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Pre-gaming for the 2015 Outdoor Season


AppAlachiAn OutLaW
Browndirt Warrior uses pick axes as well, now I know why haha
lol i didnt know that always seen him with a shovel in vids.

Edit: on a side note im 15 days away from germination WHOOO HOOO!! i just got my BAS stuff in today as well! i got a small box of kelp & alfalfa to amend some extra of the happy frog holes with as well,another thing im gonna get this year is snow storm ultra its tricontanol extract that makes the plants extra snoy white..will be good for bag appeal
Sounds like I (we) have been fucking up.

u will see a world of difference for sure when u start with these..the big fat end will just jerk clumps of dirt out there in no time..u will be able to get a few extra holes as well with the same amount of effort that u did before with the shovel :dance013:
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Super nice thread here guys!!
Last year I bought a ColdSteel shovel and tested in some situations and that shit kicks the ground ass. Goes through 1-2 inch roots/wood like butter, literary cutting the wood off.
A nice feature of that shovel is that you can make it detachable every time by unscrewing the 2 screws that are attached to the wood handle to make it more packed,more compact in the luggage.


AppAlachiAn OutLaW
Anybody use a rockbar?

yep i got one i only use that if i gotta dig a hole in really rocky terrain..i will avoid rocky places unless its got at least 10hrs of direct sunlight then i will dig it out..there is one spot i have that i had to litterly carve a hole in slate rock but its one my best plots with the most sunlight..it gets it from 830am till 8pm..its on top the ridge so as soon as the sun pops up its the first place to get sun and the last place it hits when its going down

Team Microbe

Active member
Super nice thread here guys!!
Last year I bought a ColdSteel shovel and tested in some situations and that shit kicks the ground ass. Goes through 1-2 inch roots/wood like butter, literary cutting the wood off.
A nice feature of that shovel is that you can make it detachable every time by unscrewing the 2 screws that are attached to the wood handle to make it more packed,more compact in the luggage.

I like it! I almost tried to do that with a shovel I already had last year, but I didn't trust myself to be able to make it sturdy enough to shovel with after the modification. This shovel is what I was after... is there any larger models out there aside from the 20" one? If so, you could use it as a walking stick and it would be easier to shovel with the added leverage I feel like...


AppAlachiAn OutLaW
Nah, what's that do?

its for breaking up rocks and also acts as a leverage to get stubborn rocks out the hole..the one i have looks like a javelin and is heavy as hell..i only had to carry it one time to the spot bc i really wanted to dig a hole in this slate rock area bc it gets sun from the minute it comes up till it goes down..i still have that spot and thats where my dela is going in the living soil this year


AppAlachiAn OutLaW
it was 80F here today and i went and got my last 3 holes done..i almost passed out digging out there today..spring is finally here for us and im so glad!! i cant wait to see how this years grow does compared to last year..got so damn hot nearly passed out..i got a pic of my diggin tool for u TM..lol


AppAlachiAn OutLaW
here is where i was today just down that enbankment and it opens up nicely..i scouted this spot last year in mid july so i know exactly where the tree cover will be..these spots will get at least 9hrs of direct sunlight..i have no ideal why these fkn pics come in sideways when i upload them..they are not like that when i take them from my phone..there is the only tool i need to dig with..i wouldnt trade this thing for 100 shovels

Edit: i forgot to add that i went and checked on 3 other holes that i dig 2 months back and they are filled with water..im not sure if thats just run off or what since its been rainy here last few days..the top soil is fine but down in its nothing but ole blue clay so im not sure im gonna plant in those..so i gotta dig a couple more holes just to be on the safe side..in the summer they may very well be dry as a bone but i want to be prepaired in case they arent,but if they do stay full of water from the mountain im gonna widen them out a bit more and have a natural water source right there beside my plot of 3 which would be a blessing but i have never been lucky like that so i will play it by ear and see

Team Microbe

Active member
Fuuuuuuuuck yes brother!

That quad pic mad me smile like a goofy ass haha... it' good to see you out there gettin work done already. I love riding my buddy's quad that shit is too fun. Where can I find one of those bad boys? What is it a pick axe?


AppAlachiAn OutLaW
we call it a matic. i think lowes or walmart both has them..im thinking the next one i get will be a fiberglass one to make the handle lighter..only thing that has to be heavy is the the end piece..
love the quad man i can carry 12 gallons of water at a time on it..not long now till i drop these badass girls into their final spot..looking forward to this year for sure..i will be following along watching the pineapple chunk,kc33 and spotnica to see how they do for u


AppAlachiAn OutLaW
let the games begin..i just ordered 8 gallons more of living soil lol after i got the first load in other day that soil looks so damn nice and it dont have no fish or dead smell to it at all so i want to at least try 4 plants in living soil to see whats up with it and what the fuss is all about haha..i cannot get the fkn pics to upload the right way on this site..i have rotated ever time maybe i need to turn my phone sideways and try it that way to get it to flip up right but here is the seeds im germing right now..5 delahaze,3 biddy early,3 serious 6,3 church,1 blueberry headband,1 rotten panda,1 critical jack,1 blue kush,1 heribei and 1 jacky white so will know in a few days what comes to life

Team Microbe

Active member
Try cropping them in a photo editor before uploading. Make them square so you can fit em in up right, you may have to rotate the pics if they come out side ways on your computer but a bong rip and some playing around in the photo editor should do the trick


Active member
Ahhh yeah! Its getting close now!

Kygiacomo ....watch out for taking pics w your phone bro .... make sure your washing them of their data .... smart phones tag the pics with all kinds of shit. With the proper software/program someone can pull GPS data off the pic ... someone here did it to another member ages ago to prove a point to the kid. Wake up call! :laughing:

The things in the pic TM that look like holes might be rocks? Idk though .... but the area looks prime.

Ordering up all my gear .... just got the tax refund back! Full steam ahead now just another 3-6" to melt before I'll be able to make trips out.

Got me a fiberglass handled pick axe last year ... awesome investment. Better than wood which will rot and break after a season or 2 in the bush like my old shovel lol... its still in pieces under a bush decaying