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President Obama- Drug Warrior?


Active member
Obama betrayed us.
Even if Ron Paul can't win, I will still vote for him.
That's MY statement, even if it is pissin' in the wind.
I could never vote for a liar like Obama.


It's cool Disco, no hard feelings, no harm done. I apologize for posting your rep message and breaking TOU.

I noticed you already had several negative reviews and I left you positive rep instead.

Really? See I'm a bit color blind so I can't see the diff between pos and neg rep, but all the comments on my rep page are positive. Well, except yours. Where did you see I have neg rep? Wish I could see the diff.

In other words, you maneuvered to unexplain the idea that Obama polled as the worst president ever. That day might come and you might be the fat lady singin. Until then...

Guess we'll see...
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weed fiend
It's cool Disco, no hard feelings, no harm done. I apologize for posting your rep message and breaking TOU.

Really? See I'm a bit color blind so I can't see the diff between pos and neg rep, but all the comments on my rep page are positive. Well, except yours. Where did you see I have neg rep? Wish I could see the diff.

No worries, check underneath the post.


My impression of Obama just rose immensely after Monday's speech- finally, after 3 years...!

If our country slides into a depression, and nobody has any $$ to pay the bills, y'all are probably going to be HAPPY weed is still illegal so it will keep its artificially high value.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
2) The bailouts of the banks: If Obama had not bailed out the banks our dollar would have drastically devalued and we would have had a massive depression similar to the great depression in the '30s. So even though it sounds all well and good (and even deserved) to just say "its their problem - let them fail" it would have had a devestating impact on our country.

Bailing them out and introducing an avalanche of moral hazard is going to be even more devastating when the zombie banks finally do implode.

I don't understand how someone on the "left" can be such a proponent for bailing out rich people and furthering the income disparity of this country. The regurgitated narrative of we would have been worse off is completely flawed IMO. We are going to be much worse off because we keep bailing out bad decisions and saddling the middle class with the responsibility to pay for these bad decisions while CEO's reap huge bonuses for screwing everyone else over.

Your dollar is being devalued because we are monetizing our debt and spending ourselves into oblivion. The economy will not grow until the debt overhang both sovereign and private is resolved. That's just a basic fact of economics that Krugman types failed to understand. Piling more debt on bad debt is a recipe for destruction not prosperity.


Game Bred
"record income disparity"

i see this fallacy repeated over and over...

if you still count people of color as 3/5 human i guess...

pre 1864 now there is "income disparity"

as of 9-12-11 we have troops on the ground in Libya...
yea war!!! how is this monger different than the last monger?


My impression of Obama just rose immensely after Monday's speech- finally, after 3 years...!

If our country slides into a depression, and nobody has any $$ to pay the bills, y'all are probably going to be HAPPY weed is still illegal so it will keep its artificially high value.

Mine too, in a cynically guarded kind of way. Part of me loves the new tone and the approach, but another part of me wonders if this is just posturing for 2012.


Sorcerer's Apprentice
Really? See I'm a bit color blind so I can't see the diff between pos and neg rep, but all the comments on my rep page are positive. Well, except yours. Where did you see I have neg rep? Wish I could see the diff.

When someone finds your post "helpful" you get a message on your rep page that says "Helpful Answer Positive Rating." But when someone finds your post "not helpful" then you get no message. It does impact your karma, but they don't show it to you on your rep page because it might inspire you to go trolling that person.

If someone goes to the scales and sends you a private comment they have the choice of clicking "I approve" or "I disapprove." If they approve, you get a green box and positive rep. If they check "disapprove" then you get a red box and negative rep. (If you get a grey box it's because you got repped by someone who doesn't have enough posts for their rep to count yet.

If you go to your "My Profile" page and click the "statistics" tab you can scroll down to where it shows "helpful postings" and it will say something along the lines of this:

  • Anti Has Rated ### Posts
  • Anti's Posts have been rated good ### out of ### times.

Smoke Buddy

Mine too, in a cynically guarded kind of way. Part of me loves the new tone and the approach, but another part of me wonders if this is just posturing for 2012.

Hey thanks for the rep dude! :ying:
Damn you like that tone? Devisive, mocking... thats real presidential all right. Bringin America together.. the uniter. There are consequenses to mockery and they are NOT good. He has been doing it from day one and has never accepted any ideas from the other side. You may recall the Healthcare summit where he said "I WON" while stomping out reasonable ideas. He also said then that if his plans dont work 2012 will be our opportunity to change him out. Well, they havent worked and they dont have trajectory to ever work. So time will only make things worse with the model we are in now.
It is obvious that both his speech to Congress last week and this latest "Buffet Tax" speech are nothing but 2012 campaign speeches.. he knows full well that he cannot get anywhere near the support he needs to get these things done. Its all about him being able to point to congress and say "see, I tried, they are a do nothing congress". In truth the Senate is a do nothing senate but the house has been productive sending bills that would help the economy over to the senate with them sitting on them. Those are democrats if you didnt know it., The presidents own party hasnt been doing their job for a long time. They should all be fired. When are rank and file dems going to realize they are aiding in the destruction of our country by their silence or support for this clusterfuck? How can you be happy about further division rather than a plan that we can all get behind like actual tax code reform or social security/medicare reform... He wont touch the real problems at a time when we need a leader with some fukin balls all we got is a stuffed shirt with thin skin and a semi-hidden agenda to "fundamentally change" US. And what the fuk does that really mean? He doesnt like the free market system apparently. He is doing everything he can to keep it down. His policies SUCK... so I guess to some people that makes me a racist! LOL.. The left is dillusional at this point.. well, the left that still supports this guy.



