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Pit Bull responsibility


Actually I stick with my original quote a guy in public with a rocket propelled grenade is more scary than a pitbull on steroids but not much
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Active member
fighting dogs is sick. getting thrills or a livelihood out of the pain and suffering of other life is a crime. let out all the herb growers from jails around the country (US) and replace them with people that do this kind of shit and pedophiles. we'd have such a better place to live.

i talk alot about how my dogs are protection for my family. dont think for a minute i wouldn't jump to save them either. it's a two way street. people think we're crazy cause we let our dogs sleep on our bed. they are not my property. they are FAMILY. it's possible that someday one of them will flip out and kill me in my sleep. it's probably equally likely that someday i'll walk into a post office and start whacking dudes. your right zam, trying to convince dog haters is not going to do any good. some people made their mind up long ago, and as much as i'd like to think i'm open minded, the truth is i too made my mind up long ago.

after all this discussion, i also want to say that i'm not overly fond of pit bulls. they're not one of my favorite breeds by any means. i'm pretty sure i wont own a pitbull. not because of any of the wild irrational fear that is so rampant, just cause i'm not that fond of em. every dog lover has certain breeds they wouldn't seek out. i dont think pit bulls are any less than other breeds though, and i CERTAINLY dont think they should be illegal. i'm more into redboned coon hounds, bloodhounds, german shepards and basically any large breed dog. most labs, some retrievers, st bernards, some of the mastiff breeds. i think the reason i can't see myself owning a pit bull is it would greatly offend me to own a dog that was uglier than i am. you have to admit they are very ugly in a very cute way. lol i also am not sure i can handle another drool factory

i say "pretty sure" because there is no knowing what god/fate/allah/karma will decide to add to my family. i'm a sucker for strays. always have been. dont think i've ever owned a guaranteed registered purebred. my rottweiler is a rottweiler/german shepard and my hound is a red boned coon hound/german shepard. both rescued from an unwanted/abused situation. it's concievable that a pit could wander into my family and be welcome and loved. assuming he could get along with the others lol.


Well said bruce. Coonhounds of all types are great also. While I will agree with you to some degree about pitbulls being so ugly they're cute (esp my males) I wish there was a way that I could show you a picture of my female without comprimising my security in some way. She's not stocky in the body or large headed and is instead one of the most feminine looking demure and beautiful yet intensely strong dogs you will ever see. Many people think she's a very muscular weimeraner or viszla and not a pitbull including owners and breeders of those breeds.
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Hey Zam...you have mentioned your old school female. Do you know her bloodline? I know alot of ppl with Eli's. They tend to be fit & trim as you describe yours.

My line is derived from Colby, Bolio ( ABPT), American Bull (White Fang ) , and a long time ago (late 80's) we thru some black and tan in the mix. The pups are always spectacular and most of my litters are sold before they are even born. ( Altho it hasn't always been that way).

1 thing I have failed to mention is that I don't kill the hog in the field. We tie it to a pole and carry it out. These swamp hogs taste like the swamp. It takes a month of a corn diet to get them edible. Thats why I use a 3 dog team. 1 striker + 2 bruisers= bacon in the morn.


To be honest I don't know a lot about pit bloodlines but I dug up her pedigree. Of the champions listed in last 4 generations on her pedigree are gramza's velvet, s&r's crushed velvet, johnson's mr. Thumper, williams tonka bear, andersons's tonka, garber's chinaman, crenshaws jeep, garners sweet gator, turrito's capone, slater's sasha, wildside's red pirate these are the only champions listed on adba I don't have a ukc pedigree to see if any of those are double registered and champions with them. I know adba conformation is much different than ukc. I saw pictures of all of her grandparents and they're all rednosed buckskin fawn. She's more golden and longer legged than all of her family members.
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P.O. BOX 879
WALKER, LA 70785
[email protected]


Ode to the Jeep and Gator!....both very popular Southern rednose pit blood.


So when you hunt boar in order to tie them up you have to put yourself in just as much if not more danger than your dogs, huh? That's very respectable man. Very respectable indeed.


I found a bunch of pics of dogs similar to her in her line. Indian bolio and eli were both used in making the line. Go to


The dogs head that looks like it is biting the word yard at the top looks like her. All of the dogs on the page look like her to some extent and have her bloodline. The first and last one are very close relatives of hers. I'm very suprised to have found this. Her dad is corbin's kilroy which I think is the dog biting the word at the top of the page and is corbin's main breeder male.
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Active member
back in the 90s I used to buy herb from a guy who was real cool but would always be playing video games when I came over to get a bag so there was the obligatory watch him play his game for 30 minutes and he had this dude Pit Bull nameb beef and he was soo vicious, hed bite my feet and just lock on, and my friend was all absorbed in the game mumbling to the dog....lotta good it did. then one day he said just hit him, I am a HUGE lover of all animals even pitbulls and I thought how awfully cruel it would be, but he was gettin into me, and my friend reared up and popped in and the damn thing didn't budge, so he literally had to punch it off...that was one of the more frightening moments with that dog. but I learned then..you gotta MAKE SURE that the dog knows your in control, some pits just have a mean line in em.


You've heard the term 'hog tie'. Thats what we do. I say 'we' because its not a 1 man hunt. It is a lil hairy at times and a man can get hurt. I have been bitten on the foot twice only because I had my boot on the pigs neck, right near the dogs mouth. I have a buddy that got hooked by a tusk in his calf. It took 60 stitches to close that 1.

To all adreniline junkies! If you want excitement...jump on a pissed off boar hog.



New member
bluebublelove said:
..you gotta MAKE SURE that the dog knows your in control, some pits just have a mean line in em.

True!!! Dogs are are great at sensing fear (or weakness) in people. If they think they can dominate you, they will. I had a Blue Heeler that frequently intimidated scaredy-cat people, but otherwise was one of the nicest dogs you'd ever meet.


I think ill pass on the wild boar hunting. Tusk in thigh, 60 stitches?!?! Wow I just cant take that chance ahahaha.


At least he isn't parking his truck next to a corn field and shooting deer then chopping the deers head off for the rack then leaving the carcass in the woods. That's shit makes me so angry. You'll see these jerks literally ten feet from the road in a field with a high powered rifle then half hour later you see a headles carcass in the field because they're too lazy to walk ten feet from their truck then they're too lazy to carry the dead animal back to their truck then their too lazy to clean the animal. These guys do the most serious thing you can do taking a life and can't sacrifice burning a few calories off their fat asses out of respect for the animal that gave their life. I see that shit all the time.


Active member
yeah thats par for the course in alot of places, where deer hunting is driving your truck around till you see one, stopping, shooting and thats it. it offends me in a lot of ways. taking a life for no benefit but a trophy is just plain sick, something we should stomp on HARD. the second thing is i can't stand to see that much good meat going to waste, especially considering there are literally millions of underfed people IN THIS COUTNRY!!!

ground venison makes the best chili.
zamalito said:
At least he isn't parking his truck next to a corn field and shooting deer then chopping the deers head off for the rack then leaving the carcass in the woods. That's shit makes me so angry. You'll see these jerks literally ten feet from the road in a field with a high powered rifle then half hour later you see a headles carcass in the field because they're too lazy to walk ten feet from their truck then they're too lazy to carry the dead animal back to their truck then their too lazy to clean the animal. These guys do the most serious thing you can do taking a life and can't sacrifice burning a few calories off their fat asses out of respect for the animal that gave their life. I see that shit all the time.
I came across a dead bear last fall, poachers only took the Gall-bladder...that's it!!!
( worth $600-$800, in an Asian market)
Very sad.

>Glad You like My "Dwarf snapping Cow"<..hehe..



Active member
Overdoze said:
I think ill pass on the wild boar hunting. Tusk in thigh, 60 stitches?!?! Wow I just cant take that chance ahahaha.

I'd rather take a knife to the leg than a nasty, been rummaging in my own crap and rotting animal carcass with my jagged razor sharp, tusk.......thats wild.


Active member
zamalito said:
At least he isn't parking his truck next to a corn field and shooting deer then chopping the deers head off for the rack then leaving the carcass in the woods. That's shit makes me so angry. You'll see these jerks literally ten feet from the road in a field with a high powered rifle then half hour later you see a headles carcass in the field because they're too lazy to walk ten feet from their truck then they're too lazy to carry the dead animal back to their truck then their too lazy to clean the animal. These guys do the most serious thing you can do taking a life and can't sacrifice burning a few calories off their fat asses out of respect for the animal that gave their life. I see that shit all the time.

maybe you should start gettin those asshole busted, thats a heartless way to take an animals life....I'm hungry bout twenty four seven, I'd even pay em shipping for the cleaned deer steaks....ah well....thats sad.

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