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Pit Bull responsibility



My Pits!!!

My Pits!!!

These are all my pits at the moment... i am starting my own kennel. NONE of my dogs are bred OR sold for illegal purposes.



O yea i forgot the ages... the 2 puppies are 5wks in the pic, the black/brindle is 10months in the pic, the top pic. my blue juan gotty 1 1/2 yr old, and the bottom pic the tan/brindle is 6months in that pic he is also gator mouth... badass, you should see him now hes about 8months and HUGE


Well-known member
Rotties are German Cattle dogs from what I understood and are among the top 10 most trainable dogs in the world so in a sense they are just a much more powerful boarder collie. As far as pitbulls go, this one guy bragged to me that his pit bull was raised by a crackhouse owner and they were bred for gaurd dogs and he just went off bragging about this and the dog would bite at me gently just playing, he was about a year old or so, and owuld stop when I pushed him away or told him to stop but the owner kept encouraging him and then the dog eventually left me alone and when the dog started to hump the owners leg he tried to pick up the dog and throw him and he nearly got his face and throat torn off, which he deserved, but the dog restrained himself and the owner after that couldn't control dominance of the dog whereas most everyone else with sense could. Like many have said, it comes to the breeding, if they have been abused in past generations they may be unstable, if you don't know how to train them they are going to be a problem because I think they will keep thinking they are the boss and Alpha male or female and can therefore push you around and if you can't handle them properly then that will cause huge problems. A lot of people beat their dogs as well, we got our dog from a farm and he was about to be killed becuase the farm guys didn't know how to really train hearding dogs, Australian Shepard X Boarder Collie (don't know which kind) and he was obviously beaten as if he sees a fist he will get nervous and this is even over 10 years later but he will behave very well around everyone but children because we had neighbours who would throw rocks at him and try to get him to break his rope to chase after them so I don't blame him even their parents didn't care what they were doing. The best thing about dogs is they know who is a piece of shit usually as a good dog will protect what they think is theres, my dog doens't like men going to our neighbours house because she is single and iwll make up a lot of noise if he hears cars or people come to her house which then everyone in the house then knows someone is around. I think that most owners of the pit bulls or otherwise so-called dangerous dogs around aren't really too sure of the breeding or how to handle or provide for their dog, I for one have never met a German shepard that made me nervous, the only dogs that made me nervous were two big rotties that were at this woman's house that would mak ethe most vicous noises and were gentle as cats until you tried to get past the fence then they would probally would have just knocked you to the ground and waited for the owner to tell them what to do and make sure you wouldn't leave. The only kind of dogs that are dangerous in my opinion are stupid dogs, ones that have no real value but people like to put in their handbags or dress up, poor dogs i imagine they are more likely to attack someone than a properly breed and handled pit bull, I know i'd be plently pisse doff if I got dressed up like an asshole and was forced to siting a bag or be paraded around.

Edit to say:
A lot of people don't realize that dogs will act according to the owners feelings, at least in my experience, if the dog knows you're nervous or scared they will act to protect you and become posessive of you and plus a lot of people will not let the dog smell them first to know who they are before trying to pet them which I think is a big no-no, who would want someone putting their hands on you if you don't know who they are, that's just asking for trouble.
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I didnt read the whole post but i read the edit to say and that is totally true.... a dog can sense what your feeling, thinking, dogs are pretty damn smart... #1 rule is NEVER show fear to a dog... if your scared of it and are tripping about going up to it and petting it, it is more than likely thinkin the same thing. ALWAYS let the dog smell you first, once it smells you more than likely it will all be cool but u gotta let the dog smelllll you let them smell, maybe lick your hand then slowly move your hand to pet them... once youve pet them they'll be your best friend.


lmfao... thats what u called mounted .. lol he is truly mounted on that ass lmfao..


Hello folks,
Its been awhile since this thread has been active so I thought I'd revive it with a funny story about my dogs.
The other day a friend brought me a 'special' brownie. I tasted it and decided that the pot taste was to strong to handle. So not wanting to waste- I shared it with my dogs.
They ate them so fast they didnt realize how strong they were, it was just another goody from papa. Long to short, they slept for 18 hours, and would have made it a few more had I not made them go outside to go potty. They were so stoned the were goosestepping with all 4 feet.lol They were so trashed I felt bad. I guess I didnt realize how potent the brownies were. I have no moral issues with giving my dogs a buzz, but I won't dose them that hard again. Hilarious- I wish I had video.

Here they are with pig ears. They usually eat them within minutes of getting them...they hung on to these for hours. To high to chew I guess.



Man i love pitbulls , i have one myself now 1,7 years old brown pitbull killa.And hes been a total friend,pitbulls are so loyal .Like when he was 6months old I went out and there was this guy who started hiting me , he hit and i punched away and hit that fucker then killa my pitbull jumped on him being 6months old - thats loyality.


Active member
yeah, all dogs carry that protective gene when a member of their pack is attacked, but it seems like pit bulls, rottweilers and sharpei's carry it to an extreme lol. thats why i love em!

wouldn't you lay your life on the line to save the life of your best friend?



Hi folks....

I have a story about my bitch I'd like to share. This past Spring brought hordes of nesting birds to my property. And every nesting season there is always baby birds that fall from the nest too early. Three differant times my lil pit named "P" sniffed out the birds and layed with them. Amazing. The first 2 times I didnt realize the gravity of the situation. The 3rd was a heart-warming revelation.

About 3 weeks ago on a hot afternoon I noticed "P" laying out in the full hot sun near my storage shed. I blew it off thinking she is just weird. A couple of hours later I noticed she was still there so I called her to me. She wouldnt move. Just layed there wagging her tail whinning like Lassie. I got up and hobbled to her thinking she was sick or hurt. When I got to her I saw 4 lil baby birds huddled up to her belly! She was protecting them as only a mother can. It brought tears to my eyes. Anyways...I got my wife to put the baby birds back in there nest..I got a pic of "P" with 2 of them. Doesnt she look proud?

If you bully owners have any similiar stories please share them. It helps to educate ppl that believe the horror stories that follow pit bulls.



pitbulls are great , ur dogs love to swimm too?Mine is grazy about swimming , he just swims and swims like 3-4h thats ok with me I just take a joint and chill l!


S.S., your female in that pic, is 98% identical to ours, :yes:
ill have to get her to pose in that same stance tomorrow for a pic..
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New member
We have a beautiful female Pit Bull Terrier. We just adore her, and she is wonderful with our daughter.

She is loyal, and protective, but she has NEVER offered to bite anyone.


Mother Nature's Son
I don't personally own a Pittbull, but I worked at a Veterinarian Hospital for three years so I have come in contact with quite a few. In my opinion, they are the most underrated dog and are very lovable. I have known only one to be a problem/mean, and that is because the owner is a retarded idiot. I love them and think they are just great. But then again, I love pretty much any breed of large dog, except for chow-chows (blech). I hate little dogs, as they have small dog syndrome and think they are the shit. 99% of the dogs that have attacked or try to attack me have been under 50 lbs. I do have a question for Pitt owners....are and of ya'lls dogs very vocal? Most of the pittbulls I know are very vocal, not necessarily barking alot but they have a wide range of vocal talents. Some of them even sound as if they are quasi-talking. I was just wondering if anybody else has a dog that can make some very strange, and trippy, sounds. I also like bull terriers, they are cool as hell too.
My puppy just had some puppys :) Shes not really a puppy anymore, but that is just what we have called her since we got her.

11 pups delievered today, No problems at all.

Pittbulls are awsome dogs.
