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President Obama- Drug Warrior?


weed fiend
I don't want you to have to hide for opting out and I'm sorry to read you were denied benefits. IMO, should you be awarded bennys you won't be leaching off the system. It's the way it's intended and the way it works. It'll work for you should you choose and the circumstances materialize. What's the average male longevity these days? Last I heard it was 74 but that was in the late 80s.

they push bonds cause the people buying them dont realize they are junk and a excuse to print more,sure you wanna hold a a usless 30 yr bond by all means buy away. also the FED dictates the intrest i would guess thats profit on the bond the purchaser wishes to make ,but i beleive right now they are near 0 ,but when inflation comes around and it will we will be paying heavily to those holders. but for now they are at 0.and the more buyers there are the worst its gonna be.

Folks wouldn't buy bonds less a positive payout. Bonds are still earning more than private bank accounts. Many generations pass their fortunes on to their beneficiaries via bonds. Long term capital... old money. Safest money in the world. One can buy 30 years bonds or the period they wish.

The market dictates the rate and you're right, rates suck right now. But it's also dirt cheap to borrow (if banks would make loans from the record liquidity they possess.) That's the way it works... when bonds pay high rates, we pay high rates to borrow.

my state isnt in good shape and i get denied for most medical expenses. and the taxes are through the roof and no minimum wage doesnt keep up.

... they own a printing press and can issue debt backed currencey,anytime they want, it doesnt mean we can pay for it,it just means they can print it on demand.
if SS can work sure im for retiring,but it doent. Its a ponzi. never meant to work just make people pay into a system and worry about there whinning later when they are denied.
Sorry to hear about the medical expenses being denied. I just paid a bill for minor surgery and it ain't cheap.

Printing more money affects it's worth. How much of it we spend affects our debt. See, we sell bonds to back the bills we print. We have the opportunity to finance out debt, allowing interest to work for us.

This is exactly what private citizens do, hedge their overhead. Even rich folks differentiate the interest they earn with the interest they pay. Even if you don't break even or manage a profit it's wasted capital if not invested.

thats what the courts are for
Yep, those same state courts you want yet can't arbitrate interstate commerce.

and im not sure about the ben franklin thing
because he also said this.
Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.
Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania, 1759
US author, diplomat, inventor, physicist, politician, & printer (1706 - 1790)
Never considered global finance a national security risk. I thought you were all about freedom, sounds like you might have some considerable ideas of restrictions on commerce.

alan greespan was a fraud,he openly stated he beleived in free markets while heading the bank that regulates them. wich is a huge contridiction.

i didnt get the notion that this was gonna stay on topic,i tried but here we are.
Greenspan was late to the point of morbidity but he's no fraud for admitting the truth. The majority of commerce goes off w/o a hitch and most folks play by the rules. Enough crime is committed to require regulation, even the enforcement that makes it mean something. (Remember, you said we need those courts)

That whole contradiction thing was broached the moment Greenspan accepted his role in a capacity to affect less regulation instead of more. In the twilight of his career, Greenspan wasn't holding any reigns, he was slapping the ass with a rider's crop (low interest rates.) He didn't pose a contradiction because he enjoyed (and imposed) the least amount of policy controls on Wall Street than any of his predecessors since the 1930s. Simply raising the interest to buy a home loan would have kept many who couldn't afford a house out of the subslime market. That same rate increase would have affected bond yields and the world wouldn't have bought so many collateralized debt obligations plus the credit default swaps to insure them. All that from raising the prime rate.

He retired and only then admitted his failures. At least we learn from these experiences and Alan ain't the only guy who was ever wrong.

What do you say we postpone the world of p******* for another time? Maybe we could veer back to the OP or at least narrow the subject.
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Kush, Sour Diesel, Puday boys
ron paul is registered republican,but is libraterian in philosiphy and action.
so one must register as republican to vote for him in the primaries,and if you change your mind you can vote for whoever in the general election reguardless of affiliation.
just clearing that up.

