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Pit Bull responsibility


Yeah its crazy I got a corbin breeder female just cuz she didn't go into heat til after she was 1 . I wouldn't have know any of this without your help. I could tell she was a keeper though. If she wasn't so pretty I would've placed her somewhere else. Anyway you take care too seed. Don't let any boars bite you on your ass, and take care of the little semilla for me.


Active member
When good dogs go bad....

When good dogs go bad....

for all you people afraid of mean wicked killer dogs, i figured i'd throw in a couple non pit bull pictures just to show how horrible these dogs are.

this first one is a killer if i ever saw one.

if he can't take you, i'll pull out the heavy guns.....

the only problem is every time i leave the two alone for more than 2 minutes they're butting heads

the german shepard/rott is about 95 pounds, the rbch/shepard is about 65. living proof you can't keep two male dogs together ....

sorry guys i know they're not pit's but i had too lol



I know the pics aren't the best but I thought it was funny ....thats my bitch on top

Guess it was foreplay....heres some of my female in heat, she's 6 months

her man.....great bloodline 29 champs and 19 grand champs in 6 generations, he was a steal never let out of a 6x6 cage, he's nine months

ANd my 1yr old parvo victim we saved turned crazy....Baby Hannibal Licktor
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heres our "killer" hard at work, modeling my best hobby, sleeping..

shes a razors edge throwin knuckles great grand daughter X with a beautiful blue female from a local breeder, who we paid dearly for but sadly cant breed bc of female problems, but we got her operation and she's doing fine as our only daughter, she sleeps at the foot of our sons bed.
64lb, 2.5 yrs old, she hits the springpole every so often, shes more of a lazyass like me



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Check this out. A police pit. Only a sniffer dog tho.

Look at this proud specimen.



The dog has a bad reputation. There are a zillion breeds out there so there is no reason why somebody has to have one of these dogs. A lot of people want them because they they do have that rep which is totally fucked in the head.

Any time somebody puts up a front that is based on intimidation and fear they loose the right to complain about the downside of that front.

Get another kind of dog if you don't like it. The fuckers earned their rep too. One of them killed an old lady where i live not to long ago. PLenty of incidents of them goin after kids.

Ya don't hear that nearly as much with most other breeds. I'd vote to ban them in a second. Had dogs all my life too.

But owning one is also stupid. Your pit bull bites somebody and there's a good chance a lawyer is gonna teach you a very expensive lesson.


Some ppl would say MJ is dangerous, so lets ban it huh? While were at it lets ban guns.

Fact is that some ppl, mostly kids, do use them for ego. Fact is that some ppl have no clue how to handle them- they dont understand the importance of training. Once we get over this hump the bully breeds will be better off.

Fact- in 1998 there were 21 dog fatalities in the US. 4 were pit bulls. 9 were German Shepards, 1 Cocker Spaniel, 1 pomeranian, the rest are unidentified mutts and hybrids.
Problem is the media whipping the public up with attack stories from bullys. They wouldnt dare do a bit on the all so friendly G.Shepard.
so...should we have a breed specific ban? No Way. Not as long as your an American.

And Twilson, please read some of the other 14 pages of posts in this thread. I dont think your too familiar with bullys and you might learn a bit. Bullys arentt the problem Bad owners are the problem.



More ignorant bullshit and lies bein spread. That or just misinformed by tha media .


Active member
red heads are very violent prone. every year there are thousands of cases of red heads losing their tempers and attacking friends, spouses, and abusing children. red heads can't help it, it's in their genes. only a nation that wants to be known as having a "fiery" reputation would allow redheads to exist. it's time to ban red-heads and sterilize the ones remaining.

irish people are dangerous. very short tempered. you can't watch a movie (which we all know is REAL LIFE) without seeing an irish person fighting. every year irish people get in fights. it's time to ban irish people.

every year people die at the hands of careless irresponsible doctors. doctors should be banned.

arabic people are terrorist prone. every year we see stories of violence and hatred pouring from these people. they can't help it, it's in their genes. arab people should be banned.

police officers are dangerous. every year people die at the hands of police. police should be banned.

teenage drivers.... banned

fast food chains.... banned

contact sports..... banned

sex and viagra.... banned

any kind of wildlife larger than a raccon.... banned

food of any size larger than paste that people can choke on... banned.

