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:::::::Pipeline Gardens 2018:::::::

:::::::Pipeline Gardens 2018:::::::

  • Never have grown-0 years

    Votes: 1 0.9%
  • 1-5 years

    Votes: 20 18.9%
  • 5-10 years

    Votes: 12 11.3%
  • 10 years plus

    Votes: 73 68.9%

  • Total voters


ICMag Donor
House indica pheno

A day before feeding

House indica





ICMag Donor
God is so good! Walk by faith not by sight. Stand on His promises! God is our refuge! Let your light shine! Give thanks and praise to the Most High! The Lord our God is a living God! He's always there with us! We're not perfect but God sure is! Thank you Jesus! :smoke:





ICMag Donor
Yeah! We are so blessed! Getting good rains with some sun in between. I don't remember the plants looking so far along at this point of the season. I think a few of these plants are about 2 weeks ahead of where they usually are! Been doing my best with the crop this year, and the plants are really responding! Fun to watch!

Went out to inspect after all the rain. Found a few diseased leaves that needed removed. The plants are eating heavy right now! Saw a couple yellow leaves. I may have dug a little deep loosening the soil for top dressing, but they will be fine! They won't have many more yellow leaves with the fertilizer that was put down. Plants are putting on flowers fast right now! The older pistils are turning red/brown which means pollination was successful!

The sativa candy spice plants have caught up with the big House Indica plant and are standing at 7 ft+! One sativa candy spice was leaning over because the mound around the base wasn't as big as it needed to be. Staked it well with a 3 ft branch stake. We're good to go! Too muddy to move soil today. The gap in the canopy from the champion male is filling in well! No worries! The plot will do better not being so condensed there. It will really help with disease pressure having better air flow.

We are getting another batch of rain in a little bit! Don't blink, these plants are on the move! Thank you God! His steadfast love endures forever! God is faithful and full of mercy! Walk humbly with your God and learn His Way my brothers and sisters! He wants to bless you!

Relax, meditate, seek God with faith, and come to the saving knowledge that Jesus Christ is God of all creation! Jesus was sent from heaven, died and was risen, to show us the Way and fulfill God's great plan. Jesus gave us a hope and a peace that surpasses all understanding!

Die to yourself, take up your cross and follow Him! You'll be sure glad you did! He lets you know you're on the right track. All it takes is a little faith. Thank you God!







ICMag Donor
Leaves on this line get huge! Got to love those indicas! Have a good day! Be blessed! :smoke:


ICMag Donor
Yes! Found a site that still plays rightonscales reggae radio!


A storm came through last night and snapped the big betsy house indica down to the bottom 2 branches. A sativa candy spice that was later flowering got a main branch broken off, but that may have been because I put a stake in to support it. I think it just caught the stake the wrong way when it was tossed by the storm. My dog woke me up and I saw flashing lightening. Must have been a good one! Its no big deal though. Its God's way of selecting the strongest plants to produce seed for the next generation. There is great air circulation now, and the plants that are there will grow extra thick! :smoke:

Happy harvest! Aug 17, its actually good smoke! Stay tuned for a few views! :smoke:


Active member
bad news on them snapped ones but sometimes it meant to be:comfort: mother natures always has the last saying but it will come good in the end


ICMag Donor
Thanks Jonnifli! I really liked that plant, but I could tell it had lanky, weak growth from a young age. I thought it was going to be a male, so I'm not too disappointed!

BIG sky.... Been rainy lately. The dry air was moving in this evening. Here's what the sky looked like during the transition! Amazing! Thank you God for the sun, wind, and the rain, the flat fertile ground, and the tall mountains of the earth. Thank You for the change in seasons and the changes they bring about in us! Amen!


Must have been a violent one! I saw the flashing lightening associated with these storms. It was rushing wind when I was going to bed yesterday. All part of the challenge! The Lord is my Light and my Shepherd!






