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:::::::Pipeline Gardens 2018:::::::

:::::::Pipeline Gardens 2018:::::::

  • Never have grown-0 years

    Votes: 1 0.9%
  • 1-5 years

    Votes: 20 18.9%
  • 5-10 years

    Votes: 12 11.3%
  • 10 years plus

    Votes: 73 68.9%

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ICMag Donor
Got another good rain today! It has been hot and things are starting to dry out so I was glad! Went out to check on the plot, and there had been thunderstorm there. A willow tree dropped a 1 inch branch near the plot but luckily only a few of the light sticks came in the garden. Came out just fine. The sativa candy spice plant that had a main branch break off on a stake during the last storm got hit again! One of the top branches got bent down. Its going to be fine, just getting a little beat up now! :smoke:

Will be doing the next feeding in about a week. Looks like they will be ready for it. I saw a couple yellow leaves. They're planted pretty close together, so I think they may be competing a bit for nutrients. The density works well though because of the amount of shade at the plot.

Just getting a few diseased leaves, nothing out of the ordinary. No mold seen during inspections. Forecast looks like more rain for 2 weeks. Will just have to keep up the inspections. Seed is maturing well! Looks like there will be plenty of new flowers to keep our medicine cabinet full!

Got a few views I need to sort through. Here's a couple to tie you over for now. Stay tuned! :smoke:





ICMag Donor
There's some amazing smells going on out there now! Praise God! Most of the plants have a sweet heady indica smell going on. Other plants range from sweet berry, to bubblegum, to the sativa candy spice pheno smell I picked out last year! Got to let the seed ripen as long as possible. At least 6 weeks if possible which is sept 25. Looks like rain could possibly continue. May have to cut the tops a little early. I'll just have to keep an eye on them. Nothing new for growing around here. It gets wet this time of year sometimes. Perfect growing weather though! The plants are really moving along fast!

Come and see that the Lord is good! I'm humbled, and find comfort in God's presence! I'm always being refined as gold to be pure, as God is pure. :smoke:
Dub Reggae-- https://en.topradio.org/radio,rightonscalescom-reggae-radio,3721.html


ICMag Donor
Checked on the plot again this evening. Lit a little campfire for light, still no flashlight! I prefer the zippo and campfire actually. Plus the smell of fire is a repellent! Worked the soil to break up the crust and top dressed with 20 lb Garden tone! I usually use around 10-15, so this was a heavy feeding. Applied another ring of liquid fence granular repellent too! I noticed a little hole when i went out yesterday, but today the animals had left it alone.

Some of the flowers look pretty far along. We have a bunch of rain coming in a couple days, so I may go out and harvest the thickest tops tomorrow. I guess its time. I would rather have it harvested a little early than be full of mold. The only thing is, the seeds won't be done. Just how it goes sometimes.

Will get some new shots soon! :smoke:


Well-known member
If God is for us, who could be against us? Perfect Love casts out all fear. Fear the Lord our God, the maker of heaven and earth, the name above all names. Forever and ever. Amen.

Peace my friends! Got the garden going again and I caught the wave this time! They're right on schedule! Seed was planted late April and they were transplanted out at the garden on Mother's Day! Strain is an afghan dominant line originating from Hill Temple Collective. Been preserving the line for about 8 years or so now! Last year at harvest I separated the plants based on smell when I was trimming. I ended up with a brown sticky nose so be advised, its best to separate and mark the plants at the garden! :smoke:

Dug the entire garden in 7 holes and fertilized with espoma garden tone and applied dolomite lime. Just top dressed the 2nd time after working the soil this week. Always pile soil around the stems to help support the plants! We have been blessed with good rains the last couple days, and the plants are on the move now!

Plants were topped once early June, and the plants are responding well with lots of lateral branches growing. I even topped the smallest of the plants, which i thought was a mistake, but they're growing out of it. There is one tall plant that got topped a 2nd time. It may be a male. One plant is growing alternating nodes already!

When I pinched them, one well established plant was pinched a little too far back and it caught some sort of disease causing all the growing points to die. I think its a vascular disease. It now has new growth and seems like its recovered!

The plot has a couple low spots where the garden was dug and soil was moved toward the center. Water has been puddling there, so i dug a trench from the low end of the garden to allow it to drain. Soil from the trench was put in the puddles to fill them in. It rained really well after I was out there, so I was glad i fixed it. Puddles can be really bad for your plants. It causes waterlogged soil, and plants can start to get root dieback. Happened to me a couple years ago, but that was a swampy site where water had nowhere to go.

Was having some deer as well as rabbit/rodent damage the last few weeks. Rebuilt the fence to keep out the deer, but the rodents kept cutting stems. Been applying animal repellent a couple times a week. Cut up a bar of Dove soap spreading it around. Saw my dog go number 2 on the way to the plot, so grabbed the shovel and spread that out there. Repellents tend to wash off with these heavy rains,and you also have to change up the scent on some animals or they get used to it. I always bring the dogs to the plot and they spread their scent around the area. Animals have been staying away and the stems are over pencil size!

Been putting in the extra effort taking care of the plants and they're smiling! Check it out!

