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President Obama- Drug Warrior?


Sorcerer's Apprentice
Forgive me if I misunderstand but we're talking individual 'income' tax rates.

It's been awhile since I was looking at the differences between standard corporations and LLC but the data that stood out for me was that as an LLC owner, you file your LLC income as a part of your personal income, rather than filing separate returns for your personal income and your business.

Therefore anybody operating an LLC that earns $250,000 a year would be hit with the higher personal tax rate.


weed fiend
How is supporting tax reform defending unfair taxes, You are unhinged and no longer making sense.

Go back and review all your posts. Your belated suggestion of fairness was preceded by your polarized ideas. You know, business won't hire because they're uncertain? That's bs. They're not hiring because more aren't buying. They want another tax cut and you're piping fairness. Do you actually think the Chamber wants income tax increases for the top? Hell no but you're calling out the so called wisdom of the Chamber.

Also, you have begun the personal attacks and name calling. retard? You use that one in front of me, my brothers or my cousins and you would be in some difficulties.
Why, are y'all inbred? I've already been to the circus, bruz. I've seen the clowns. I guess 'racist' is a personal attack when it's headed your way (if only in your mind.) But then it's not when you toss it yourself in a public post. So in this case, retard may actually apply.

I happen to have a down syndrom family member and I dont take kindly to that kind of language. Just like you pull that race card at the drop of a hat. You are showing the ugly side of the left now. I guess real points make you nutty or something.

peace out Im done with you.

Look here, dipshit. I quoted a senator and the r word never appeared until you connected your own dots.

Smoke Buddy

Lets see, when the left doesnt like an answer they attack. Name calling... are you serious? How old are you and if its over 25 you should be ashamed for not keeping your cool. The 4 c's bro cool calm collected and in control. Think about it. You pretty much failed. How can we debate when you are like that? I dont think you want to debate. You didnt like a conservative viewpoiunt on your forum so you came and tried your best stuff only to be outwitted. Try some new stuff next time and it may work out better for ya. Good luck with that anger ya got there.


weed fiend
Lets see, when the left doesnt like an answer they attack. Name calling... are you serious? How old are you and if its over 25 you should be ashamed for not keeping your cool. The 4 c's bro cool calm collected and in control. Think about it. You pretty much failed. How can we debate when you are like that? I dont think you want to debate. You didnt like a conservative viewpoiunt on your forum so you came and tried your best stuff only to be outwitted. Try some new stuff next time and it may work out better for ya. Good luck with that anger ya got there.

Angry at baseless bs? You conveniently dodged all your bs I proved wrong in the first exchange. Then you got hung up on racism. 'Playing the race card' is just mincing your own words.

Smoke Buddy

Ah. I get it. You think you proved my points wrong. Im not seeing it that way. IMO, I pretty much disolved all your arguments with points that are well known and accepted as truths. You just want to ignore them the same as Im pretty much not impressed with your points. So what? Do you seriously need everyone to agree with you? Let's agree to disagree and be adults about it. I never personally attacked you or anyone, only this presidents policies. I actually have an open mind and if someone could show me how the presidents policies are going to suddenly miraculously begin to heal this economy Ill listen. Those that see the danger we are in should be loud and thats what Im doing. It aint about you and I am not going to stop voicing my opinion. I support your right to voice yours but if you wanna get froggy with me in text Ill get right back at ya.
peace out :rasta:


weed fiend
Ah. I get it. You think you proved my points wrong. Im not seeing it that way. IMO, I pretty much disolved all your arguments with points that are well known and accepted as truths. You just want to ignore them the same as Im pretty much not impressed with your points. So what? Do you seriously need everyone to agree with you? Let's agree to disagree and be adults about it. I never personally attacked you or anyone, only this presidents policies. I actually have an open mind and if someone could show me how the presidents policies are going to suddenly miraculously begin to heal this economy Ill listen. Those that see the danger we are in should be loud and thats what Im doing. It aint about you and I am not going to stop voicing my opinion. I support your right to voice yours but if you wanna get froggy with me in text Ill get right back at ya.
peace out :rasta:

Opinion and facts are two different things pal. If you want to be an adult, learn the difference between the two. And stop making innuendo if you're gonna retract. As for sickin the whole Smoke Buddy clan on me, I've got a rapid-fire keyboard. You'll need the help.


