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Pit Bull responsibility



Heres my baby boy chico..the cops seized him when they kicked down my door...he was destroyed a week later

here's his brother though still alive and gettin huge


Cannpits, Beautiful Tri man very good comformity what are his bloodlines like? I was looking for a tri before I found my dog back a few years ago, pretty tough to find.

Seapebble, Hilarious pics really had a good laugh.

Heres my big guy he is 25% Razors Edge/75%Gaff this pic doesnt do him justice. Also my roomates Brussels Griffon.


Haha! Glad to see this thread still draws interest. Good looking dogs everyone! I'll hafta get some fresh pics of the dog pack loaded.

RIP Chico.


hey thanx im still trying to get over it... he was my best friend. RIP chico

Hella Fella

Damn SS, I would prolly shoot my dog that attacked its owner like that!


My little girl is gonna have PUPPIES!! ICMAG puppies no less! Purebred Am-Staff's!

She's the little pretty on the left!


These dogs are such people person that people have hard times keeping there dogs from getting stolen because some don't see the aggression in humans to bite....Its the owners that are misstreating them in fights and neglect...


Massachusetts Lawmakers Want to Tighten Leash on Dog Owners

Now, I know this and simular threads like this have gone round and round over this issue. It generally goes on the flavor of: pitbulls shouldn't be banned, blah, blah, blah, it's pit bull responsibility. But there's the problem, it takes responsibility and the first thing that happens when a law is put or attempted to be put in place to force responsibility, it's suddenly an issue of discrimination, etc..

Well, first of all, MOST Pit Bull owners are NOT responsible. I'm, not talking about you folks that own pit bulls and care for them well and make sure everyone in your communty is safe from your potentually dangerous dog. Note, I said potentually. Which means, I'm not saying you dog is dangerous, just has the potentual. Nonetheless, you understand and make sure things are safe and the dog is well cared for, loved, and trained. Like I said, I'm not talking about you. You are the model for all pit bull owners and I truly thank you for being responsible.

Just as I'm sure you may thank me for responsible firearms ownership. I don't leave my guns here and there, nor any ammunition , here or there. I make sure they are locked and secure and kids AND thieves are unable to get them. Those whom handle my firearms do so in a safe manner and are always properly trained in firearms safety and usage. I don't let my guns get out and on the streets so they can harm anything or threaten anyone. I don't own a rediculas amount of firearms as to it would be nearly impossible for me to keep track of them all. I don't sell a firearm to anyone whom comes to me with cash. Yeah, I know...I was taking it there, but why not?

Almost daily, in my neighborhood or nearby, there is a stray pitbull running around loose. There is fast money in breeding pitbulls for fast cash. They take them to the local flea market or whereever and sell them for cash - no need for papers, nobody cares nor asks. Fifty bucks will get you a pit bull pup, one hundred bucks will get you a male and a female and boom, you're in the pit bull business yourself. These days, pit bulls are all the rage and rage is what happens. There is an unusual amount of pitbull owners these days and a great majority of them are NOT responsible. They don't train them, give them the needed love, nor even make sure they are secured so that they may not get out and at large.

Yesterday, I come out of the house, with kids in tow and there's a pitbull in my front yard growling at me. Someone's dog had gotten loose and decided my house was now it's territory. Eh that happens, huh. I was nice enough this time to call the police to come get this dog. Three days before, I was in the backyard tending to the garden. Fenced in backyard and my kids were out playing in the backyard while I worked. Suddenly, I look over and there's a pitbull (different one) growling at my kids and then charges the fence. Tries to get over the fence on it's charge but fails (chainlink fence). Suddenly it starts barking like a crazed dog protecting it's family and starts trying to dig under the fence with a maddened fury. I gather up the children quickly and send them into the house. I then walk over to the dog that now almost has a hole in the fence and it starts forcing it's body through...only getting it's head through. Barking and growling madly. I shot it dead. Shot that thing in the head and I hope it's owner felt it. I called the cops to come get the corpse and filled out their incident report (I discharged a firearm in city limits - but with reason).

Today is trash day, I go to take my garbage can out to the alley and guess what's out there digging in the neighbor's trash, sees me and suddenly barks and runs towards me. I run into the house....chased into the house of my own property by some irresponsible fuck's dangerous loose dog. And yes, it was a different pit bull again. I was just taking out the trash, I wasn't armed, so I had to run into the house hoping this thing didn't get over the fence before I got inside. I call the cops to come get, yet another stray pitbull trying to get me or my family on our own fenced in property. As I was talking to the cops, the dog DID get over the fence (jumped on the garbage can and over the fence and was digging at the back door now. The cops asked me to stay inside and not shoot it this time - to wait for them to come. They did come and the dog catcher expertly captured it with the skill of someone whom seems to be doing this all day long, everyday.

This is three seperate incidents within a week of loose pit bulls coming onto our property and threateneing or trying to attack us. Three different pit bulls from three different owners! I'm not talking about the pit bulls I almost see daily roaming about. I'm merely talking about the ones this week alone, that have directly threatened us.

Anyways, there's a problem and I know it's not just my area. These dogs are everywhere and hurting people. This isn't the responsible owners - I'm not targeting you. But the irrersponsible ones seem to way, way outnumber the responsible ones. I do beleive there needs to be stricter laws on these dogs and it needs to happen now. My kids cannot go out into their fenced in backyard without an armed gaurd because of stray pitbulls. You cannot tell me something's not wrong with this picture.

I do beleive you should have the right to own any kind of dog you choose and I support you in this. However, I do believe they should be registered and marked in someway to tell what dog belongs to whom. If they are found roaming and threatening, then you pay the same price I would if one of my guns were found in some kid's backyard or sandbox. That's all, responsibility and accountability of ownership, not a ban. This would seperate the responsible owners from the irresponsible and we could all go on our lives safely.


gets some
But wouldnt that whole situation apply to ANY breed of dog? Yes, I understand that pits are "popular" with the less than scrupulous folks out there but your suggestion of labeling and registering (which I guess is technically the law anyway...but Ive never registered a dog and never will if it has pit lineage simply b/c I dont want some animal control dude knocking on my door if they decide to ban pits retroactively, looking to take my dog away).
Any dog is capable of hurting a person and singling out a breed because some people, and I contest your MOST assertion btw, dont act responsibly is not providing equal protection under the law. Also, if you have had that many visits from stray pits in only a week there is a bigger problem in your neighborhood. Sounds like someone is running a puppy farm or fighting ring or something.


to make it breed specific is just worng. ive knoen people to have animals other than dogs that are much worse (mokeys) and they were fine. i think its more on the owner and the "victims". alot of the stories ive read the victims either messed with the dog or got too close to it. ive been chased down by a HUGE rotty but i dont want them all banned. i have a pug and if trained right it could be an attack dog. i will say however that it is DAMN HARD to keep most pits on a leash or in a kennel. my uncle had one for years and it would get out of anything. he even tried putting cement under the kennel and the dog managed to rip the fence apart. he was an awsome dog...loved evryone just didnt wanna stay tied up. its too bad the dog hung himslef in the garage one day while my uncle was at work :(


my pits are as sweet as candy...if I let you in the front door. hop my fence and they are a different pup but theres no way they can get out of my yard and I must say Im very happy with my loving, sweet, home security pits.