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Pre-gaming for the 2015 Outdoor Season


AppAlachiAn OutLaW
^ Great advice. I only use cold pressed neem oil as well!

ya i read a thread somewhere on it and the writer said it would be like eating a Orange without the Vitamin C in it lol and it makes perfect sense..
i use that crap from lowes a few years back and i didnt see any benefits form it at all..reading thread after thread i would still contiune to see people saying neem is the shit..i keep thinking to myself "what is wrong with these ppl" neem oil sucks ass but yet i was still seeing testimony from numerous growers on multiple sites saying its the shit..it wasnt until i found OZZIE and Clackmas Coots threads here in IC that the little light bulb come on..i went to the shed and got the old shitty bottle of neem and seen it was 70% neem oil and not the 100% and then realized then why i wasnt have good results with it..
Yo TM i cant find much info on karanja oil in scientific studys about it being a systemic like neem is..i would like to think that bc it has never early thing that neem does that it would be..have u heard or seen any studys at all about it? i think i will just stick to my plan though and use the neem oil as a soil drench since u get the entire plant protected and stays that way for at least 50 days compared to foliar with it..my only reason for using the karnaja as folair is bc its alot less thick then neem.. i got 60 lbs of warm castings today :woohoo: only got about 30 days till i germinate my babys..cant wait to see how this ful-power,ful-humix,cytoplus,lush roots and neptune harvest works on my babys this year..thanks for all the help and advice bro
oh ya im gonna test out the plant success on a few plants and see who will win a 30 day contest lol..i know that is not the correct way to do it and i need clones to see but since i already got the plant success soluble i am gonna use it..do u think that if u mixed a scoop of plant success up and spray it on the foliage of the plants that it would be like a tea spray since it has all those differnt bacteria in it?

Team Microbe

Active member
Kygiacomo -

I love that vitamin C analogy brother! It's spot on.

I asked one of my mentors (BlueJay over at GS) that same question about the neem and karanja, and he told me that in a horticultural setting - they're exactly the same. I noticed he substituted the Neem meal for the Karanja in his most recent round's no-till top dressing so I had to ask him. He said the only difference is that karanja is typically cheaper to buy, so he goes with that. I underestimated karanja in the beginning for sure. I still have a big jar of cold pressed neem oil that I'll use for foliars, but from an amendment stand point - I may stick with karanja for now on too to save some dolla dolla bills ya'll!

Excellent man! I just had to buy BAGGED soil for the first time in a long time since Jeremy isn't getting back to me on my soil test diagnosis, I think he's just really busy though. I'm using FF's light warrior - it's got a lot of the same things my seedling mix has in it so I gave it a go. EWC, peat, oyster shell, rock dusts, etc. Too bad it's like $22 per cubic foot though :wallbash:
I don't feed any plant supplements to them until they develop they're first 2 true leaves, then I'll go half strength and gradually bump it up to full strength after a month goes by. I also like to click off half of the T5's during the first few weeks to prevent the soil from drying out so fast, then they go on full blast after 2 weeks. For some reason I just suck at the seedling stage sometimes, I've killed so many seedlings by over watering or under watering man. It's like sometimes when you really get into soil science you overlook the most simple of things in the garden... so I've been on my shit tight lately since this round will be going outside. It's crazy how an entire season of bountiful buds can start out in seed-form that fits in the palm of your hands. The potential from that seed is incredibly huge I think.

I wouldn't try to brew the product unless it says you can do so on the back. I don't know enough about mycorrhizae to say whether you can or can't brew granulars, so personally I would just apply that at transplant directly to the root zone. Interesting question though, you would think you can just brew them up wouldn't ya?


AppAlachiAn OutLaW
Kygiacomo -

I love that vitamin C analogy brother! It's spot on.

I asked one of my mentors (BlueJay over at GS) that same question about the neem and karanja, and he told me that in a horticultural setting - they're exactly the same. I noticed he substituted the Neem meal for the Karanja in his most recent round's no-till top dressing so I had to ask him. He said the only difference is that karanja is typically cheaper to buy, so he goes with that. I underestimated karanja in the beginning for sure. I still have a big jar of cold pressed neem oil that I'll use for foliars, but from an amendment stand point - I may stick with karanja for now on too to save some dolla dolla bills ya'll!