Which is EXACTLY why I registered republican in 08.

for everyone who argues that voting for anyone is throwing their vote away, how bout you throw it in the Ron Paul garbage can? why not use your vote on the only one who sponsors a pot bill?

and obama cannot do anything about pot laws by himself. the people who can pass the decrim bill are listed below...
It's good that he has to face these questions from us, but the truth is he cant do anything about it.

He cannot just throw down an executive order to legalize marijuana.

the people would should be bombarding with questions everyday are these people-

Majority Members (Republican)
F. James (Jim) Sensenbrenner, Jr. (R-WI) [Chairman] 202-225-5101 202-225-3190 http://sensenbrenner.house.gov/email_zip.htm
Louie Gohmert (R-TX) 202-225-3035 202-226-1230 http://gohmert.house.gov/Contact/
Bob Goodlatte (R-VA) 202-225-5431 202-225-9681 http://goodlatte.house.gov/contact/index.shtml
Dan Lungren (R-CA) 202-225-5716 202-226-1298 https://lungren.house.gov//index.cfm?sectionid=84&sec
J. Randy Forbes (R-VA) 202-225-6365 202-226-1170 http://randyforbes.house.gov/Contact/ZipAuth.htm
Ted Poe (R-TX) 202-225-6565 202-225-5547 http://poe.house.gov/contact/contactform.htm
Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) 202-225-7751 202-225-5629 https://chaffetz.house.gov/contact/email-me.shtml
Tim Griffin (R-AR) 202-225-2506 202-225-5903 https://griffin.house.gov/contact-me/email-me
Tom Marino (R-PA) 202-225-3731 202-225-9594 https://marino.house.gov/contact-me/email-me
Trey Gowdy (R-SC) 202-225-6030 202-226-1177 http://gowdy.house.gov/Contact/
Sandy Adams (R-FL) 202-225-2706 202-226-6299 http://adams.house.gov/Contact/
Ben Quayle (R-AZ) 202-225-3361 202-225-3462 https://quayle.house.gov/index.cfm?sectionid=58§i

Minority Members (Democrats)
Member Name DC Phone DC FAX Contact Form
Bobby Scott (D-VA) [Ranking Member] 202-225-8351 202-225-8354 https://writerep.house.gov/writerep/welcome.shtml
Steve Cohen (D-TN) 202-225-3265 202-225-5663 http://cohen.house.gov/index.php?option=com_email_for
Hank Johnson (D-GA) 202-225-1605 202-226-0691 https://hankjohnsonforms.house.gov/contact-form.shtml
Pedro Pierluisi (D-PR) 202-225-2615 202-225-2154 http://pierluisi.house.gov/english/contact-us.html
Judy Chu (D-CA) 202-225-5464 202-225-5467 https://forms.house.gov/chu/contact-form.shtml
Ted Deutch (D-FL) 202-225-3001 202-225-5974 https://deutchforms.house.gov/Forms/WriteYourRep/defa
Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL) 202-225-7931 202-226-2052 http://wassermanschultz.house.gov/contact/email-me.sh
Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX) 202-225-3816 202-225-3317 http://www.jacksonlee.house.gov/Contact/
Mike Quigley (D-IL)202-225-4061 202-225-5603 https://forms.house.gov/quigley/contact-form.shtml

These fine folks represent the House Commitee on the Judiciary:Subcommitee on Crime, Terrorism, and Homeland Security. This is where the decriminalization bill Ron Paul and Barney Frank introduced earlier this year. This bill will stall here if we do not contact these people feverently. It still may, but its an actual chance. stop asking some guy if he would sign a bill that will never see his desk unless we contact these house members.

make calls, vote, do something to end this weed war bullshit.


weed fiend
I think the point about SS kicking in at 65 is that when SS was first enacted, the average working man was dying at 61, thus never actually getting to collect on it.

Numbers have to work. We'd have to pay more in if we wanted to draw earlier. The system couldn't function if everybody lived past a certain age. We're gambling but it's a safe bet compared to getting there and not being able to afford sustenance living standards.

