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Ron Paul 2012!!! Your thoughts on who we should pick for our "Cause"?

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Game Bred
IMO if there were a NWO their goal would be "equality" with them being a bit more equal...
class warfare among all the other classes would meet their ends with "equal" and "fair share" being the rallying cry.
a complicated progressive tax structure with plenty of loopholes only accessible by them.

IMO the punitive nature of income taxation fits right in.


Kush, Sour Diesel, Puday boys
You know, you're right. Looks like homespun conspiracy theory. Would have to be if it involves Mitt and Ron, being more than one person and all. :yoinks:

Only one problem. I can only imply one scenario. If either/or pretty much covers the gambit, either/or will pretty much end up as reality.

To be so scrutinous of the vetting process in general, some of you guys are curiously incurious about your candidate

Mitt doesn't attack ron because he is widely considered a non viable candidate.

Ron doesn't attack mitt yet because he can't outspend him.

Mit is a hollow enough candidate thatd he'd hang himself with enough rope
"i dont care about poor people"
"i got a couple cars, my wife has a couple caddies"

He has no real platform and just says "obama is wrong"

Maybe ron is hoping americans are smart enough to see through that.

Unfortunately I doubt it........or do I?(like how I did that?)


SPLC just issues a report stating that people associated with the SC movement should be considered "a domestic terror threat " that's like 100k people....I see why they say that. Then again I believe there is a nwo agenda. I used to not.


KS state legislature is moving now to expose UN agenda 21.

Mainstream State news in papers and local networks.


Active member
youre doing NWO's work for them.

They want lower taxes, you want lower taxes

I ceased any NWO talk in this thread long ago do to utter sacastic negativity. THEY keep bringing it up now.
Call them bankers, congress, FED, DEA, Whatever you all want. Somebody is screwing things up.
I don't care who likes it or not as long as we can get the truth.

If you think the media isn't lying to you........You are a person who has become a sheep because you are in a trance , WAKE UP or get ready to be sheared.
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LOL. Come on man, you're being silly. That makes ZERO since.

Zero Sense = The Exact Opposite of what was said.

So those who wish to dominate others want HIGHER TAXES...

That is your stance?

I realize the media lies, you dont realize they can get you to do things against your best interest.

(Youre convinced youre going to hit the lottery, youll be a 1%er, and getting to the 1% is ALWAYS
fair and square. You dont realize that if you have nothing to lose, speculating in the markets cant really harm you, but can harm regular Americans.)


Mitt Romney is in the top 0.006%

Does someone with that kind of money have more power or less power than someone with Zero Money.

Is money power?

Is Democracy 1 person 1 vote?

So should should a rich man have more political power than a poor man IN A DEMOCRACY?

IF youre answer is "Yes" then you dont believe in DEMOCRACY.

IF youre answer is "Yes" then you believe in a Plutacracy, Oligarchs, Russian Boyars. Feel free to look up what happen to Oligarchs and in particular the Russian Nobility.... LOL

When the money is concentrated in the hands of the few, its not just the poor that pay with their lives.

They can capitulate now, or meet the people razor later...

400 = 200,000,000 That cant be maintained.



I believe in rule by law

The founders knew the masses(read sheeple) are to easily swayed

Well i think we can both agree that the rule of law is not applied equally.

Well did you know when you were famous you could kill your wife
And there's no such thing as 25 to life
As long as you've got the cash, to pay for Cochran
And did you know if you were caught and you were smokin' crack
McDonalds wouldn't even want to take you back
You could always just run for mayor of D.C.


Do you know what double entendre is
Only when i say them to women....:tiphat:

I dont understand what youre saying here though..

Got a few robin hoods in here

I think you forget the pensions, healthcare, dental, etc that was promised to workers, and then whittled and pissed away.

Someone stole something first, and it wasnt the American people.

Again ill point to a post WW2 world in shambles, and thousands of American factories that were never bombed. We had the world by the ass, and the corporatist and bankers pissed it away.

Dr Paul will slam the front door so hard on them, the back door will fly wide open.



Like 5 members of SCOTUS approving Citizens United?

Hell, i say introduce legislation to change the third word in the Constitution to "We the Corporations".

(I really would try, just so it would be defeated)





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