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question for sam the skunkman on the original haze


See the world through a puff of smoke
OHz hybrid i had in the 90s outside, a close shot of it.



Well-known member


Here is one of my OTH in the greenhouse. The color is very interesting. Initially, she looked like she had been in a dust storm and was covered in dirt, but it's not dirt. She has been turning more grey and a couple times I had to take a second look that it wasn't mold. Now she has evolved into a silverish-blue color. Pictures don't capture the color the way the naked eye does, but you can get the idea. The backs of the leaves in the pictures look yellowish, but rather they have a goldish, silver/grey color to them. That silver/grey resin covers the stems nicely

Did Sam mention a pheno like this?

Peace, God bless


Well-known member
I believe it was silver/blue
When dried it may look more blueish, I had some of Reefs Colombian gold and when I held up a bud to inspect the resin gave it a silvery blue sheen, I’ve seen it on a few Nld types.
Let us know when she is dry:)


Well endowed member
You want good Haze or Haze Hybrids, easy, NO SHORTCUTS!
If you are starting with good proven genetics, there is NO HAY, the one farming is the one who makes hay, by their farming methods and intentions.
Give thanks and praise to the universe that created this plant. With carbon dust from the galaxy's lighting us up, bringing us feelings and stirring emotions in positive ways we've never felt.


Well-known member
I wonder how many people who post their version of history actually ever read the old catalogs, let alone were alive in the early 90s at the time and smoked and sold tons of it.

People make it so more complicated than it is. When Sam came to NL, Nevil and others crossed everything we already had in NL with it. In Nevil’s case mostly Northern Light and HP. Skunk #1 was the #1 weed available, it was synonymous with weed, because it did well outdoors and indoors. Before that we had crappy afghanis, kush, pure thai, purple power but above all hash.

Nevil chucked skunk with NL5, haze with NL5, early pearl x skunk x NL5 (silver pearl), silver pearl with haze, skunk with afghani (super skunk), early pearl with skunk. All extremely obvious crosses. Everything was skunkified, everything was crossed with what Sam brought over, especially skunk because haze took too long to flower. Plus haze smelled like a mix of hay and birdshit cause people would harvest it too soon.

Shanti, Nevil, and Arjen were basically disgruntled ex-Sensi employees who wanted the same commercial success Ben Dronkers had (who bought Nevil’s and did what many attribute to the wrong people). Just as now, when others started seed shops (often based on packs they got at the only seedshop at the time...) people wanted the original, which we all knew were available at sensi. When sensi lost a growspace it became a great way for others to claim sensi lost the originals and they had the real originals. When Shanti split off to create msn the same tactic was used again. We have the originals, they don’t. Others in Amsterdam took less effort to not look like another sensi-clone and simply stopped disclosing the origin of their seeds. Again others travelled the world looking for landraces and still ended up crossing skunk and haze. And of course, the mysterious bag seeds...

The people disrespecting Sam based on reading romanticized fiction fueled by bias, fanboyness and secondhanded spite don’t know what they’re saying and I guess often not what they are smoking either.

For the record, I’m not suggesting sensi has originals or great stuff today, that’s besides the point. The efforts and results many make today by far exceed the chucking for money people did here in NL. Getting a supposed original or something based on it does not equal better.

Is that why Neville won so many cups because his Haze lines were so crap ?.
Nah, it wasn’t his lines that were crap, it was the cup that was crap and meaningless. Nevil was Highlife’s first and favorite advertiser.


Well-known member
I think nevils combinations outdid sensi buy miles..hell while nevil was running tsb he was supplying sensi...anything good sensi come up with come from nevil..fact.
You think, or you know? Did you smoke or grow any back then? or are you just repeating something you read from Nevil/Shanti-camp fanboys.

Supplying sensi in reality meant sensi had a physical shop where they sold Nevill’s too... till Ben bought TSB too. Nevil wasn’t just “supplying”, he worked as a “breeder” for sensi.

There’s truth to your claim regardless, and I never suggested sensi or ben himself created the best or w/e. But then why stop there. Most of anything good Nevil came up with was entirely due to crossing with Sam’s. When Sensi bought TSB and had both Sam’s and Nevil’s, Ben took it to a whole ‘nother level commercially and Nevil didn’t have much to offer anymore besides becoming a mascot for new sensi competitors who claim to have more original originals and wanted what Ben had - money&success. It’s that success that led to people still parroting cliches over 25 years later. All based on secondhand envy and spite.