Private business buys life insurance on their employees. None of these folks' family members are beneficiaries, even though the employer couldn't get the payout less the employee working for them.

Progress sometimes has dark aspects but the alternative may be darker. Life Mag chronicled darkness in the 30s and folks papered their walls with the pictures. My dad was so poor he said the entire community didn't even think about others with more than they had. Never crossed their mind. Sure there were pictures and radio of wealthy people. A few motion pictures here and there. But those people might as well have lived on another planet as compared to the average American who assumed everybody was as poor as they were.


Active member
im just gonna comment on this, "Printing more money affects it's worth. How much of it we spend affects our debt. See, we sell bonds to back the bills we print. We have the opportunity to finance out debt, allowing interest to work for us."

this is the biggest problem we have accumulating more debt,and the intrest is supposed to work for the holder not us, when they go to cash it in ,they get paid back with a devalued dollar,wich is less than they put in,and we control the intrest rate wich is their proffit,so if they push them its only so they can print money,they dont care about the bond holder or that they debase the currencey, they just wanna print and spend.
its fake wealth,what happens when our money is worth zero ? when 15,000 can just get a loaf of bread. it happens in african nations ,its not a rare occourence.

as far as social programs go they are failures,nothing good can come of them heres a book from a guy his name is walter williams,hes a libraterian and author and he wrote a book on social programs and minorities,if you take the black out of the equasion and insert any old joe, its still the same outcome. The State Against Blacks (1984) ISBN 0-07-070378-7

they are scams meaning its govt theft,its wrong period.the govt has overstepped its authority on these issues its only supposed to look out for national defence and states take care of the rest.
thats not the picture we have today. we arnt in good times and doing the same things that fail over again is insane.

thomas jefferson -wiki
In the 1780s Jefferson saw occasional upheaval as a natural event. In a letter to James Madison on January 30, 1787, Jefferson wrote, "A little rebellion, now and then, is a good thing, and as necessary in the political world as storms in the physical...It is a medicine necessary for the sound health of government."[171] Similarly, in a letter to Abigail Adams on February 22, 1787 he wrote, "The spirit of resistance to government is so valuable on certain occasions that I wish it to be always kept alive. It will often be exercised when wrong, but better so than not to be exercised at all."[171] Concerning Shays' Rebellion after he had heard of the bloodshed, on November 13, 1787 Jefferson wrote to William S. Smith, John Adams' son-in-law, "What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must from time to time be refreshed with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure."[172] In another letter to William S. Smith during 1787, Jefferson wrote: "And what country can preserve its liberties, if the rulers are not warned from time to time, that this people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms."[171]

Time for a revolution if you ask me.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
It's ok guys Obama is cool. He brews his own beer, has an iPod, posts on facebook and Twitter. One cool cat. Incompetent and corrupt maybe, but definitely cool.

I think the bar was set pretty low in previous administrations. I think we are at the point in American politics where we can just throw the bar away.


Active member
I think the point about SS kicking in at 65 is that when SS was first enacted, the average working man was dying at 61, thus never actually getting to collect on it.

Actually, SS kicks in @ 62 if you choose.
Benefits increase if you choose 66, and increase again if you choose 70. Benefits @62 are less than half of those @ 70, if you live that long.
I am only 7 months from 62, and have a decision to make.


Active member
Oh shit, people actually do live long enough to take advantage of their SS?

Good decision to have to make retro, I wish you the best in your upcoming retirement.

For the people who want to opt out of SS I'd say its a bad idea for several reasons.

1. People pulling out will create a vacuum in the funds for everyone else.

2. The government HAS to consider how laws will touch ALL the people and must make it fair as possible to every citizen. The idea that its all about me me me and my personal wealth does not translate well to a strong government because government is a conglomeration of the peoples' efforts.

