matches Genesis 4:1. In verse 4 the black bull gored the red one, slew it/killed Abel: Gen 4:8. Verse 5; the heifer/Eve went with the black bull/Cain and many Oxen proceeded from him; the oxen being the descendants of Cain Gen 4:17-26. Verse 6 now calls the heifer/eve a cow and she leaves Cain the black bull in pursuit of the red bull Abel but can’t find him and laments/cries on not being able to find Abel. Verse 7 the first bull/Adam no longer white, comforts the cow/ Eve and her grief for the loss/death of her son is abased. Then Eve gives birth to another White bull/Seth from Adam and after that she bares many more bulls and black cows males and females... Verses 9 and 10 are the descendants of Seth.

Verse five seems to contradict the book of Genesis and Enoch chapter six. Or does it? Let’s take a closer look at the text then compare this with the book of Genesis. Verse four agrees with the book of Genesis but verse five states this: The heifer/Eve went with the black bull/Cain and many Oxen proceeded from him. Eve went with Cain and his descendants came from Eve. This would explain a lot of unanswered questions in the genealogies of Cain and their origins. Eve may have boar Cain a female and when she was of age Cain took her for his wife. This may explain the origins of Cain’s wife: And Cain knew his wife Gen 4:17. That’s been a mystery for a long time. Note: And all the days that Adam lived were nine hundred and thirty years: and he died. Gen 5:5...According to the text man kind lived a lot longer than three score and ten before the flood so a generation lived more than seventy years.

Chapter 86

Verse one is the fall of Lucifer/Satan symbolised as a fallen star. It strikes the earth and rises up to go to the descendants of Cain the Oxen. This seems to contradict the book of Genesis and Enoch chapter six once again. Or does it? Let’s take a closer look at the text once again then compare this with the book of Genesis. One thing to note is the timing of this event of the fallen star/Satan cast out of Heaven. This according to the text occurs in the days of Cain. Again is this a contradiction against the book of Genesis? Once again let’s take a closer look. Verse two says that the black oxen/descendants of Cain were rounded up by this star that fell and changed their pasture and stalls. Pasture is the food or teaching they received and stalls their inhabitants/homes. Cities for the first time appeared with walls around them with Satan in the flesh ruling the descendants of Cain. Satan as a false god on the earth. Verse three we see the descent of the Watchers as in chapter 6 of the book of Enoch and Gen 6:1-4. And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, that the sons of God (Angels/Watchers/stars) saw the daughters of men/Cain that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose. And the LORD said My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years. There were giants/nephilim in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.

The stars/Watchers became bulls/men and taught the cattle/cows and oxen/descendants of Cain the secrets of heaven and entered/sexual relations with the daughters of men/cows of the oxen as mentioned in Enoch 8:1-3. The elephants, camels and asses are the offspring of the fallen watchers, the nephilim giants of old men of renown found in modern day Greek and Latin mythology.

Chapter 87.

Vision of the The flood.

In verse two Enoch seems to be on the earth as he now looks up to heaven and he sees seven arch angels descend from heaven four in front and three behind them. One of the three behind them takes Enoch by the hand and raises him up with them into the heavens Gen 5:24. Enoch is raised up unto a high place and sees a tower raised high above the earth. Not in the earth but above it. One of the three angels that took Enoch instructs him to remain in this place until the destruction of the Nephilim the elephants, camels and asses, the watchers the stars that fell/ Jude 6 and the oxen the male descendants of Cain.

Chapter 88.

One of the first four angels that descended with the seven seized the first star that had fallen/Satan and cast him into the abyss. Then another angel of the seven put it into the hearts of the nephilim elephants. Camels and asses to turn against one another and to kill one another by the sword. Then one of the first four angels caused meteors to come down from heaven and stoned the flesh of the nephilim then the angel cast’s their spirits down to the abyss with the first star that had fallen/angel/watcher that had transgressed the command of the Lord of Spirits first and the watchers.

Chapter 89

One of the first four angels went to the white bull/Noah and instructed him of what was to come upon the earth and Noah built the ark under the instructions of one of the four first angels. The three bulls are Noah’s sons Shem Ham and Japheth Gen 6:14-22. The enclosure in verse two is the earth and the lofty roof was the canopy of water above the earth which our satellites now orbit at approximately 35’000 feet above the circle of the equator Gen 1:6-7. What Enoch sees here is the canopy of water being released onto the earth in the form of a flood/rain fall. Before the flood a mist watered the earth Gen 2:6. In verse two the seven torrents or funnels/holes were where he saw the windows of heaven from above open up and Eden divided into seven continents during the flood as the water from below burst forth. Verse two is the water from beneath the earth rising up. Verse 4.5,6,7 and 8 explain the destruction of the cattle elephants, camels, and asses/Nephilim giants. Verse 7 explains when mankind and the fallen offspring were destroyed abysses opened up and swallowed the water leaving the earth dry and the ark settled on the earth and the clouds cleared and the sun shone Genesis chapter 8. In verse- 9 the abysses that opened up and swallowed the water and vegetation and flesh may be the oil and gas pockets of today under the earth’s surface