I'm a victim of fast women and slow horses
Who would have thought this thread would ever turn into a trainwreck? Lol


Yeah, that's why I refrain from posting in these things for the most part. It rarely matters what the facts are.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
IMO, the banks won't make those choices until they're forced.

IMO we failed to force them back in 2008. The people will have to do it. The politicians and regulators never will. We may get to try again soon. Europe banks are rotting on the vine.

Crisis Worse Than 2008 in Europe as Rescue Options Dim, Gordon Brown Says Bloomberg
European banks are “grossly under- capitalized” and the debt crisis is more serious for the region than the 2008 meltdown as governments are constrained by fiscal pressures, former U.K. Prime Minister Gordon Brown said.

“In 2008, governments could intervene to sort out the problems of banks,” Brown said at the World Economic Forum in the Chinese port city of Dalian today. “In 2011, banks have problems, but so too do governments.”

Investor skittishness over Europe’s sovereign debt crisis raised lenders’ funding costs and caused a rout in the region’s banking stocks this month. European Central Bank President Jean- Claude Trichet pressed euro-area governments late yesterday to take decisive action to restore confidence after the ECB extended an emergency lifeline to lenders.
I'm afraid this problem isn't going to go away until the pain is dealt with one way or another. When a entity, private or public, is bankrupt the market always finds a way to restructure the debt. Voluntary or not.

Obama is a drug warrior. :D I'll stop OTing. Gordon Brown summarizes my point effectively.


weed fiend
IMO, it's closer to Obama and the drug warriors. He might be the big chief but there's whole agencies funded to eradicate the evil weed. Also my opinion, his biggest mistake was underestimating the convoluted nature of his deference to state mmj laws. Give an inch - a mile taken scenario. Having to spend his day job leading the free world might take his attention away from career employees following existing policy.

In the macro, folks may have been arrested when they actually followed their own state laws. Had Obama not said a word toward respecting what was then existing state law, these arrests wouldn't be any more controversial than the previous administrations actions.

When alcohol prohibition was repealed, lawmakers only (initially) legalized 3.2% beer and wine. They even thought folks couldn't get intoxicated on 3.2%. I don't even know when spirits were made legal.

Long story short, Obama may only incrementally favor reform. IMO, he's arguably done that with a far lesser degree of proliferation into state matters concerning mmj.
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weed fiend
IMO we failed to force them back in 2008. The people will have to do it. The politicians and regulators never will. We may get to try again soon. Europe banks are rotting on the vine.

Crisis Worse Than 2008 in Europe as Rescue Options Dim, Gordon Brown Says Bloomberg
I'm afraid this problem isn't going to go away until the pain is dealt with one way or another. When a entity, private or public, is bankrupt the market always finds a way to restructure the debt. Voluntary or not.

Obama is a drug warrior. :D I'll stop OTing. Gordon Brown summarizes my point effectively.

I'll stand with protesters in Washington if that's what it takes. And if what you predict hits us in the face, I'll be the first to acknowledge your indications.

Thanks for the link, I'll check it out.


Guess it's easier to stay out of it when you don't give a shit!


Smoke Buddy

Opinion and facts are two different things pal. If you want to be an adult, learn the difference between the two. And stop making innuendo if you're gonna retract. As for sickin the whole Smoke Buddy clan on me, I've got a rapid-fire keyboard. You'll need the help.

Nice try but I was factual on my points. I dont need your stamp of approval as to my content. Did I retract something? LOL. I didnt mean to. :) Listen buddy, you are also entitled to your opinion but not your own facts. You're wrong. No You're wrong Jeezussssss.

As far as my clan they would love ya as long as ya dont start any of that name callin. Set ya right up with a fatty and a cold one so cheers, Im not the enemy.
Dude, I live in norcal and I am surrounded by guys that are in complete agreement with you, most of my friends and family are liberal as all hell. I debate them face to face almost daily. I hold my own just fine. We do it for fun so relax and dont take yourself (or me) so serious and we'll get along fine.

peace :rasta:


weed fiend
Nice try but I was factual on my points.