3. If picking the "opt out" option you will lose your money in stupid investments and leave the rest of us picking up your tab at the end of the day anyway. Even if you personally don't lose your retirement enough people will that you will still be paying for it because thankfully most of this country has the decency to understand it is hard to call ourselves human and still allow people to die because they made a silly mistake when they were young.


weed fiend
... the intrest is supposed to work for the holder not us,

If you only look at one side of the equation.

when they go to cash it in ,they get paid back with a devalued dollar,wich is less than they put in,

This isn't a product of bonds. It's a product of fractional reserve banking, which causes inflation and thus diminished value on the dollar. Bonds aren't the only investment vehicle to be affected by inflation. Every above board investment is affected by inflation.

and we control the intrest rate wich is their proffit,so if they push them its only so they can print money,they dont care about the bond holder or that they debase the currencey, they just wanna print and spend.

You got the TPs down. What it takes is a look past the point of contention to see why.

its fake wealth,what happens when our money is worth zero ? when 15,000 can just get a loaf of bread. it happens in african nations ,its not a rare occourence.

Greece has Goldman Sachs and Mubarak's son to thank for economic meltdown. Those African nations you reference are also exploited. The gold standard wouldn't do anything to thwart fraud.

as far as social programs go they are failures,nothing good can come of them heres a book from a guy his name is walter williams,hes a libraterian and author and he wrote a book on social programs and minorities,if you take the black out of the equasion and insert any old joe, its still the same outcome. The State Against Blacks (1984) ISBN 0-07-070378-7

Yeah, I've read that. It's a shame the text reflects the title. Kinda hard to take black from the equation when it emblazoned on the cover. I'm not a libertarian, bentom187. I don't agree with practically anything the author wrote.

they are scams meaning its govt theft,its wrong period.the govt has overstepped its authority on these issues its only supposed to look out for national defence and states take care of the rest.
thats not the picture we have today. we arnt in good times and doing the same things that fail over again is insane.

thomas jefferson -wiki
In the 1780s Jefferson saw occasional upheaval as a natural event. In a letter to James Madison on January 30, 1787, Jefferson wrote, "A little rebellion, now and then, is a good thing, and as necessary in the political world as storms in the physical...It is a medicine necessary for the sound health of government."[171] Similarly, in a letter to Abigail Adams on February 22, 1787 he wrote, "The spirit of resistance to government is so valuable on certain occasions that I wish it to be always kept alive. It will often be exercised when wrong, but better so than not to be exercised at all."[171] Concerning Shays' Rebellion after he had heard of the bloodshed, on November 13, 1787 Jefferson wrote to William S. Smith, John Adams' son-in-law, "What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must from time to time be refreshed with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure."[172] In another letter to William S. Smith during 1787, Jefferson wrote: "And what country can preserve its liberties, if the rulers are not warned from time to time, that this people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms."[171]

Time for a revolution if you ask me.

Let's see... President Obama - Drug Warrior?


Active member
Oh yeah, I keep forgetting too what we are discussing.

I think Obama is not a drug warrior. Rather he is a president governing in a set of pretty awful circumstances and his drug policy reflects that. At the end of the day none of us really know. We may never see the drug policy reform bill cross his desk to see if he vetos it or not.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
It's ok guys Obama is cool. He brews his own beer, has an iPod, posts on facebook and Twitter. One cool cat. Incompetent and corrupt maybe, but definitely cool.

I think the bar was set pretty low in previous administrations. I think we are at the point in American politics where we can just throw the bar away.

RON PAUL 2012 :tiphat:

Barn Owl

Active member
Oh yeah, I keep forgetting too what we are discussing.

I think Obama is not a drug warrior. Rather he is a president governing in a set of pretty awful circumstances and his drug policy reflects that. At the end of the day none of us really know. We may never see the drug policy reform bill cross his desk to see if he vetos it or not.

This is the apologetic attitude that will keep Obama the main criminal past 2012...and the Barack Obumfuck will keep the drug war going and the people who will vote for him because he is the lesser of the two will also help keep the drug war going.


Well if Ron Paul doesn't make the ticket, your correct Obama will get a second term..... who's going to vote for romney or perry... funny watching them fight each other.