Sorcerer's Apprentice
"record income disparity"

i see this fallacy repeated over and over...

if you still count people of color as 3/5 human i guess...

pre 1864 now there is "income disparity"

I'm with you on the stuff above.

as of 9-12-11 we have troops on the ground in Libya...
yea war!!! how is this monger different than the last monger?

From Fox News Website:

Despite repeated assurances from President Obama and military leaders that the U.S. would not send uniformed military personnel into Libya, four U.S. service members arrived on the ground in Tripoli over the weekend. According to Pentagon spokesman Capt. John Kirby, the four unidentified troops are there working under the State Department's chief of mission to assist in rebuilding the U.S. Embassy.

This is exactly what I was talking about in my last post. If you can't see the difference between 4 guys guarding the US Embassy and the more than 50,000 in Afghanistan, you're mentally deficient. And I've read and agreed with enough of your posts, Dag, to know that isn't the case. So I have to believe you are being DELIBERATELY obtuse here to justify your feelings about Obama.

I'll take 1,000 more "wars" with 4 troops per country rather than one more war that puts 50,000+ US troops (and billions a day) on the ground in a single country.

We have more troops in ENGLAND, JAPAN, GERMANY, FRANCE, etc. than we do in Libya.


Game Bred
it's really not about the 4 on the ground now...
it's about those to come and the billions spent in so far...
we cant afford a single boot or billion...

it's just mots


weed fiend
Bailing them out and introducing an avalanche of moral hazard is going to be even more devastating when the zombie banks finally do implode.

I don't understand how someone on the "left" can be such a proponent for bailing out rich people and furthering the income disparity of this country.

The regurgitated narrative of we would have been worse off is completely flawed IMO. We are going to be much worse off because we keep bailing out bad decisions and saddling the middle class with the responsibility to pay for these bad decisions while CEO's reap huge bonuses for screwing everyone else over.

Your dollar is being devalued because we are monetizing our debt and spending ourselves into oblivion. The economy will not grow until the debt overhang both sovereign and private is resolved. That's just a basic fact of economics that Krugman types failed to understand. Piling more debt on bad debt is a recipe for destruction not prosperity.

We don't fail to understand as much as you might imagine. There's not many folks willing to pull the plug (just to see what happens.)

Smoke Buddy

You're welcome for the rep SB. I'm making a conscious effort to stay out of these political threads, but it's hard.

I don't see an acceptable alternative in 2012. My vote in a red state will not count anyway, thanks to the electoral college.

I know man, I try and stay away too but I just cant sometimes. After all Im here about growing some fine herb and being mellow.
Im in the same boat. My vote will go into a black hole because Cali almost always votes (D).
peace bro :rasta:


weed fiend
"record income disparity"

i see this fallacy repeated over and over...

if you still count people of color as 3/5 human i guess...

pre 1864 now there is "income disparity"

Then I guess we can be happy with +400:1. It bought us the great depression and a great recession. Let's celebrate with a national holiday.

as of 9-12-11 we have troops on the ground in Libya...
yea war!!! how is this monger different than the last monger?
For you or everybody else?
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BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
Bailing them out and introducing an avalanche of moral hazard is going to be even more devastating when the zombie banks finally do implode.

I don't understand how someone on the "left" can be such a proponent for bailing out rich people and furthering the income disparity of this country. The regurgitated narrative of we would have been worse off is completely flawed IMO. We are going to be much worse off because we keep bailing out bad decisions and saddling the middle class with the responsibility to pay for these bad decisions while CEO's reap huge bonuses for screwing everyone else over.

Your dollar is being devalued because we are monetizing our debt and spending ourselves into oblivion. The economy will not grow until the debt overhang both sovereign and private is resolved. That's just a basic fact of economics that Krugman types failed to understand. Piling more debt on bad debt is a recipe for destruction not prosperity.

Im NOT in favor of bailing out rich people - but what was the alternative to let them fail? Have our credit rating dropped? Have millions of people lose their homes AND their savings? Let the dollar devalue so that everyones money will be completely worthless?

I think the answer here is to start hanging these scumbags up. Keep a tight watch over them so they arent left to just fuck this country over. Impose massive mandatory sentancing guidelines and devastating fees for fradulent represenation and banking misconduct. These guys arent gangsters. There not some guns blazing take no prisoner types. These are uber rich white collar fucking pussies who only do the scandalous shit they do because there is very little oversight or charges that would land them in a serious stint in prison. As soon as you fix that and start dropping these richy rich types up with some real hardend criminals in a max security prison, watch how many of them straighten their shit out. We also need to stop hiring the ex-CEOs of major financial institutions as part of the economic presdential cabinet so that they can no longer propose legislature and laws that will help them and their buddies take advantage of these type situations.

I also think its time we start taxing the shit out of these fucking people. Im not for "class warfare" as the GOP clowns say anytime this issue is raised, im in favor for making everyone pay their fair share.

Why should me, Joe Average Citizen, be paying 30-40% of my income while mega millionares and billionares pay next to nothing thanks to the thousands of loophole tax codes.

When I J.A.C. payed more taxes than a company like GE who profited 14 billion dollars last year - we have some serious fucking issues to fix.

They can call it class warfare - i call it economic fairness. What id like to know is why in the fuck that people in the GOP party who live hand to mouth back up the ultra rich... who wouldnt piss on them if they were on fire. Thats my biggest disconnect with that party. 90% of the wealth in this country is in the hands of 1% of our population - and yet its an outrage to say that we should be able to tax them accordingly?

Welcome to Idiocracy 2011...
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