Post #149 references why your many opinions come up short.

You posted a subjective editorial. I linked to news... you know, facts referencing specific persons, times and events where compromise was sought and rejected by the speaker. Several other examples point out your lack of oversight.

If you're paying attention to anything other than Fox News, you'll hear that Boehner should have accepted proposals pre debt-ceiling negotiations. He won't get those options now or before the election if at all. Playing hard ass will bite Boehner in the same place.

I dont need your stamp of approval as to my content. Did I retract something? LOL. I didnt mean to. :) Listen buddy, you are also entitled to your opinion but not your own facts. You're wrong. No You're wrong Jeezussssss.
That's what Luntz does for a living, repeat something over and over. Sooner or later your ideas are reality instead of what actually takes place. As long as your feet are firmly on the ground, I don't care how you vote. When you start flying doves I'll point it out.

As far as my clan they would love ya as long as ya dont start any of that name callin. Set ya right up with a fatty and a cold one so cheer up, Im not the enemy.
Dude, I live in norcal and I am surrounded by guys that are in complete agreement with you, most of my friends and family are liberal as all hell. I debate them face to face almost daily. You dont have anything on them and I hold my own just fine. We do it for fun so relax and dont take yourself so serious and we'll get along fine.

peace :rasta:
Nobody considers you the enemy. But you know what burns my patience? What really rattles my nerves? It's the pundit mentality that parrots the line and draws no association to fact other than, 'take it from me.'

Smoke Buddy

Post #149 references why your many opinions come up short.

You posted a subjective editorial. I linked to news... you know, facts referencing specific persons, times and events where compromise was sought and rejected by the speaker. Several other examples point out your lack of oversight.

If you're paying attention to anything other than Fox News, you'll hear that Boehner should have accepted proposals pre debt-ceiling negotiations. He won't get those options now or before the election if at all. Playing hard ass will bite Boehner in the same place.

That's what Luntz does for a living, repeat something over and over. Sooner or later your ideas are reality instead of what actually takes place. As long as your feet are firmly on the ground, I don't care how you vote. When you start flying doves I'll point it out.

Nobody considers you the enemy. But you know what burns my patience? What really rattles my nerves? It's the pundit mentality that parrots the line and draws no association to fact other than, 'take it from me.'

Sorry your post 149 did nothing to change my mind and I said so, get over it already. All you did is throw more facts up supporting your position but none were actually proof that mine were wrong. Of course part of what I write in these posts is very subjective personal opinion based on what I see as the facts just like in yours. You dont get to claim your facts are better than my facts because the are not mutually exclusive for one thing.. it's all what we focus on bro.

So let me tell you what bugs me and its not you or anyone on here. Since you are so jaded to think I dont have an original thought.. which by the way is rather condescending bro, this is based on my own observations completely from news conferences and speeches and policies forwarded. . The fact that my president from day one has mocked the ideas from the other party. That he and this group of democrats have become rogue and are not accountable. Right when we are really in need of leadership we get a leftist orgy trying to "transform" our country WITHOUT our approval or using the proper process of debate in the Congress. . (Jamming bills with mandates) Its all about timing. The issue was the economy and they decided to ignore that in favor of a leftist transformational agenda thereby exacerbating the real problem and causing additional millions to lose jobs and many their homes too. These are REAL people getting the shaft right and left because of these clowns. We should have been out of the recession and moving along by now but we are not DIRECTLY BECAUSE OF OBAMA AND THE DEMS IN CONGRESS passing healthcare and the stimulus without debate or concensus. All else answers to these failures... So get off your high ground you dont have it. Sorry but I dont have allot of sympathy for the Obama experiment. It's an EPIC FAIL. It is not all Bushes fault. Obama owns his decision to ignore the real problem hoping it would cure itself while they enriched themselves and their political allys. Then on top of it while we go down in flames his supporters cheer him on... dancing past the graveyard as though everything is fine with this approach and they know what they are doing. Its clear to me that they dont. Im not sittin still for that. Thats what bugs me.