1984........ here and now

hitler loves you



Active member
i would also like to add that your odds of dying from ANY ONE OF THE ABOVE, including at the hands of a teenage arabic man from ireland with read hair performing surgery while driving through at mcdonalds on viagra, are MUCH BETTER than your odds of dying at the hands of ANY DOG, let alone a breed specific.

when you can narrow it down to where the only premature deaths that are occuring each year are LESS than the number of a breed specific death.... then talk to me about banning it. until then, how about we work on the other 150,000 deaths (or however many) occur prematurely each year. until then, 22 dog caused deaths in 1998 is such a drop in the bucket, it's not even a problem.

i bet MOST Of those 22 could have been avoided by the people that got attacked.

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>> Fact- in 1998 there were 21 dog fatalities in the US. 4 were pit bulls. 9 were German Shepards, 1 Cocker Spaniel, 1 pomeranian, the rest are unidentified mutts and hybrids.

My you sure learned your lessons in spin well. 21 fatalities out of hundreds of thousands of dog bites a year and you put that up as some kind of statistical proof. It's not even the surface of the whole story.

Look a lot of people have worked long and hard to give the breed a history based on fear. And now your unhappy. Your not making any sense.


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
He put it up as statistical proof of his point; Pit bulls have an undeserved bad rep, where as the dog with the MOST fatalities enjoys pride of place.

A lot of people have worked to give the dog a bad name, you're right. The point is that the rep is undeserved, and those giving the dog a bad name are WRONG. They're the ones spinning, not us.

The point is that there are no bad dogs, just bad owners. Breed bans are bad law, period.


Active member
who's spinning what?

how many people died from cars last year?

how many people died from choking on food last year?

how many people died at the hands of another human last year?

show me statistical proof of "hundreds of thousands of dog bites last year".

i don't even own a pitbull. most likely never will. but i know that if someone gets bit by a pitbull either 1. the owner fucked up; 2. the person getting bitten fucked up.

don't commit genocide against a race of god's creatures because WE fuck up.

recquire certification to own a dog if you want, but make it ALL dogs cause i've met alot more mean small dogs than i have mean large dogs. talking about making the breed illegal is just insane. it's the same kind of "majority rules" attitude that is destroying everything america stands for.

a properly raised, socialized, loved dog will not attack humans no matter what the breed. don't blame dogs because people are to stupid to know how to care for them.

on another note, if someone died from a POMERANIAN then i have two things to say. 1. ROFLMAO!!!!!! and 2. proof that the size and purpose of a dog is irrelevant as to whether or not they will attack/kill humans


I have been raised around pit bulls all my life. I have been breeding for 18 years. I know the names of HUNDREDS of pits that I met. Most everybody I know owns a pit. It is a culture all its own. Very rarely did I hear of or witness a dog attacking a person blatantly. Sure, watch your ass if your tresspassing. Dont tresspass. I have been bitten uncountable times..but I rehabilitate poorly trained dogs. I have gotten tore up a couple of times breaking up fights too- my fault.

whoa...that was a stoned rant...


Active member
ok, so you guys seem to know what you're talking about on dogs, give me some advice. the dog in question is a german/shepard rottweiler. he was rescued from a farm where he was beaten and starved. a friends had given him to a farm family to care for because he lived in town and couldn't have a pet. the farm family had their own dogs and excluded the gs/rott in everything including feeding. after 6 months i saw the dog, skin and bones, and with the original owners permission, stole him. yes i'm going to hell. he has been beaten so thoroughly at times that if you raise something in the air near him, newspaper, flyswatter, voice..... he runs and hides.

5 years later, he's a valued member of our family. he is extremely well trained, listens very well, has never shown any kind of aggression toward people whatsoever. the only problem i have is that when he gets fed, he shows some very minor food aggression, very understandable considering his past. he doesn't growl or snap or anything like that, but when i put food in his dish he stands over it protectively and if i put my hand back down near the dish or even IN the dish, he sort of tenses. doesn't growl or anything, but the tensing concerns me as a sign of some moderate food aggression. considering his background i'm suprised it's not alot worse than it is! also if i hold out a hand with a treat for him i have to constantly tell him "easy" or he'll snap it up and nip me in the process!

i know standard food aggression training involves hand feeding... should i do this? one person advised me to grab the dog and shake him and tell him no. i will not do this. if this is the only way i can think of to train a dog, then i'm not fit to own one imo. i understand and aggree wholeheartedly with the idea of the "alpha male" but with cognitive reasoning and opposable thumbs, i think i should be able to accomplish that position without violence.

anyway it's not really a problem, just something i'd like to try and deal with if for no other reason than to have him sure that his food is his and that he doesnt need to protect it. it might be too late for a 5.5 year old dog to learn that though :/



Believe it or not, leash training with a choker will fix this problem also. The "pop" you give the chain is used to break a mindset and changes the dogs mind direction. Keep him leashed when you do the food training and act as if you are on a walk.
