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2 Peruvian golds from deep in the #jungle of the Amazon rain forest in atalaya where #chocolate originated.

my guess is this pure #landrace #columbiangold came to the region with #coca producers from #Columbia in the 80s when the columbian government cracked down on cartels and they moved to #peru and #Bolivia where to my knowledge has been untouched since

there is a diversity from chocolate, woods and #roadkillskunk. very pungent either way. but looking for the skunkers for my road-kill project I revived last year after taking a 10 year break.

#medmanbrand #lordofloud #loudskunk #skunk



Well-known member

Sativa, sativus, and sativum are Latin botanical adjectives meaning cultivated. It is often associated botanically with plants that promote good health and used to designate certain seed-grown domestic crops.

The name indica, modern Latin for “of India,” references the plant's nativity to India, though it's widely grown elsewhere since Lamar's identification of it there.

From punjab to kerala the plants "of india" vary
The article above is a much more,...

"Fig. Fig.11 (Gould 2015). Those unfamiliar with the complexities and subtleties of biological classification can be misled, but in principle the issue is simple: the terms “Sativa” and “Indica” have been employed ambiguously and contradictorily."
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Donald Mallard

el duck
From the importer

View attachment 18924696

So you lived in Thailand....would live to see all the thai you grew....seeing as at can be a possible death sentence or life in prison for production and possession of narcotics

No I haven't lived there but spent plenty of time there in the last 20 years and also married a thai woman from the isaan area and that's where I spend time and have land , in fact I was there just a few weeks ago.
You don't seem to be aware that growing cannabis is legal in Thailand and growing medicinal has been for quite a few years, though the thai I've grown was in northern tropical Australia with the same latitude as the province I spend time in while visiting Thailand and that province was a major producer during the thai stick era .
My introduction to cannabis began with thai sticks and we all grew plants from the seed we found.
How about you answer some of the questions I and others have asked you instead of deflecting and answering questions with questions.


Well-known member

  1. the standard of something as measured against other things of a similar kind; the degree of excellence of something.
    "an improvement in product quality"
    synonyms: standard, grade, class, classification, caliber, status, condition, character, nature, constitution, makeup, form, rank, worth, value, level, sort, type, kind, variety

  2. a distinctive attribute or characteristic possessed by someone or something.
    "he shows strong leadership qualities"
    synonyms: feature, trait, attribute, characteristic, point, aspect, facet, side, streak, property, peculiarity, idiosyncrasy, quirk, mark, badge, stamp, hallmark, trademark
Excerpts from a diary of a peddlers life

Belgian milk peddlers, c. 1890-1900
Very few peddlers left written records. Many were illiterate and diaries are rare.[25] Most peddlers handled cash transactions leaving behind few or no accounting records such as receipts, invoices or day- books. However, a very small number of peddlers kept diaries and these can be used to provide an insight into the daily life of a peddler. Ephraim Lisitzky (1885-1962), an immigrant from Russia, arrived in the US in 1900 and took up peddling for a brief period following his arrival. His autobiography, published in 1959 under the title, In the Grip of the Cross-Currents, describes his various encounters with householders and the difficulties he experienced making a sale as door after door was slammed in his face.[26]

After arriving in America in 1842, Abram Vossen Goodman also maintained a diary of his experiences, which has been published by the American Jewish Archives.[27] Excerpts from the diary detail his experiences and thoughts about the life of a peddler. When, Goodman's initial attempts to find employment as a clerk were unsuccessful, he wrote on September 29, "I had to do as all the others; with a bundle on my back I had to go out into the country, peddling various articles." (p. 95) In the first few weeks, he found the lifestyle onerous, uncertain and solitary.