Sorcerer's Apprentice
The fact that my president from day one has mocked the ideas from the other party. That he and this group of democrats have become rogue and are not accountable.

Right when we are really in need of leadership we get a leftist orgy trying to "transform" our country WITHOUT our approval or using the proper process of debate in the Congress. . (Jamming bills with mandates)

Can you cite some examples? You're speaking in very broad strokes and so I'm afraid if I respond in kind this conversation will rapidly deteriorate to mud-slinging. I saw the president talking about bi-partisan leadership. I see the president appointing republicans to his cabinet and to other serious posts. That's not something GWB or GHB or Clinton did a lot of.

I saw the president compromising over and over and over with republican demands. The presidents poll numbers are as low as they are because democrats feel like he's selling out THEIR agenda because he compromises TOO MUCH. So he's clearly willing to risk the disfavor of his own base in order to try to get something done.

I have seen the republicans balk at passing ANY legislation and then I see FOX news blaming Obama for not giving republicans EVERYTHING they want.

Again, I don't understand (maybe you can take a crack at explaining it) why anyone who wasn't wealthy would be in favor of republican policies.

I know they TALK about small government, but during the 8 year reign of GWB we went from budget surplus to record deficit. We started two major wars (and not "4 bodies on the ground at the embassy" wars). And also hired civilian contractors and mercs to do dirty work for us.

And after 10 years and a war on two stages, he didn't catch the network that we were supposed to be at war WITH. Billions of dollars spent, billions of dollars going to companies like Halliburton and the Carlyle Group (which the guys in power at the time were major shareholders of!)

Bush cut regulations on big companies that promptly took their manufacturing overseas (costing american jobs). He cut taxes on the wealthy and corporations (which did not lead to new jobs at home) and he had the debt limit raised 19 times (to a tune of four trillian dollars). Where's the outrage? The bank bailout was orchestrated before he took office. The Patriot act was passed during a republican presidency. The rich keep getting richer and now they're trying to make people believe that "unions have outlived their usefulness". I know because everybody who listens to fox news tells me this. Then they blame the unions for the lack of jobs, the cost of healthcare and the price of gas.

It's so strange to me that anybody who was struggling would want to take the right to bargain away from their fellow workers.

Not strange at all that the wealthy people who own the companies that are employing these people would want to take it away. IN a declining economy, the only way to make money is to tighten your belt. And if cutting the livelihood of thousands of your fellow humans is what it takes to get that bonus.... fuck 'em. They should've gotten Daddy's money and gone to Harvard like any sane person would.

And then they hoodwink the people that should hate them the most by claiming to be the party of conservative values, religious belief and small government.

It really makes me sad.


Active member
there is no right vs left except in the media and peoples opinions told to them by the media.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=el_k0QryqmQ&feature=related look around 12:00 - on

genoviese vs, gambino if you look at it like this it makes sense,theirs people on both sides that dont care what you want and have agendas,as long as we are dumb enough to think Rep,vs,Dem matters they are the house and always win.
Ron on the other hand speaks up for us,gives us a basline like our founders did to follow to make sure we remain free, the constitution.
the more we variate from that the less our freedom is protected,there is a reason the establishment on both sides doesnt want you to know what potentially might be complete bliss,because you fund them through taxes and using there counterfit they dont want( your slavery) that to end.
we may not like the truth,and its easier to ignore,but we are drifting back into slavery ,there will be a point ,in this country where our debt surpasses the ability for each individual in a generation could pay in their lifetime.
if im wrong show me where the debt/spending stops?


Active member
I don't see why people think Perry will get the nomination.
He is way too crazy, and has done some pretty bizarre things, ie. supporting Al Gore, trying to secede from the union, the fundamentalist religious insanity. I think he will be torn apart, and Mitt Romney will get the nomination. Not my choice for sure, but he has a better chance of beating Obama in the eyes of Republicans. As always, it comes down to the lesser of two evils. Or three evils. Ah, hell, they are all evil except the good Doctor, and he is being ignored.