Trust in the Lord our Heavenly Father! Jesus is the Way my friend! Follow God's lead, be obedient always and he'll never leave your side! Life is good! Welcome to summer! Enjoy! :smoke:

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really nice and how's it looking Garden. But tell me you're not one of those Jesus Freaks are you.


ICMag Donor
Thanks! I love God, He guides and protects me. It was all set up to confound the wise. Don't be negative. If you have something to contribute please share with us!

Rain came in, and its going to rain for a few days! I'll see what tomorrow holds and maybe pick some tops. I really would like to see them mature a little longer, but its probably going to be a good idea to harvest a couple of these tops. They're ready!

two heads

Well-known member
What's up with that? He's not making you kneel towards Mecca. Live and let live. We have enough people bigoted about weed, we don't need any more.

Agreed. Isn't that why we're all here? To let our freak flag fly? If Pipeline's flying the Jesus flag it ain't hurting anyone. Even if religion (like capitalism, and all our other 'isms') has caused abundant war and human suffering, it's hard to see anything but love and positivity in Pipeline's comments.


ICMag Donor
Thanks for the support guys! God is with us. :smoke:

Went out to the plot and inspected with a flashlight. Didn't see any mold! I decided not to chop anything despite the 4-6 inches of rain predicted. The flowers aren't mature enough to harvest yet. They're pretty big, but haven't yet developed the density. The heavy feeding is getting washed in well, so the plants will be as healthy as possible going into the storm. Picked off all diseased leaves. The plants have a systemic active resistance (SAR) to pathogens, so I'm hoping the plants are healthy enough to fight it off.

Hoping the plants stay standing, the soil is mounded around the stems, and I was sure to not disturb soil around the stems this time. The soil around the stems firms up and holds them up. There are also a lot of feeder roots in there.

Will get an update with some pics soon. Thank you God for this rain and blessing us with such a perfect creation. Our life here is a miracle. Thank you for guiding us, protecting us, and providing for our every need. In Jesus' name I pray. Thank you God. Forever and ever.


Active member
Thanks for the support guys! God is with us. :smoke:

Went out to the plot and inspected with a flashlight. Didn't see any mold! I decided not to chop anything despite the 4-6 inches of rain predicted. The flowers aren't mature enough to harvest yet. They're pretty big, but haven't yet developed the density. The heavy feeding is getting washed in well, so the plants will be as healthy as possible going into the storm. Picked off all diseased leaves. The plants have a systemic active resistance (SAR) to pathogens, so I'm hoping the plants are healthy enough to fight it off.

Hoping the plants stay standing, the soil is mounded around the stems, and I was sure to not disturb soil around the stems this time. The soil around the stems firms up and holds them up. There are also a lot of feeder roots in there.

Will get an update with some pics soon. Thank you God for this rain and blessing us with such a perfect creation. Our life here is a miracle. Thank you for guiding us, protecting us, and providing for our every need. In Jesus' name I pray. Thank you God. Forever and ever.

keep on doing gods work whether it be plants or bricks and mortar :huggg:


ICMag Donor
Thanks Jonnifli! Do everything for the glory of God! Living a good life is a form of worship, my friend! I'm not perfect, but I know God sure is!

Well we got our 4 inches of rain, and the storm is on its way out! I think we'll be alright as long as we start to dry out tomorrow. I applied top dress fertilizer the day before so it was right on time to keep the girls from getting hungry. I've been noticing some more yellow leaves than what i consider usual. I may have disturbed the roots a little during top dressing, which is normal. Maybe I should keep it at the 1 month interval to give more time for recovery between top soil cultivation. I was thinking about keeping more of a border around the plants from being walked on to have more healthy rootzone to feed from. Obviously the plants are spaced pretty close too, so there's a little root competition going on. They're pretty healthy though, and seeing a few yellow leaves is normal this time of year as they are feeding heavy to build flowers.

Got a couple shots leftover from the other day Aug 31, and then some updated shots from Sept. 6th and 7th.

My cousin in Massachusetts is going to get some of my stock going on an indoor grow soon. I'll see if I an get her to post some shots. Its her first grow, so it will be interesting to watch!

Thanks for stopping by to check out the garden, guys! Enjoy! God loves you!







ICMag Donor
Sept 6 update


Sativa candy spice phenotype plant on Left has the heavy trichome coverage on the margins of bract (flower) leaves.






ICMag Donor
Garden did pretty well though the storm. The plants were all standing up except a couple little ones on the edge that had less of a mound around them. The mounding works to hold them up! No stakes needed!

Well we have had rain for 2 days straight now, and mold is starting to show up in spots. Got it picked out, for some early tasters. Cut one of the last 2 branches on the big bertha house indica plant because it looked stressed. Don't want to chance a hermaphrodite showing up. The plant smells like it has good resin!

How about a couple new views? Thanks for checking out the garden!

Sativa Candy spice with Heavy trichome covered bracts


She has a long cola going on! Jamaican Spear herritage showing up




asassin bug



ICMag Donor
One of the branches from the big bertha house indica that had snapped. The other branch that remains is staked more upright, and it doesn't show stress symptoms like this one did. It had some mold on it since it was weakened and shaded. It was time to cut it.

Happy Harvest! :smoke:
