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Ron Paul 2012!!! Your thoughts on who we should pick for our "Cause"?

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Game Bred
1350–1400 for v. senses; 1505–15 for adj. senses; Middle English corporaten < Latin corporātus past participle of corporāre to incorporate; see corpus

meaning "a body of people"

corporations have become a boogeyman buzz word.

most small businesses are corporations. most cities are corporations. the united states is a corporation.
i am a corporation...


Uh oh they aren't supposed to mention that ^^
"No way he'll win..."
"He's in second"
"No way he can win."



Anyone see RP on tv last night on Kudlow? They asked RP if he was teaming up with Romney and he said "No"! There's your answer on the conspiracy bullshit...


I've never seen such a bunch of hypocrites spend more time and effort trying to dis a politician than RP seems to be attracting! All of those others running for pres are either hard core religionistas, they hate cannabis, want to start wars, want to waste money, are hard asses and hate cannabis..and you want to blast RP because he wants to stop the criminals from robbing the treasury, stop warring on mid eastern governments, stop the war on drugs, etc. I don't get it! Is there another choice for pro legalization minions? Why the stomping on RP? After the slick fuckers we have had in office in the past, there is no comparison...I guess you secretly like to be raped in the pocketbook and ruined for life because of a joint bust? Screwy if you ask me!


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they are worried in michigan, From the rp forums:

Dear Michigan Patriots,

Someone has been impersonating me.

They called multiple venues where Dr. Paul will be speaking over the next three days, including Michigan State University Auditorium and the Pinnacle Center, and attempted to have our events canceled. (Feel free to call them for confirmation)

I can only conclude that they are scared to death with what Dr. Paul is about to prove in Michigan these next few days.

But I assure you, each and every event--all five, listed on our website--they are all still on.

I hope you will turn out, even if you did not reserve a seat, because frankly, when our enemies are so desperate that they will resort to something so low as attempting to have our events shut down, they are low enough to attempt to grab up the pre-registrations.

No matter what anyone tells you, I hope to see you at our events this weekend, beginning at Plachta Auditorium at Central Michigan University tomorrow at 6pm, and followed by a 4pm rally at the Pinnacle Center in Hudsonville on Sunday.

And did you notice that not one media outlet reported the remarkable news that Dr. Paul will be speaking at an inner city Detroit school on Monday morning?

Instead, you see such rabid ravings as this Detroit Free Press article which sneeringly suggests Ron Paul couldn't bring 1200 warm bodies to an event.

As it happens, every event with Ron Paul in Michigan will seat no less than 1200 people.

See you tomorrow in Mt. Pleasant.

For Liberty,
Adam de Angeli
Michigan Coordinator, Ron Paul 2012 "

Maine update :


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Tim Pawlenty, a former contender and now Romney backer, said on MSNBC’s "Morning Joe" Friday. "I know Mitt, and I know Ron Paul. ... Probably the last person to quote, unquote cut a backroom deal in American politics would be Ron Paul."

We forget the good doc has integrity something we arenot used to seeing spineless politicians posses


Game Bred
yes they confessed to acting like humans!!!
must be a conspiracy...
i love watching DB spout rush limbaugh talking points!!!


weed fiend
Admitted they are friendly

Yep, you're right. I misinterpreted part of the article.

Mitt Romney's secret weapon: Ron Paul

By Brent Budowsky - 02/24/12 10:10 AM ET

Ron Paul's donors should consider asking for a refund and making donations to Mitt Romney. Paul now has an extreme truth-in-advertising problem. Money donated to Paul is not promoting the cause Paul allegedly supports. It is promoting the Romney campaign. Ron Paul should stop the holier-than-thou libertarian shtick and tell the truth to his supporters about why he is doing everything he can to make Romney the nominee. I am calling out Ron Paul. His campaign looks increasingly phony.

Fact: When Rick Perry was the greatest threat to Romney, Paul launched personal attacks against Perry, which only helped Romney. Fact: When Newt Gingrich was the great threat to Romney, Paul launched personal attacks against Gingrich, which only helped Romney. Fact: Now that Rick Santorum is the great threat to Romney, Paul launches personal attacks against Santorum, which only helps Romney. Fact: Romney is the one other candidate Paul has spoken highly of, including, shamefully, endorsing Romney's vulture layoffs, which even Perry had the integrity to criticize.

I never thought I would say this, but Perry looks like a far more authentic conservative while Paul looks increasingly like a phony libertarian. No legitimate libertarian would act like a shill for the Romney campaign. Even Ayn Rand must be turning in her grave at the serial hypocrisy of Paul's help for Romney!

I have written before, especially in view of the racism that has found its way into Paul's newsletters, that Paul is very weak on personal responsibility. He talks a good game about others but does not practice it himself.

When Romney sounds like he is looking for wars to fight, why does Paul, who claims he is against these wars, refuse to attack Romney?

When Romney lobbied for and accepted major earmarks as governor, campaigned for huge federal grants for the Olympics and instituted healthcare policies that Paul claims to vehemently oppose, why did Paul, who is so holy and uncompromising in his attacks against other candidates, refuse to attack Romney?

When donors give their money to Paul, do they intend that the money will be used to help Romney and attack Romney's opponents? If so, get a refund from Paul, and give the money directly to Romney! If not, get a refund from Paul, and buy the kids a present.

Why is it that Paul just happens to attack whichever candidate is the leading opponent to Romney, and changes his attacks based on whoever is the leading Romney opponent at a given time?

Why is it that Paul gives righteous speeches against banking bailouts but joins bankers pouring money into Romney's campaign in launching massive personal attacks against Romney's opponents as though Paul is part of the Romney campaign, an agent of the Romney campaign, and a stooge of the Romney campaign?

At least the bankers who support Romney, who is hardly a libertarian, do it openly. Paul, who claims to be a libertarian, asks his supporters for money, and uses their money to attack Romney's opponents, which only helps Romney, who makes a mockery of libertarian ideals.

Romney is the ultimate weather vane, the least principled candidate who has run in decades, constantly changing his views. So why is Paul, who claims to be a candidate of principle, doing Romney's dirty work of attacking his opponents?

It is time to call out Paul. I have tried to be fair to him, but I am fed up with his righteous rhetoric while both his policies and his actions often have the exact opposite effect of what he says he believes.

Paul is Romney's secret weapon, his attack poodle who goes after one Romney opponent after another, doing Romney's bidding, advancing Romney's interest and helping Romney's cause.

Donors to Paul might as well be donating to Romney's banker-financed, dirt-dishing super-PACs because the money they give to Paul ends up attacking Romney's opponents and advancing Romney's campaign.

Libertarian? Personal responsibility? Romney?

If Paul supporters want to elect Romney, it is their money. But Romney and Paul know what P.T. Barnum taught: Never give a sucker an even break.



weed fiend
I don't think Beck would be too friendly. Beck, Jones, et al sling tales of gloom and doom. In the process of making up their futures, their revisionist histories clash and they all sling personal slams at each other.

If you want to know more about Ron Paul, check out his metamorphosis of sorts with Murry Rothbard and Lew Rockwell. These guys have some interesting associations. If I'm not mistaken it's Rothbard and Rockwell who, with Paul left the Libertarian Party in 1988 over party squabbles. The Libertarian Party apparently isn't too skippy with Austrian economics and Rothbard and Rockwell's associations with hate groups.


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ron paul, reminds me of julius caesar, probably are gonna see way more war if you vote for him.


thats the thing to me it is important how history happened. interestingly enough many of the things you brush of as conspiracies are slowly being proven by gov documents being released which were classified till recently, on those events. if you knew more real history you might not be so dismissive of having an honest real human being as president, who will not try and be a dictator, but instead follow the oath he takes.

i don't have the time and energy to take your whole post and put up what i think line for line. but i will jump on another misconception of yours concerning the gold standard. RP has said there is no need to kill the fed, all we have to do is allow competition to the fed. take away their ability to be the sole creators of legal tender. let people use gold coins, pieces of shit or silver what ever. the strongest most stable, debt free currency will win through. there is no need to kill the fed, US citizens will do that as soon as they notice that they could be using stable debt free money instead of having value stolen from their savings yearly through inflation caused by more printing and debt.

what surprises me is that you basically seem to be happy with the status quo. some how it makes no sense, you have nothing to fear from RP as president. he will be the peoples president. by following the constitution it will not be easy for him to do everything that he might like to. but at least he will stop things getting worse.

as for the military brought home, why not have them build up the crumbling infra structure in the US (didn't hear RP suggest this, my idea). this would be a boon to the country, a investment in the future that will pay off a thousand fold over time.

you really think Germany will be invaded if the US leaves? ROFLMAO! they have re armed enough to keep soldiers in Afghanistan. do you think the US is the only thing stopping al qaida take over Germany? how about the EU, ya think they might be able to take care of their own shit?

when you trade with people you develop friendly relations. when you don't use force or the threat of force to secure your side the best deal and are ready to deal with people on a fair equally satisfying basis you will not get wars, in fact you get the opposite. you get everyone wanting to be like you, as in the old days.

another thing about money that you never mention is that at the moment a private entity is able to create money from thin air and do with it as they please. which includes lending it to the gov at interest to be used for gov expenses.

anyone who opens their eyes and really studies the situation, can see that Ron Paul is a once in a generation type politician who is honest and has the record to prove it. if the establishment media didn't manipulate polls and lie about him when they can't get away with pretending he doesn't exist, he'd be the front runner already.

why do you think the military is giving him more money then all the other candidates and obama put together? what do they know that some here are missing i wonder?

as for the thing about sex, i just have to laugh, if that's all the contra reason thats left, i have to ask, do you really consider it more important then perpetual war on many fronts and all the rest of the important issues? Ron Paul has made it very clear that gov has no business legislating morality, or any private behavior as long as no ones rights are infringed.

a president who believes in the individuals rights, will be such a breath of fresh air. without someone like that soon to nominate some constitutional judges, the supreme court might as well not exist anymore. one more progressive and bye bye 2nd, bye 4th, oh wait that's gone already, bye bye the first too, before you know it the whole thing will be bye bye.
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