Excellent man! I just had to buy BAGGED soil for the first time in a long time since Jeremy isn't getting back to me on my soil test diagnosis, I think he's just really busy though. I'm using FF's light warrior - it's got a lot of the same things my seedling mix has in it so I gave it a go. EWC, peat, oyster shell, rock dusts, etc. Too bad it's like $22 per cubic foot though :wallbash:
I don't feed any plant supplements to them until they develop they're first 2 true leaves, then I'll go half strength and gradually bump it up to full strength after a month goes by. I also like to click off half of the T5's during the first few weeks to prevent the soil from drying out so fast, then they go on full blast after 2 weeks. For some reason I just suck at the seedling stage sometimes, I've killed so many seedlings by over watering or under watering man. It's like sometimes when you really get into soil science you overlook the most simple of things in the garden... so I've been on my shit tight lately since this round will be going outside. It's crazy how an entire season of bountiful buds can start out in seed-form that fits in the palm of your hands. The potential from that seed is incredibly huge I think.

I wouldn't try to brew the product unless it says you can do so on the back. I don't know enough about mycorrhizae to say whether you can or can't brew granulars, so personally I would just apply that at transplant directly to the root zone. Interesting question though, you would think you can just brew them up wouldn't ya?

hell ya bro good info there..im glad i got both the meal and the oil..so that means that karnaja oil is a systemic as well which i will start useing it only since it is alot cheaper..i will use up what neem i have left myself..i like the karanja oil bc its alot easier to work with then the neem imo..i didnt know they was exactly the same tho..


Well-known member
Kygia, do the flying pigs in Kentucky stop to chop but a small, 4 plant plot?

In KY it's either 5 plants or less or 4 plants or less is a misdemeanor offense, so I imagine that they have much bigger fish to fry.

Do you know if they'll leave a small plot go or have you heard of/seen them go down to chop a few plants?


AppAlachiAn OutLaW
Kygia, do the flying pigs in Kentucky stop to chop but a small, 4 plant plot?

In KY it's either 5 plants or less or 4 plants or less is a misdemeanor offense, so I imagine that they have much bigger fish to fry.

Do you know if they'll leave a small plot go or have you heard of/seen them go down to chop a few plants?

5 is a felony 4 is a misdemeanor..ive never seen them cut 3-4 plants but then again i have never had mine found by LEO..the ones i did see on the news here its bigger plots..i wouldnt doubt it thought they got a hardone for any one around here..i try to space mine out at least 5-10 foot apart and just put the 2-3 plants in one area..i got 8 plots of 2-3 plants there..its alot more work but its worth it to me..i dont mind a little hiking to ensure the saftey of my plants..
the bigger fish they are after is pills and meth heads around here..last year they didnt even fly in my area like they did in 2013..in 2013 they flew right over one my plots and was down really really low so if they was ever gonna spot one i thought that would be the time..i think they just look for patterns,trails and huge plots..they always fly up the creek area here


5 is a felony 4 is a misdemeanor..ive never seen them cut 3-4 plants but then again i have never had mine found by LEO..the ones i did see on the news here its bigger plots..i wouldnt doubt it thought they got a hardone for any one around here..i try to space mine out at least 5-10 foot apart and just put the 2-3 plants in one area..i got 8 plots of 2-3 plants there..its alot more work but its worth it to me..i dont mind a little hiking to ensure the saftey of my plants..
the bigger fish they are after is pills and meth heads around here..last year they didnt even fly in my area like they did in 2013..in 2013 they flew right over one my plots and was down really really low so if they was ever gonna spot one i thought that would be the time..i think they just look for patterns,trails and huge plots..they always fly up the creek area here

So pretty much avoid putting them in patterns and avoid making over groups of 4 ? Sounds simple enough. 2-3 is probably the smartest god forbid a rip.


AppAlachiAn OutLaW
So pretty much avoid putting them in patterns and avoid making over groups of 4 ? Sounds simple enough. 2-3 is probably the smartest god forbid a rip.

thats what i do bro..so far so good its never been found by LEO..i actually got 2 ripped last year but whoever it was was dumb as hell they had only been flowering for 5.5 weeks and one plant had a super bad case of leap spot..there was nothing but a few grams of smokeable bud on it..they took about 3rd week of sept so wasnt really no loss and trichs was all clear bc they had just started to form..if u do get ripped it dont hurt nearly as bad as it would if u put them all in same spot..thats just calling for a disaster imo..its alot work going to each small plot wehn u think about it but it pays off dearly..i always assume im gonna lose 4-5 plants a year anyways due to mother nature,wind storms or LEO,ripper..i have never had nothing come easy to me anyways work hard get rewarded hard