"Can a man, in fact, be said to be "living" as he plods through the vast, remote country, uncertain even as to which farmer will provide him shelter for the coming night? In such an existence the single man gets along far better than the father of a family. Such fools as are married not only suffer themselves, but bring suffering to their women. How must an educated woman feel when, after a brief stay at home, her supporter and shelterer leaves with his pack on his back, not knowing where he will find lodging on the next night or the night after?" (p.96)"Last week in the vicinity of Plymouth I met two peddlers, Lehman and Marx. Marx knew me from Furth, and that night we stayed together at a farmer's house. After supper we started singing, and I sat at the fireplace, thinking of all my past and of my family." (p.100)[By October,1842 Goodman is travelling with a brother] "Not far from [Lunenburg] we were forced to stop on Wednesday because of the heavy snow. We sought to spend the night with a cooper, a Mr. Spaulding, but his wife did not wish to take us in. She was afraid of strangers, she might not sleep well; we should go our way. And outside there raged the worst blizzard I have ever seen... After we had talked to this woman for half an hour, after repeatedly pointing out that to turn us forth into the blizzard would be sinful, we were allowed to stay." (p.101)"On Monday morning, December 5th, we set out for Groton in a sleigh and at night stayed with an old farmer, about two miles from that place. It was a very satisfactory business day, and we took in about fifteen dollars... After spending Wednesday in Milford, we traveled beyond on Thursday and Friday, spending Saturday at Amherst and Sunday at the home of Mr. Kendall in Mount Vernon. Business, thanks be to God, is satisfactory, and this week we took in more than forty-five dollars. (p. 103)"It is hard, very hard indeed, to make a living this way. Sweat runs down my body in great drops and my back seems to be breaking, but I cannot stop; I must go on and on, however far my way lies...Times are bad; everywhere there is no money. This increases the hardship of life so that I am sometimes tempted to return to New York and to start all over again. (pp 107-108)

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Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Thai GOV link I posted has pics. Large, bushy flowers, looks like a squirrel’s tail which is directly translated to ‘Hang Kra Rog’ in Thai. It has a rich aroma similar to mangoes with no pungent smell. This is 1 of 4 Listed as a National Heritage strain.

Hang Kra Rog Phu Phan ST1
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Well-known member

  1. the standard of something as measured against other things of a similar kind; the degree of excellence of something.
    "an improvement in product quality"
    synonyms: standard, grade, class, classification, caliber, status, condition, character, nature, constitution, makeup, form, rank, worth, value, level, sort, type, kind, variety

  2. a distinctive attribute or characteristic possessed by someone or something.
    "he shows strong leadership qualities"
    synonyms: feature, trait, attribute, characteristic, point, aspect, facet, side, streak, property, peculiarity, idiosyncrasy, quirk, mark, badge, stamp, hallmark, trademar

I want to chip in 2 more concerns to #icmagFam



1. a thing that is known or proved to be true.
"he ignores some historical and economic facts"
synonyms: reality, actuality, certainty, factuality, certitude, truth, naked truth

2. information used as evidence or as part of a report or news article.
"even the most inventive journalism peters out without facts, and in this case there were no facts"
synonyms: detail, piece of information, particular, item, specific, element



1. the quality or state of being true.
"he had to accept the truth of her accusation"
synonyms: veracity, truthfulness, verity, sincerity, candor, honesty

2. that which is true or in accordance with fact or reality.
"tell me the truth"
synonyms: the fact of the matter, what actually happened, the case

Maybe MedMan can take a hint and apply this seeing all his Ayahuasca abuse clearly didn't enlighten him to be a factual and truthful person.

Donald Mallard

el duck
Almost everything where man has walked is now a hybrid,the rest is hemp or ruderalis . Try the Andamands or Sentinel island,they may have a landrace.As we look for landraces we have to be conscious of the environment and make sure we pick up the soda cans and mcdonalds wrappers.
While I'd agree there are certainly hybrids there however there's also plenty of pure landrace types still too. Hopefully they are valued and maintained.


Well-known member
Your truth and anyone elses view may coflict although they both contain truth.

@Donald Mallard is the Thai expert here no disputing that. Good examples to learn from.

Theres an old heavy selected northern thai strain I have which resembles mm thai so....
No cbd effect at all, tho it looks dense and stout

Does that make the pheno type or "chemo type"
any less sativa ?

Keep the pure sativa heritage strains pure.
Cant argue that. Those heirloom ibl special
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Donald Mallard

el duck
Your truth and anyones elses view may coflict although they both contain truth.

