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Pit Bull responsibility

James Morrison

These sites have loads of good info on this amazing breed....bookmark and ENJOY!



The top six reasons why BSL doesn't Work, brought to us by the American Kennel Club.

#1 Breed-specific laws are not the best way to protect communities. An owner intent on using his or her dogs for malicious purposes will simply be able to switch to another type of dog and continue to jeopardize public safety. The list of regulated breeds or types could grow every year without ever addressing responsible dog ownership. Deeds, not breeds, should be addressed.

#2 Breed-specific laws are hard to enforce. Breed identification requires expert knowledge of the individual breeds, placing great burden on local officials.

#3 Breed-specific laws are unfair to responsible owners.

#4 Breed-specific laws increase costs for community. Shelter costs for the community could rise as citizens abandon targeted breeds and adoptable dogs of the targeted breeds would be euthanized at the shelter.

#5 Some communities have had their breed-specific laws overturned on constitutional grounds. Because proper identification of what dogs would be included is difficult or impossible, the law may be deemed unconstitutionally vague. It may also be found to involve the taking of property without due process.

#6 Strongly enforced animal control laws (such as leash laws), generic guidelines on dealing with dangerous dogs and increased public education efforts to promote responsible dog ownership are all better ways to protect communities from dangerous animals.

Breed-specific legislation is opposed by the AKC, the American Veterinary Medical Association, the National Animal Control Association, the ASPCA, the National Animal Interest Alliance, and a host of national animal welfare organizations that have studied the issue and recognize that targeting breeds simply does not work.
I'm not a big fan of pit bulls not for any reason other than there not my sort of dog the same as a poodle is't my type of dog. What happened in England on new years day when a 5 year old girl was savaged and killed by a pit bull is awful but is the breed that bad is it not more to do with the council estate type's who train these dogs to kill and pump them full of steroids.

If they ban the pit bull then these wankers will just get another breed and get them a bad rep to , it's fucked up when people get kicks out of watching 2 dogs fight to the death what sort of sport is that.

big up to all the real pit bull owners who treat there dogs right.


zamalito said:
Couldn't have said it better bluedog!

There was a recent case in the states where a couple put a pitbull pup in the crib with their baby. The puppy was recently weened and thinking the baby's toes were nipples chewed them all off. First of all it's amazing these people slept through their baby's toes getting chewed off and put a teething recently weened animal in the crib with their baby. Its just so sad that this could've been a puppy of almost any breed but since it was a pitbull its just one of thousands of attacks that make it to the news because it was a pitbull. Its just like when minority children are kidnapped its ignored by the national media but a blond haired blue eyed child gets kidnapped or murdered and it's a national story. Like jean benet ramsy for example. Why is this girl a household name ten years after her murder yet in that timespan countless minority children have been murdered or molested thta we're completely unaware of.
I followed that case as it happened and was laying money down that there were 'other' circumstances involved. A 6 week old pup of any breed isn't gonna chew 4 of 5 toes off of anything. To me it sounded like a rodent. Turns out I was right...they are now laying blame on the family ferret. Did ya see how quick they were to blame the pitbull? Ridiculous! Why blame the dog? Why not blame the parenting skills first?
I'm happy to see this thread is still truckin'. I'll celebrate that fact with some new pics of my mutts. Until then, here is an older pic.
Say hello to JD.

Woof woof,


longdivision said:
right back at cha :wave:
dam longdivision, so sorry to see you lost your buddy,,,,,,,,,,rip with a fat bone forever!
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Howdy Blue,
Long time bro! I gotta see your new batch of landsharks...got them all sold yet?

Damn LD, I didn't know you lost your pup...thats a sad deal. Might get with the BlueDawg for 1 of his blues.....

Hey Zamalito,
Good to see your still kickin' like chicken! Brazil Seed Co huh? Sounds like a cool adventure. If you ever end up in Brazil maybe you will find a good Dogo line..we'll talk.



pitbulls are one of the sweetest canine breeds. I have owned two and have been around 6 or 7 in recent weeks. My friends dogs Lexus(fem) and Duece(male) are fantastic animals. all they want to do is lick you and play. If you mistreat dogs this is how they grow up. People are very similar to animals in that they take to the enviornment they grow up in. I have seen two people's dogs that i'm "mutually aware of" (not really friend-friends) and they are raised wrong. hitting yelling and abuse do not go hand and hand with training a dog. Firmness, rewards and a constant reminder of who-follows-who and your breed will obey you.


ruger 500
i have read in books about pitbulls that they have the closest emotions to a human of eany animal ,i belive this as the wine cry beg sulk when in trubble and respond to tone of voice very well ,


ohh no, bd & ss, our dog didnt die, it was actually my best friend of the human variety.

but thank you for the condolences none the less!
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James Morrison

wantaknow said:
i have read in books about pitbulls that they have the closest emotions to a human of eany animal ,i belive this as the wine cry beg sulk when in trubble and respond to tone of voice very well ,

That they do! I got me some 100 lb lap dogs!:D

Great lookin pitts everybody
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ruger 500
this is the stud of my babies hes dead now ,was a freak very short ,i wish to find a new stud that is short like this to breed back to



great looking dogs everybody,

long...im glad hes ok=)

the prayer made this old wolverine cry, awesome.....


There's a kid that owns a pit bull down the road from me, when I learned how the kid treated it and was training it to be a fighter, I just about smacked him in the back of the head. It is the dumb fucks who are raising attack dogs who need to be "put down". Where I live, too many people see pit bulls as guard dogs , thats the problem. Heck I was hanging with this guy I met at work, he had a Red Nose , that was so aggresive and mean it never left it's kennel, it couldn't function as a family pet at all, I was like "why keep a dog like that?" "Your just asking for a law suit or having someone in your family mauled by the thing" Although I doubt I'de ever get one myself, as long as Pits and rotts and breeds like that are raised to be family dogs they do just fine in society. They need to find these idiots who raise them to be mean ,and publicly cane em'.