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2 Peruvian golds from deep in the #jungle of the Amazon rain forest in atalaya where #chocolate originated.

my guess is this pure #landrace #columbiangold came to the region with #coca producers from #Columbia in the 80s when the columbian government cracked down on cartels and they moved to #peru and #Bolivia where to my knowledge has been untouched since

there is a diversity from chocolate, woods and #roadkillskunk. very pungent either way. but looking for the skunkers for my road-kill project I revived last year after taking a 10 year break.

#medmanbrand #lordofloud #loudskunk #skunk



Well-known member
...Well, 24 cups a year, one cup every 15 days, and he won them all... And that's only until 2019...; There are still 24 x 4 cups to count until the recently completed 2023...
Every two weeks, he wins a cup, the buddy...

...Between the time he spends each year collecting cups, stacking them on the living room cabinet, dusting them, and wasting his time, credibility, self-esteem, and life, on threads like this...

The bad thing is that he is not aware of the ridiculousness he makes or he doesn't mind trying to play us all for fools(as happened to W.O.S. with the fabulous historical atrocities original description of his "Colombian Gold", now modified, twenty years ago); The worst thing is that just like W.O.S. based on pure advertising empty of reality, he manages to sell LADAS (there is no pre-Soviet version, I'm afraid) as if they were FERRARIs, or granny panties for wedding night thongs..
(...Damn, but I do physically look a little like our friend the cannabis cup hoarder.....I hope we are not cousins, I am quite unfortunate having police cousins... But I am much more graceful, yes... )

Of course, Cousin Del Monte! MM would have to hire me as a commercial ....: Because, you tell me, how are those ridiculous thongs of luxury lingerie chain for 50 € that look like tea bags rather than panties, going to be better than the old and classic panties that I sell in my market stall at the souk on Sundays, at 5 € a half docen, and with enough and resistant fabric to make a canvas for the tractor and enough for a sleeping bag...

I take this opportunity to invite you all to visit my humble stall, if what you need are some real good panties, and you are fed up of being cheated with those little triangles of mosquito netting with laces at the price of Colombian gold...
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Well-known member
Website? post a link please
😁...I don't have one of those websites or any of those modern internet things, but if you come to the village any day of the market (Sundays; The rest of the days I dedicate myself to street vending with my car in the surrounding towns...)

and only ask for the stall of "el Tío las bragas", "the Panties Guy", everyone knows me and knows where I'm...(the stall on the corner of the square, between the one selling garlic and melons, and the one selling cassette tapes from "Los Chichos": be guided by the music of the latter and you can't miss it...)


...everyone knows...; come to my stall...(I sell the maría and the hash hidden among the women's slimming girdles...)

...I have índica...

...and sativa...
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Well-known member
1280 seeds for $13k :headbange

Hey I thought rockstar kush was clone only?
...For €100 I will give you the lot of 1280 xxl women's panties, I will give you 3 pairs of men's socks, and a cassette musical tape with the soundtrack of an official campaign against marijuana consumption among the Spanish "youth" of Early century...

(and a test joint of yerba sativa grown in Sierra Morena that sets like mushrooms...)


The TRUMP of SKUNK: making skunk loud again!
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
If all the trolls departed this thread there would be nothing here ha ha.
Does that mean you deserve a big pat on the back? Lol hahaha

I processed the "fast phenos" Should I post em now or wait for another si gle sourced super sativa sunday?

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