@Donald Mallard is the Thai expert here no disputing that. Good examples to learn from.
Theres an old heavy selected northern thai strain I have which resembles mm thai so....
No cbd effect at all, tho it looks dense and stout

Does that make the pheno type or "chemo type"
any less sativa ?
Mm was calling his plant squirrel tail though and it doest match either the description or the look of other documented examples of the same variety.
I couldn't comment on yours and its not really being questioned but if it looks the same as mm s plant ,it maybe a hybrid also
he hasn't mentioned if it was grown indoors or outdoors or greenhouse, in Thailand or overseas because he doesn't like answering questions he prefers to deflect by asking them and avoiding questions directed at him,
Might be a potential politician actually since he avoids direct questions and you can't believe much of what he says, could be missing his calling there..


Well-known member
Oh I'm not disputing some have been left alone in areas of rough access or low population, how much of that holds outstanding drug value, i don't know but it's been a long time since something really unique has emerged with reliability. But if we define it at 100 years then that means undisturbed not counting animals defecating seeds or pollen on their fur to freshen it once in a while,we would need absolute proof like locals to verify . I think the best of the undisturbed and unpolluted started leaving about when the prohibition came. Then the war on drugs wiped out a lot of powerful varieties ,then fem seeds limited the pool, and then tossing Ruderalis into the mix and here we are looking for old genetics. Even now the big seedbanks are selling their seeds to the old farmers for more weight diluting it further so everything is going to be about the same. We better treasure our best because everybody is pissing in the pool.


Well-known member
Mm was calling his plant squirrel tail though and it doest match either the description or the look of other documented examples of the same variety.
I couldn't comment on yours and its not really being questioned but if it looks the same as mm s plant ,it maybe a hybrid also
he hasn't mentioned if it was grown indoors or outdoors or greenhouse, in Thailand or overseas because he doesn't like answering questions he prefers to deflect by asking them and avoiding questions directed at him,
Might be a potential politician actually since he avoids direct questions and you can't believe much of what he says, could be missing his calling there..
Would be good to view some of your Thai threads, some of best I have seen.

Hopefully everyone finds
the plants they need to be happy!

>>>Best>ibes :huggg:


The TRUMP of SKUNK: making skunk loud again!
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
While I'd agree there are certainly hybrids there however there's also plenty of pure landrace types still too. Hopefully they are valued and maintained.
What fascinates me everyone has wiley ideas that are totally presumptious and non verifiable other then a forum narrative and when someone comes along and tells the truth it's outrage lol

I've never questioned your prowess in thai production, what's questioned is this "expertise" in photo forensics.

This is the current regime penalties for legal cannabis in Thailand.....they were far harsher prior to "legalization" cherry picking the last 12 montha of policy is a poor example to give for the last how long drug war? Lol funny

Screenshot_20231128_164809_Samsung Internet.jpg

A few people have manned up and shared links to info like I have, or my own personal grow documentation. And that's why people are up in arms haha. More funny.

Ironic those people up in arms have nothing but non verifiable conjecture, assumptions and accusations. How honest and professional.

Anyways. Never a big deal to me. More pure colombian gold pics coming soon

Skepticism is healthy, paranoia not so much.



Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Thailand decriminalized cannabis on June 9, 2022, and removed it from the Category 5 narcotics list. Medical and industrial use of cannabis are legal, but recreational use is still illegal. Medical cannabis must contain less than 0.2% THC. Some cafes and stalls sell cannabis products, but they may face competition from international companies.

What is the law?

Medical marijuana has been legal in Thailand since 2018, but decriminalization in 2022 took things a step further, making it no longer a crime to grow and trade marijuana and hemp products, or to use any parts of the plant to treat illnesses.

Under the 2022 change, cafes and restaurants were allowed to serve cannabis-infused food and drinks – but only if the products contained less than 0.2% tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the plant’s main psychoactive compound. Smoking weed in public spaces, however, remains illegal and harsh penalties remain in place under Thailand’s Public Health Act, including up to three months in jail and an $800 fine for those caught doing so.