Bud Jones

Well-known member
I wonder how many people who post their version of history actually ever read the old catalogs, let alone were alive in the early 90s at the time and smoked and sold tons of it.

People make it so more complicated than it is. When Sam came to NL, Nevil and others crossed everything we already had in NL with it. In Nevil’s case mostly Northern Light and HP. Skunk #1 was the #1 weed available, it was synonymous with weed, because it did well outdoors and indoors. Before that we had crappy afghanis, kush, pure thai, purple power but above all hash.

Nevil chucked skunk with NL5, haze with NL5, early pearl x skunk x NL5 (silver pearl), silver pearl with haze, skunk with afghani (super skunk), early pearl with skunk. All extremely obvious crosses. Everything was skunkified, everything was crossed with what Sam brought over, especially skunk because haze took too long to flower. Plus haze smelled like a mix of hay and birdshit cause people would harvest it too soon.

Shanti, Nevil, and Arjen were basically disgruntled ex-Sensi employees who wanted the same commercial success Ben Dronkers had (who bought Nevil’s and did what many attribute to the wrong people). Just as now, when others started seed shops (often based on packs they got at the only seedshop at the time...) people wanted the original, which we all knew were available at sensi. When sensi lost a growspace it became a great way for others to claim sensi lost the originals and they had the real originals. When Shanti split off to create msn the same tactic was used again. We have the originals, they don’t. Others in Amsterdam took less effort to not look like another sensi-clone and simply stopped disclosing the origin of their seeds. Again others travelled the world looking for landraces and still ended up crossing skunk and haze. And of course, the mysterious bag seeds...

The people disrespecting Sam based on reading romanticized fiction fueled by bias, fanboyness and secondhanded spite don’t know what they’re saying and I guess often not what they are smoking either.

For the record, I’m not suggesting sensi has originals or great stuff today, that’s besides the point. The efforts and results many make today by far exceed the chucking for money people did here in NL. Getting a supposed original or something based on it does not equal better.

Nah, it wasn’t his lines that were crap, it was the cup that was crap and meaningless. Nevil was Highlife’s first and favorite advertiser.
I met Nevil in Amsterdam at place near dam square .. It was called Emerald Triangle trading company .. The shop was owned by an American who’s name eludes me .. Nevil came to the store in business attire and produced some bricks of hash for the shop owner ... I bought my SSH seeds off the man himself .. I am beyond upset that I didn’t preserve those genetics . If I only knew than what I know know .


Well-known member
@Bud Jones:

That’s great, I’m sure that must have been an interesting meeting. Let me be very clear I never had anything against Nevil the person himself, and I do appreciate his part in it all. It’s just the image people nowadays create of what happened, making a lot more of it than what it is, and the misinformed resulting decisions others make based on that.

Preserving genetics from a few seeds of an unstable variety is an oxymoron. Unless you had more than few, don’t fret it, look towards the future. It’s just skunk haze x NL5haze, same ol’ genetics you can find in more than a few today. Or get some Jack Herer. When that was introduced it felt like we finally had something new on the menu. Pricey but worth it. When Nevil and Arjen created GHS they popped a ton of NL#5haze to create a similar variety to match that success. $$$$$


Well-known member
Hey sativied...ive been around along long time...infact im not so clued up on stuff in the last 20years.as I am before this time.
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Well-known member
And in answer to your questions ..ive seen some of the best and smoked some of the best...an I know that very little compares to it nowadays...and for haze..right now I would say sams stuf is some of the best.


far beyond driven...
Sativied do you know who created jack hearer???

Hz C male produced 5Hz1 which won a Cup or 2, this was a daughter of NL5 which won a cup. 5Hz1 when crossed with Sk1x HzC produced Silver Haze which won a Cup. Ben renamed it Jack Herrer. Somebody else renamed it Diesel.

there was a lot of dust around Jack when it first showed up...


Active member
I heard the SSH that won the cannabis cup one of the years was really Jack Herer

BTW it is Jack Herer

not Jack Hearer or Jack Herrer

It rhymes with Terror he would say....:biggrin: