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2 Peruvian golds from deep in the #jungle of the Amazon rain forest in atalaya where #chocolate originated.

my guess is this pure #landrace #columbiangold came to the region with #coca producers from #Columbia in the 80s when the columbian government cracked down on cartels and they moved to #peru and #Bolivia where to my knowledge has been untouched since

there is a diversity from chocolate, woods and #roadkillskunk. very pungent either way. but looking for the skunkers for my road-kill project I revived last year after taking a 10 year break.

#medmanbrand #lordofloud #loudskunk #skunk


Donald Mallard

el duck
Yup. Missing my sub forum you have been asked to visit 100x 😀

If the title of this thread was "the best plants ever grown" then I could see you being let down or "missing" something

If I'm making seeds it's genetics that matter. Not looks. Esp when it important to do rigorous stress tests 😀

you would need to provide the information , or links ,
im not gonna go searching for stuff man ...

and yes if its testing how well they do in poor conditions , uncared for , stressed etc ,
you are definitely doing that part of the test , but you need to do the opposite also...


Well-known member
No engañeis al pobre chaval, que bastante tiene ya con lo que tiene...
La primera "Colombian Gold" no es en absoluto "Gold" (más bien "Brunette'"; serán cosas del posterior secado y exposición al sol de Barcelona); y tampoco es "100% Colombian", pues, al menos, tiene hibridación con "Lebanese" y "Spanish"...
Además, hace tiempo que está más adaptada a crecer al sol del Mediterráneo español o de las playas de Miami, que a el de Barranquilla, je...



Well-known member
That's easy.

Do you know how many cups fruity pebbles og won from 2014 to 2019? Prob hundreds at this point.

Everything remo entered as blue cheese was actually silver skunk (no avoid giving me credit)

Rock-star kush is prob close 50 around the world.

Let us not forget leaf doctor in Detroit either. My method and strains made him famous

Then you have unlicensed producer and phatpharmer and a few others that used my college, genetics and method/systems.....well. 120 is actually conservative and a spit in the bucket.

I was at a contest in clio Michigan that leaf doctor placed in. The guy got on stage. Insulted everyone for being pothead. Explained how awesome he is for not smoking weed himself. Proceeded to explain that he was the most talented grower and that he had won more cups than any other grower.

I'm pretty sure my friend still has the video. I'll ask and post it if he does.

Hard to explain what a total idiot without under doing it.


Well-known member
I was at a contest in clio Michigan that leaf doctor placed in. The guy got on stage. Insulted everyone for being pothead. Explained how awesome he is for not smoking weed himself. Proceeded to explain that he was the most talented grower and that he had won more cups than any other grower.

I'm pretty sure my friend still has the video. I'll ask and post it if he does.

Hard to explain what a total idiot without under doing it.
I should also add. I was judging the contest and none of the entries were great. After the contest I gave what was left of all my samples away because they were not anything I wanted to smoke.


Well-known member
I was at a contest in clio Michigan that leaf doctor placed in. The guy got on stage. Insulted everyone for being pothead. Explained how awesome he is for not smoking weed himself. Proceeded to explain that he was the most talented grower and that he had won more cups than any other grower.

I'm pretty sure my friend still has the video. I'll ask and post it if he does.

Hard to explain what a total idiot without under doing it.

Please do post the video. That sounds hilarious


Well-known member
120 Cannabis cups in under 5 years. I'm without words...o_O

How many cups are there each year anyways?

...Well, 24 cups a year, one cup every 15 days, and he won them all... And that's only until 2019...; There are still 24 x 4 cups to count until the recently completed 2023...
Every two weeks, he wins a cup, the buddy...

...Between the time he spends each year collecting cups, stacking them on the living room cabinet, dusting them, and wasting his time, credibility, self-esteem, and life, on threads like this...

The bad thing is that he is not aware of the ridiculousness he makes or he doesn't mind trying to play us all for fools(as happened to W.O.S. with the fabulous historical atrocities original description of his "Colombian Gold", now modified, twenty years ago); The worst thing is that just like W.O.S. based on pure advertising empty of reality, he manages to sell LADAS (there is no pre-Soviet version, I'm afraid) as if they were FERRARIs, or granny panties for wedding night thongs..
(...Damn, but I do physically look a little like our friend the cannabis cup hoarder.....I hope we are not cousins, I am quite unfortunate having police cousins... But I am much more graceful, yes... )
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Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
It's not quality weed if it's missing Potency OR flav/terps. It must have both. There's plenty of weed that can get you high if that's all that matters. My pallet requires both.

Many people indeed buy their weed off of looks/smell. That is why many started breeding for resin coverage decades ago. That was a massive mistake. Some of the best weed can look like boof. Whether is a car, Chick, or weed beauty is a huge motivation.
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