There has never once been a moment that we would think about advocating people to use cannabis in terms of recreation – or use it in a way that it could irritate others,” Thai Health Minister Anutin Charnvirakul previously told CNN shortly before the decriminalization in June. In reality, much of weed that is on sale is much stronger than 0.2% THC in a country where adherence to regulations and the letter of the law can be patchy.

Donald Mallard

el duck
I've never questioned your prowess in thai production, what's questioned is this "expertise" in photo forensics.
my ability to assess a thin leaf and a broad leaf is second to none , hahaha
i mean , if you had grown thai stuff for decades ,, multiple sources and varieties from there ,
you would be questioning the same thing i was , and u should be if you want to be accurate and supply correct information on stuff you grow , or may sell in the future ...

so do more research , check out a few dozen grows of squirrel tail grown in thailand ,
because there is a fair bit growing at the moment ,, despite what you posted about supposed penalities ,
every man and his dog has some plants in the back yard ,, some have huge set ups , and in tourist areas there is a weed shop on every corner ,

its your duty to be as accurate as you can ,
i havent tried to disparage you , or put you down,
but i recommend you dont just believe what folks say and u check things more thoroughly before trying to convince folks on here of legitimacy of varieties you have grown , shown , or sourced ...

Donald Mallard

el duck
Thailand decriminalized cannabis on June 9, 2022, and removed it from the Category 5 narcotics list. Medical and industrial use of cannabis are legal, but recreational use is still illegal. Medical cannabis must contain less than 0.2% THC. Some cafes and stalls sell cannabis products, but they may face competition from international companies.

What is the law?

Medical marijuana has been legal in Thailand since 2018, but decriminalization in 2022 took things a step further, making it no longer a crime to grow and trade marijuana and hemp products, or to use any parts of the plant to treat illnesses.

Under the 2022 change, cafes and restaurants were allowed to serve cannabis-infused food and drinks – but only if the products contained less than 0.2% tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the plant’s main psychoactive compound. Smoking weed in public spaces, however, remains illegal and harsh penalties remain in place under Thailand’s Public Health Act, including up to three months in jail and an $800 fine for those caught doing so.

There has never once been a moment that we would think about advocating people to use cannabis in terms of recreation – or use it in a way that it could irritate others,” Thai Health Minister Anutin Charnvirakul previously told CNN shortly before the decriminalization in June. In reality, much of weed that is on sale is much stronger than 0.2% THC in a country where adherence to regulations and the letter of the law can be patchy.
i think we are learning that not much this guy posts is accurate ,
he just pulls information out of his hat , doesnt verify it , doesnt check ,
and tries to present it to us like its legit ,

i think its safe to say this guys credibility is pretty low ...


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
What fascinates me everyone has wiley ideas that are totally presumptious and non verifiable other then a forum narrative and when someone comes along and tells the truth it's outrage lol

I've never questioned your prowess in thai production, what's questioned is this "expertise" in photo forensics.

This is the current regime penalties for legal cannabis in Thailand.....they were far harsher prior to "legalization" cherry picking the last 12 montha of policy is a poor example to give for the last how long drug war? Lol funny

View attachment 18924960

A few people have manned up and shared links to info like I have, or my own personal grow documentation. And that's why people are up in arms haha. More funny.

Ironic those people up in arms have nothing but non verifiable conjecture, assumptions and accusations. How honest and professional.

Anyways. Never a big deal to me. More pure colombian gold pics coming soon

Skepticism is healthy, paranoia not so much.

I wish you would actually post links. What you post are screen shots which could be legit, or might not. Please post links!

Ironic that what you post is completely unverifiable, conjecture, and assumptions also. You found weed in Peru that could be anything, yet you call it Colombian Gold landrace, with certainty.

Then you post a pic of something that clearly isn't a landrace Thai and argue that it is.

I'm not sure how old you are but plenty in this thread are likely older and experienced with some of these early varieties, yet you talk down to people like they're children. I'm sure there are other sites full of gullible newbies you can con.
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