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Ron Paul 2012!!! Your thoughts on who we should pick for our "Cause"?

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Only when i say them to women....:tiphat:

I dont understand what youre saying here though..

Rich equal and poor equal

I think you forget the pensions, healthcare, dental, etc that was promised to workers, and then whittled and pissed away.

Someone stole something first, and it wasnt the American people.

Again ill point to a post WW2 world in shambles, and thousands of American factories that were never bombed. We had the world by the ass, and the corporatist and bankers pissed it away.

Dr Paul will slam the front door so hard on them, the back door will fly wide open.

So I should pay for other people falling for ponzi schemes


You bring in millions of dollars in capital gains?

If you do, then im sure you could afford it...

The 'people' have already paid for it, the question is, do they get anything for it...

People get rich 'rattling' the markets (see the end of Trading Places).

theyve rattled the markets in Europe (why is Britain going though austerity, when the Pound has relatively never been higher against the Euro and Dollar?).

The sky is not falling, unless enough people believe it.

US Dollars are 89% of the worlds currency, and its Fiat money...

By hook or by crook is normally the latter (its generally easier that way).



I dont know who tied Capital Gains (or didnt untie) to 401ks, but they are fucking brillant.

No one wants their retierment funds taxed, espiecally if its meager earnings.

But thats the beauty of it all. If you can tie your income stream to the publics retierment funds, the public will want lower taxes for you.


Have $20000 in retirement and you earn $1000 in a year, of course losing $300 dollars a year is going to be a big hit.


Doesnt get paid like you
Doesnt take a salary (that would be taxed at 39.6%)
He get all his money paid in capital gains, and is sitting on MOUNTAINS of cash

He has $200,000,000 in money to play with, and earns $10,000,000 in a year. He wants to pay ZERO on this money (not the measly $3,000,000 compared to his play money).

Again, there is a closed system of money, fiat currency. His ability to speculate without repercussions is totally out of line with a normal persons retirement fund.

Money is much easier to get when you already have some.

The first Million is ALWAYS the hardest to get.

Rigging his tax structure into retirement funds is fucking brilliant, and just one small example of how their money and power gives them way more control over policy.

Dr Paul will not help this, he cant 'blow up' the whole system. The President is the Executive, not a legislator who writes the law.



How about a sound policy, like first $10,000 in cap gains is 0%, then it gets progressively higher?

We are talking about sitting on $100 million, and bitching about paying $3 million in taxes (IF you made 10% and payed 30% on that), vs someones entire RETIREMENT fund.

OJ Simpson didnt need to kill his wife...
A construction worker making 40K, and losing half in divorce... I understand...

(And again, i try to post this every 100 posts or so, i still might vote for RP. The only thing he can certainly accomplish is the re-scheduling of MJ, which will end the Drug War, which should end the Mexican 'Border War'. Such a paradigm shift might be whats good the the nation. Other than not declaring war, his other policies wont pass Congress. Its a pipedream.)


Active member
Cojito: So...No examples of it.
He says nothing of a healthy libido being sinful. Your making things up.

eh? you've already admitted that Ron Paul believes people who have sex for pleasure (re: healthy libido) instead of procreation are sinners.

You do realize by your incorrect definition of FORCE you are FORCING your views on him and judging him the sinner, in your eyes....

i have no idea what this means. i don't recall using the word force. perhaps you could furnish a quote? i've called no one a sinner. i said this:"Ron's notion that sex is sinful unless you're married and making a baby is sure to turn off anyone who still has a pulse."

You label sex as healthy ...

not just me. doctors.

therefore he is the sinner ...

no. no therefore. i didn't call anyone a sinner. you're rambling.

yet there is disease and death caused from sex also..... He is just pointing to the ROOT of the problem and it is based in his religion but also scientific facts.....
To ignore facts like Crabs, Herpes, Aids, Abortion or to label them healthy.... Seems WRONG........RIGHT?

yes, to label disease as healthy would indeed be wrong. but i said sex was healthy. sex is not sickness.


sex is definitively healthy.

Ron Paul can be crazy sometimes, i never once thought he was perfect or anything. Every candidate seems to be completely out of their minds (especially the republicans).

But i still want out of the wars in the middle east, i want the drug war to end, I want the gov't to stop spying on americans, and i want the states to have more power.. so ron paul I suppose.

Basically, you got to ask yourself, what are the most important issues?


Active member
sex is definitively healthy.

Ron Paul can be crazy sometimes,

I know sex is/can be healthy, I didn't suggest it wasn't....
I only pointed out that it has two sides and you can't acknowledge one side and not the other........
That was my point. Ron Paul says sex is a sin, not unheathy....You making stuff up and adding your spin on his words.

I could add rape and child molestation to the items under......sex thar are not so great too.

On the other hand you can create life and get some stress releif.
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you can get diseases from eating something like lettuce too, does that make it wrong or sinful in anyway to eat it? Personaly, I feel all vegetables are unhealthy, but sinful or wrong? no...

when having sex, of course bad stuff can happen, but dont blame sex. There is two sides to everything in life. Just use your head


pretty disgusting to equate the dominating and violent acts of rape and child molestation with something as wonderful as sex...

Rape has little to do with sex and everything to do with violence, terror, domination and a fucked up mind.

WHAT A GREAT 3000th post!

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
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ICMag Donor
Pretty soon it may be like the kid's book "the Giver"

The Giver is a dystopian children's novel by Lois Lowry. It is set in a society which is at first presented as a utopian society and gradually appears more and more dystopian. The novel follows a boy named Jonas through the twelfth year of his life. The society has eliminated pain and strife by converting to "Sameness," a plan that has also eradicated emotional depth from their lives. Jonas is selected to inherit the position of "Receiver of Memory," the person who stores all the past memories of the time before Sameness, in case they are ever needed to aid in decisions that others lack the experience to make. When Jonas meets the previous receiver—The "Giver"—he is confused in many ways. The Giver is also able to break some rules, such as turning off the speaker and lying to people of the community. As Jonas receives the memories from the Giver, he discovers the power of knowledge. The people in his community are happy because they don't know of a better life, but the knowledge of what they are missing out on could create major chaos. He faces a dilemma: Should he stay with the community, his family living a shallow life without love, color, choices, and knowledge, or should he run away to where he can live a full life?
Despite controversy and criticism that the book's subject material is inappropriate for young children, The Giver won the 1994 Newbery Medal and has sold more than 5.3 million copies.[citation needed] In Australia, the United States, and Canada, it is a part of many middle school reading lists, but it is also on many challenged book lists and appeared on the American Library Association's list of most challenged books of the 1990s.[1]


Game Bred

eh? you've already admitted that Ron Paul believes people who have sex for pleasure (re: healthy libido) instead of procreation are sinners.

i have no idea what this means. i don't recall using the word force. perhaps you could furnish a quote? i've called no one a sinner. i said this:"Ron's notion that sex is sinful unless you're married and making a baby is sure to turn off anyone who still has a pulse."

not just me. doctors.

no. no therefore. i didn't call anyone a sinner. you're rambling.

yes, to label disease as healthy would indeed be wrong. but i said sex was healthy. sex is not sickness.
since every candidate on both sides believes sex is sin.. who 'ya voting for?
there is no candidate who don't believe in cloud man,the loving zombie and super ghost.


Game Bred
Alpha children wear grey. They work much harder than we do, because they're so frightfully clever. I'm really awfully glad I'm a Beta, because I don't work so hard. And then we are much better than the Gammas and Deltas. Gammas are stupid. They all wear green, and Delta children wear khaki. Oh no, I don't want to play with Delta children. And Epsilons are still worse. They're too stupid to be able to be able to read or write. Besides they wear black, which is such a beastly colour. I'm so glad I'm a Beta.


Active member
Corporatoins are anything but people.
They are the structures put in place to supress us and withhold the truth.
I took a look at the literal meaning of the two words, CORPO RATIONS.
Some good examples are MSM, DEA, FDA, EPA. FCC, FDA, and so much more

[IMG said:

CORPO RATIONS - Compound word. two words break down as,

  1. (anatomy) body
  2. corpse, cadaver

noun 1. a fixed allowance of provisions or food, especially for soldiers or sailors or for civilians during a shortage: a daily ration of meat and bread.

corporationmid-15c., "persons united in a body for some purpose,"

Persons united in a body for some purpose....What purpose?Supression. Break down the word itself. Any small business owner, farmer, MMJ dispensary knows the deal.

a corpse, cadaver, (with a) fixed allowance of provisions or food, especially for soldiers or sailors or for civilians during a shortage.
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mid-15c., "persons united in a body for some purpose," from such use in Anglo-Latin, from L.L. corporationem (nom. corporatio), noun of action from corporat-, pp. stem of L. corporare "to embody" (see corporate). Meaning "legally authorized entity" (including municipal governments and modern business companies) is from 1610s

Etymology is your friend. Cute coincidences that pretend to be informed, not so much...


Active member

Intresting that mitt is making the efforts to be extra friendly

It is a friendship that, by Mr. Paul’s telling, Mr. Romney has worked to cultivate.

So Paul is amicable with his opponent he must be trying to help him win. Really no canadate attacks Paul, and he couldn't outspend Romney

I tink it's a move by the media and mitt to make Paul look like a sel out


Active member
So Paul is amicable with his opponent he must be trying to help him win

Well, if you look how some of these guys reply when they don't like what you say...They may have a point. Most of them are rude, disrespectful, and dismissive as they can be. They are always reluctant to give any credibiltiy.

They dismiss videos of Presidents because I got them off of youtube, but MSM is legit.

They dismiss any connetion of compound words and their meanings..They are literally connected, yet they dismiss that completely. Can you do the same to SUN SET, MIND SET,
They dismiss most of what is put in front of them, if they were not already of that mindset.


They dismiss any connetion of compound words and their meanings..They are literally connected, yet they dismiss that completely. Can you do the same to SUN SET, MIND SET, aftereffect

They dismiss most of what is put in front of them, if they were not already of that mindset.

It seems respect is a lost art and disimissal is a "new truth"

The thing is, "corporation" is NOT a compound word containing the word "ration".
You can post a million compound words if you want, doesn't change the facts.

It's like saying "automobile" must have something to do with "mob" because those letters appear in order in that word.
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