Team Microbe

Active member
5 is a felony 4 is a misdemeanor..ive never seen them cut 3-4 plants but then again i have never had mine found by LEO..the ones i did see on the news here its bigger plots..i wouldnt doubt it thought they got a hardone for any one around here..i try to space mine out at least 5-10 foot apart and just put the 2-3 plants in one area..i got 8 plots of 2-3 plants there..its alot more work but its worth it to me..i dont mind a little hiking to ensure the saftey of my plants..
the bigger fish they are after is pills and meth heads around here..last year they didnt even fly in my area like they did in 2013..in 2013 they flew right over one my plots and was down really really low so if they was ever gonna spot one i thought that would be the time..i think they just look for patterns,trails and huge plots..they always fly up the creek area here

Wise growing my friend :tiphat:

Scattering plants makes it SO much harder to spot from the air - they look for rows and a bunch of plants together in a patch. I'd say 20 or less plants per patch is something you could mostttt likely get away with but it's better to play it safe and do more patches of less amounts - especially if you're law says 4 is a mis. I would do all patches of 4 and never more than that per site. You could get a lot of flower off that patch of 4 though considering you dig deep and wide holes - 2 pounds a patch is very likely with your knowledge at this point brother.


Well-known member
haha i hear ya man..i felt like i jumped off a 10 story building onto the concrete LOL..i was sore in places i never knew i had mucles at..i didnt my growing partner with me at first last year bc he was in the hospital to have surgery..im gonna do a test this year on 2 holes there is a small swamp that was made bc of coal companys builds ponds of water and then fill them in a bit..this one here lies at the bottom of the hill and all the run off comes to it so there is trees and everthing growing in it now..im gonna take a tire and build me a mound around it and then set my plant down inside that and see if it will grow its run down into that..i wanna make sure i get a nice thick layer of dirt around it though..

Just saw this.

I'd be VERY reluctant to put plants in that swamp. Those ponds are filled with coal sludge. You sure as shit don't want any of that anywhere near your plants. Smoking plants that have been sucking down coal slurry is something that I'm going to assume to be unhealthy.

The tire idea is great for serving as a mound. Another method is to use any rocks you dig up in the course of digging your holes to put around the edge of the hole. They serve the same mounding purpose as a tire and don't have to be hauled in.


Hey guys , great thread will be sticking around:)

I'm a kayak swamp grower in Canada , last year was great! Didn't see a soul out there, I just fish the area and look around till I'm convinced I'm alone. I watch for birds and their movement the most as they get spooked easily. Great indicator when you come to your spot and see birds fly out , I know I'm alone:) thanks Ducks !

I grow 99% strains from rcmc they have some talented breeders there.

I keep my spots small like mentioned here as we have a 6 plant six month minimum jail sentence rule. So I do 10 then pick out my males,,,,,,

I also left a few 10-20 plant spots for breeding but I have these packed tighter together and in a more sheltered area where they do receive less light but I didn't loose a plant last year.

I will be venturing to a few new spots this year , I know a lake that is only possible to get into if you can carry you boat over a small bridge , so it receives less pressure then the lakes with boat launches.

I love it all!!! Except the drive home after harvest. I think I'm still shaking from last season haha

Team Microbe

Active member
Hey guys , great thread will be sticking around:)

I'm a kayak swamp grower in Canada , last year was great! Didn't see a soul out there, I just fish the area and look around till I'm convinced I'm alone. I watch for birds and their movement the most as they get spooked easily. Great indicator when you come to your spot and see birds fly out , I know I'm alone:) thanks Ducks !

I grow 99% strains from rcmc they have some talented breeders there.

I keep my spots small like mentioned here as we have a 6 plant six month minimum jail sentence rule. So I do 10 then pick out my males,,,,,,

I also left a few 10-20 plant spots for breeding but I have these packed tighter together and in a more sheltered area where they do receive less light but I didn't loose a plant last year.

I will be venturing to a few new spots this year , I know a lake that is only possible to get into if you can carry you boat over a small bridge , so it receives less pressure then the lakes with boat launches.

I love it all!!! Except the drive home after harvest. I think I'm still shaking from last season haha


Glad to have ya, and congrats on a successful stealthy grow! I had a day dream just now trying to envision your routine... it sounds like it was a pretty enjoyable season man. I like the secluded spot with the bridge that you mentioned too... it really does pay to know your area well doesn't it?

Harvest is always stressful, no matter what. I remember a few years back I only had 2 plants and it was the most stress I've ever endured... good times :laughing:

I've already been thinking about the big haul for 2015 myself... I think I'm going to put a lot more effort into it than I have before just incase. I'm gonna have my buddy drive in front of me while I tail him home with a trailer on the back of my car hauling the load. If a cop shows up he'll throw a full beer bottle out of the car and swerve like he's drunk to take the attention off of me. He won't be drunk, so he won't get charged for a DWI but just an open container. Hopefully it won't come down to that ever but it's gotta be easier on the mind come harvest day - compared to hauling it back in your own whip lone wolf style...


Well-known member
Wouldn't it be better if he's behind you? That way he's more visible to any po-po and your plates never even get read.

What I would do is chop everything, change clothes, put gloves on, pack all the bud up into a cooler, duct tape that shit, and put that in the clean car. Then put my machete, clothes, and everything else that smells like weed in the "dirty car" (clean/dirty is referencing smell, not where the load is). Then the person in the dirty smelling car is the one behind with the empty beer bottle.

Team Microbe

Active member
Wouldn't it be better if he's behind you? That way he's more visible to any po-po and your plates never even get read.

What I would do is chop everything, change clothes, put gloves on, pack all the bud up into a cooler, duct tape that shit, and put that in the clean car. Then put my machete, clothes, and everything else that smells like weed in the "dirty car" (clean/dirty is referencing smell, not where the load is). Then the person in the dirty smelling car is the one behind with the empty beer bottle.

Oops, yeah that's what I meant :laughing:

That's a smart hauling idea, now I just have to figure out how much bud is worth the risk for my friend :chin:


AppAlachiAn OutLaW

I've already been thinking about the big haul for 2015 myself... ...
LOL u and me both since last year was a bust bc of damn bud rot..got just shy of 24 oz when i was hoping for 100oz but as u already know im going super hard this year armed with all the new stuff i have picked up on and advice from other guerillas
Hey guys , great thread will be sticking around:)

I'm a kayak swamp grower in Canada , last year was great! Didn't see a soul out there, I just fish the area and look around till I'm convinced I'm alone. I watch for birds and their movement the most as they get spooked easily. Great indicator when you come to your spot and see birds fly out , I know I'm alone:) thanks Ducks !

I grow 99% strains from rcmc they have some talented breeders there.

I keep my spots small like mentioned here as we have a 6 plant six month minimum jail sentence rule. So I do 10 then pick out my males,,,,,,

I also left a few 10-20 plant spots for breeding but I have these packed tighter together and in a more sheltered area where they do receive less light but I didn't loose a plant last year.

I will be venturing to a few new spots this year , I know a lake that is only possible to get into if you can carry you boat over a small bridge , so it receives less pressure then the lakes with boat launches.

I love it all!!! Except the drive home after harvest. I think I'm still shaking from last season haha
welcome hoss glad to see u in here with us guerillas..i know what u mean about being in the woods and listening to the animals..they are always a good way to know when they have detected someone or something in the area..they also make certain sounds when they see a predator in their chirps..:tiphat:


Well-known member
Nothing is more aggravating than being on Google Earth and stumbling upon a godsend of a patch of land that could have as many plants as one's little heart can desire and WHAM!

There's a goddamn gas drilling well nearby that will have polluted every goddamn thing within a mile radius.



AppAlachiAn OutLaW
Nothing is more aggravating than being on Google Earth and stumbling upon a godsend of a patch of land that could have as many plants as one's little heart can desire and WHAM!

There's a goddamn gas drilling well nearby that will have polluted every goddamn thing within a mile radius.


haha so true bro

Team Microbe

Active member
Well I was site searching tonight on Google Earth and I found what looks like an old grow site :laughing:


Looks like a bunch of old holes doesn't it?

They're all in the sun as well, and south-facing. You'll notice shadows casting just besides the holes like it was intentional almost. This resides right outside of a wetland, and 4x4 trails are nearby behind the neighboring house about 1/2 mile away. I'll go check this place out on food this spring to see if it was indeed a grow or not. If it looks like one then I'll probably snap some pictures to get a kick out of and get out of there, never going back. If it wasn't a grow, and it checks out to meet my criteria, it soon will be one. It really does look like a nicely planned grow from this angle though... great access from their house and water access along with good camo from the native brush.

What do you guys think?