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Shiva Grows


Well-known member
once these plants in my tent are finished i will be taking 2 weeks off to take everything down. i have noticed the connectors are starting to become brittle in my tent . i will strip the room and start from scratch and purpose fit it out instead of a tent . around 3-4 months time.

i need to replace the filter , and give my extractor fan a rest anyway . get everything serviced etc

the solistek and philips bulbs are fresh , and still plenty life left in the mars . i like to have a mixture of light


ICMag Donor
the silver spoon fed yuppys in bacon corner encouraging them in,,, until they end up being effected
Its interesting how the Churches are the ones who house these illegal migrant flows. I can see the viewpoint of the church, but its one based in ignorance. We have to have a strong national security and that begins with maintaining a border. If Soros Jr. is a sworn enemy doing evil works, he will get the judgement he deserves. The Angel will crush him to powder.


Well-known member
the leaders work for the corporation pipeline. it was all a lie. they want to eliminate you . they do not work for the people. they openly shit on all constitutions. all the west is in the same situation of a one world government coup , that nobody wanted other than the elite that are enabling it. anyone supporting them i have my doubts about as a human being . the church included


ICMag Donor
I love the immigrants though and have pity on the innocent ones caught up in this mess. Its tough, but we have to have a sound legal immigration policy and it has to be enforces to filter out our enemies and the possibility of new harmful diseases.


ICMag Donor
The world government is exercising its power right now over the nations wanting to determine their own cannabis policy. Canada and several other countries have legalized but the Narcotics treaty "Single Convention on Narcotics 1961" has been changed to allow cannabis to be lower in the drug schedules to allow medical use and research.

In my mind adult use is still classified as medical because people would be able to utilize cannabis as a medicine. But you see how the authority has been set up. It just needs a couple pillars, one at a time the structure and form of world government is becoming established.

Covid, the WHO had full control of member nation states essentially or the nations could be banned from international travel.

They want to control the money supply with an international SDR or whatever, then its going to be interesting.


Well-known member
I love the immigrants though and have pity on the innocent ones caught up in this mess. Its tough, but we have to have a sound legal immigration policy and it has to be enforces to filter out our enemies and the possibility of new harmful diseases.
for sure . i would maybe do the same in the same situation . i openly talk of fleeing the u.k haha. people will be begging russia to liberate them one day . usa is in 10s of trillion debt though. so who pays pipe?


ICMag Donor
Our state government just passed legislation that says nobody from a nation which is considered a foreign aderversary is able to own land.

We have uniquely generous policies for illegal immigrants, thus no border could contain all the flow of migrants. They have people who cross the border with a child who is not even theirs to gain citizenship more easily through loopholes in the system. They lie about their age, military aged men.

Its a rough and dangerous journey, have to respect them looking for a good place to live. The elite have created artificial scarcity in their countries to drive them out as a weapon against our country.
They use our compassion against us as a trojan horse allows an army to get through into enemy territory.


ICMag Donor
But if we walk with God and the immigrants turn out to be our friends, we are that much stronger to fight the globalists. Make friends with the immigrants, teach them about how we do things here, welcome them in.

Cannabis will heal the nations through Jesus Christ. Let kindness bloom


Well-known member
to kill any soil larvae and not effect the plants i use a combination of , rapeseed oil , pyrethrum, fatty acid or safer soap water mix. you can buy similar products ready made too. to kill mould around the place or clean down i have a bottle of liquid oxygen, or i just use thick bleach diluted , then i use soap and water, then i use alcohol wipes. and to keep less bugs wanting to come near i mist areas with a neem soap mix , and put neem on my intake filters etc . my house is half a building site , and i have huge compost bins out the back near my iopen windows, and i use soil. and i'm in the uk. so i'm prime for fungus twats .
Nothing worse than fugus twats!

Get yourself some large particle diatomaceous earth if you’re dealing with them regularly, it’s a god send and acts as a mulch too, so perfect in soil.
It’s called “gnatrid” over here.

Forget the dusty stuff that turns to mud when it’s wet.

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