ICMag Donor
Fresh harvest! Here's your redneck version of an autoflower. Early crop indicas heavy feed and snapped by an August thunderstorm. Usually get a little something this time of year. Maybe mold won't be as bad with improved airflow now! Have a good one my friends! Going to want to stick around for this one! The show has just begun! Enjoy! :smoke:




Try some organic hemp protein powder in organic greek yogurt. It will make anyone healthy! Nobody around here knows what hemp powder is! The babylon system is a FRAUD! Spread the word! Hemp is healing! Hemp has the mark of our God! Thanks you Jesus!


Nature's Way EFAGold® is the highest quality hemp seed powder, and one of nature's richest sources of protein, fiber and essential fatty acids - guaranteed to contain 13 grams Fiber and 11 grams Protein per serving all from non-GMO seeds.

Our Hemp powder has a delicious taste. It is Organic, cold milled, unrefined, hexane free and has zero trans fat. You can get your daily fiber (soluble & insoluble) and protein needs plus additional vitamins, minerals, lignans, all 8 essential amino acids and EFAs.

We believe in quality control from the soil to the oil: Our involvement begins in the fields and continues through harvesting, seed selection, milling and purity testing.

Amino Acids
Amino acids are the building blocks of protein and a key part of every bodily function. Of the 28 amino acids, 8 are considered essential since they must be obtained through the diet.


Soluble fiber is beneficial for cardiovascular health. Insoluble fiber is helpful for digestion and appetite.

Add 4 tablespoons to a favorite juice, smoothie or other beverage. Can be sprinkled on cereals and yogurt, or added to a favorite muffin recipe. Keep tightly sealed. Refrigerate after opening.
Product Label
Serving Size: 4 tbsp (30 g) Powder Amount/Serving %DV
Calories 130
Calories from fat 25
Total Fat 4 g 6%†
Saturated Fat 0.5 g 3%†
Total Carbohydrate 14 g 4%†
Dietary Fiber 13 g 52%†
Soluble Fiber 1 g **
Insoluble Fiber 12 g **
Protein 11 g 22%†
Calcium 40 mg 4%
Iron 5 mg 28%
Magnesium 150 mg 38%
Essential Fatty Acids 2 g
Omega-6 Fatty Acids 1.3 g **
Omega-3 Fatty Acids 414 mg **
Omega-9 Fatty Acids 270 mg



ICMag Donor
The wet weather cleared out yesterday evening. Today was a beautiful sunny growing day! Went out to check for diseased leaves. Was gardening by twilight and zippo lighter! Will have to find that flashlight or get some AAA rechargeable batteries for my other lights! The sun is starting to get sleepy this time of year, I love it!

Found a few leaves with symptoms, but not too many. I think I forgot to mention yesterday I spread repellent again. Used a little of my organic repellent, but I also cut up a Yankee brand candle! Those candles smell really strong! I cut one up and have another sitting there whole. There's my long term repellent! Wax won't melt in the rain! I've used candles before, I should have thought of that earlier! I wonder if the soap could be bad for the plants if you put enough out there by the garden. It just melts into the ground! The plants seem to be fine, cannabis grows like a weed! :smoke:

The Aug harvested flowers are pretty good actually! Fresh resin from August is about as good as the late September harvested 2016 crop! Stay tuned I inspected the flowers, and they're building up noticeably every day now! :smoke:


ICMag Donor
We are so blessed getting these rains recently! Getting some serious momentum going with flower production now! Some of the leaves have expanded to 10 inches plus dinner plate size with leaflets 2+ inches wide! Seeing the leaves more expanded this year than before seems like!

Went out to the plot to check for diseased leaves. Just found 1! Trying to keep up with it to prevent an outbreak. Weather is cooling down for a couple days, so disease pressure is going down for now.

Starting to get some amazing smells going now! Resin is ripening fast! We have several keepers! I smelled the distinct smell on one of the sativa candy spice I smelled last year! Its the plant with the biggest expanded leaves and widest leaflets! Kept going back to smell it this evening. I couldn't help it, I have been blessed!

Staked whats left of the broken big betsy plant to help it stand up in the light a little better. Its going to flower really heavy since the plant was 8 ft tall and is now about 5 ft with only 2 branches!

Canopy is closed back in pretty well now! Brought in the native brush a little on one side where the champion male was to help close things in.

Praying every day for this garden, asking God to bless it! Give thanks and praise to the Father in secret, and the God of all creation will reward you in secret! Humble yourself before the Living God! Just ask him to come into your heart to make you into His image so that you can continue to carry out His will, to honor God with your life as a living sacrifice. In Jesus' name. Amen. :smoke:

It has worked out so well, the females have aligned into a crescent with 2 rows. Most of the plants receive good light and airflow. Can't wait to get more shots in the light, the plants are stretched and filling out with flowers! Several of them are pretty early with distinct resin smells! :smoke:

Pollination was successful. Seeing swollen calyxes filled out by maturing seed! Pipeline is smiling!

These flowers are pretty good already from the big betsy house indica! Harvested mid August! I'm impressed! :smoke:



ICMag Donor
We've had some great sunny conditions lately with 1 day of moderate breeze to help the stems build up! Forecast calls for a half inch or so of rain possible over the next couple days! Everything is in a major growth phase here! Thank you God! :smoke:


ICMag Donor
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Here's what I use for following the weather, the climate prediction center. Check the different maps every day as they refresh, and you begin to get a pretty reliable weather picture. https://www.cpc.ncep.noaa.gov/

I go to the national weather service and read the forecast discussion and look at the hourly forecast. I pretty much never use local news to get the weather forecast. Not enough information. https://nws.noaa.gov/

Quantitative precipitation maps:



Cocorahs- community collaborative rain hail and snow-- people in the community relay information from their weather stations across the country. https://cocorahs.org/



ICMag Donor
We were blessed with another few rounds of rain today! We got about a half inch, and there's lower 90's for the next few days, so the garden is going to really fill in in the next couple weeks! I saw the long term forecast, and we may be getting dry conditions for mid to late sept week 3 and 4! I sure hope so. Once the flowers start building up thick, mold can be an issue, and I'll have to get a light and inspect or get out there in the day. Its time to start inspections now with some of this rain. All part of the fun!

I'm kind of curious if some strains are really mold resistant. I would think any mold resistance is more closely related to physical structure and density of the flowers.

Got out to see how they weathered the storms and check for diseased leaves this evening. The plants were all standing up except for 2 that were just slightly leaning. Got them stood back up, and supported with soil. I didn't do much with the soil than firm it up by the stem with my hand. Too wet and muddy to work the soil of course.

I'll get some in good light soon. Actually these flash pictures in the dark is a great way to see flower production. The leaves are sleeping and out of the way, and all the resin glows bright green!

Thank you God! I'm sure not perfect, but I know God is! When I am weak I know I am made strong by the Living God!

Oh taste and see that the Lord is good; Blessed is the man who trusts in him! Oh fear the lord, you His saints! There is no want (lack) to those who fear Him. The young lions lack and suffer hunger; But those who seek the Lord shall not lack any good thing. Psalm 34:8-10







ICMag Donor
Missed a couple yellow leaves. Its alright, they will draw the nutrients out of the leaf for more flower growth. Needed to get the diseased ones at least. Enjoy! :smoke:




ICMag Donor
Thanks Jonnyfli! I usually pick those yellow leaves off. Don't want diseases to find a way in. Checked on the plot yesterday. Seeing golf ball size flowers on some of them! The seed filling out may have a little to do with it, but they are moving right along! Need to get some pics soon! A few diseased leaves were removed, but its not an outbreak, just normal pressure leaf disease.

Pollination was probably a little late, but for the most part it should still have quite a bit of seedless flowers. I wanted to get some pollen from the champion deep chunk since this was a pollination to further the line.

Did an application of liquid fence granular around the plot. No animal damage recently, but the past couple years, the animals started messing with the plants during resin ripening. The new liquid fence jugs have larger slits and it was dark when I did the application so I accidenty used quite a bit. Should last a little longer. Glad I got 2 jugs! Stay tuned for some new views! :smoke: