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Careful, I just had my bullshit meter recalibrated
Thanks Bake and Philly: Yes, it is good smoke. Even for kief. For some reason it maintained more of the "Juicy Juice" flavor and smell that it had in flower than the buds did. Why might that be?
Right you are about Ricky, Bake. LOL To me it looked like he was deliberatey stepped on, but that's me. And, God bless all the family and friends of Sean Taylor. A terrible thing that I'm sure we will never learn the truth about.
vintner said:
Thanks Bake and Philly: Yes, it is good smoke. Even for kief. For some reason it maintained more of the "Juicy Juice" flavor and smell that it had in flower than the buds did. Why might that be?
Right you are about Ricky, Bake. LOL To me it looked like he was deliberatey stepped on, but that's me. And, God bless all the family and friends of Sean Taylor. A terrible thing that I'm sure we will never learn the truth about.

Co signing everything Vin said :rasta:

cocktail frank

ICMag Donor
philly, go to bed!
its way too early to be up.
whats that tag in the sig say?
looks like dr. loco
or it could be dr. G something.
i cant quite make it out.
too bad, i used to tag alot back in the day.
Yeah CF I wake up and take a piss, then I might as well smoke and might as well get on the computer lol

I was reading the thread from the beginning alot of great work has been done and much props to the originals from the thread, alot of marvelous harvest have been shown good job all

God speed and good luck to OgreRefugee and the originals
Benny- Bake-Sub(still amazed by your 1st grow)-Thorodee-Red-Stoned Teacher-Vin-Smoker E

anyone heard from BossHydro and FreedominPhilly hope they are safe and growing strong

good day all


cocktail frank said:
philly, go to bed!
its way too early to be up.
whats that tag in the sig say?
looks like dr. loco
or it could be dr. G something.
i cant quite make it out.
too bad, i used to tag alot back in the day.
ahh yes i must agree it takes me back and i remembered i have my name in many places in the amtrack tunnel, my buddies and i walked it from around 125th all the way to the yard which brought us out at i think 72nd, not sure. everytime the fam took a road trip i remembered to pack my sharpie and my PILOT MARKER, ohh the memories!!! lmao , back in H.S. this kid sees me practicing my writing and doing a new character sketch and says he wants me to be down with the G.O.G. (Gods Of Graffiti) that crap lasted for about a day, once i found out they didnt really put up any pieces i was done!!! lol

hey frank!!!! i need that ghetto pass man!! this temp one is runnin out, heres another pic for my app.. .

and.. .
so whass good cat daddy!!?!?!? lol

Pro Ballin

New member
Hey PA growers:

On one of my plants, all the leaves towards the top are curling up at the edges, is this a deficiency of some kind?

it seems like the leaves are twisting and curling up. It looks off compared to my others.

compared to

is this the behavior of the strain? temperature? nutrients?

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There is ALWAYS meaning to my madness ®
PhillyPride: Thanks for the rep dude but I never left muahahahahaha. That idea fell through and I got a job right here and stayed :yes: In the process of lookin for a new AFFORDABLE spot where I won't need room mates to fill the $$ voids. That and I'm in the same boat as Subnoize until April, then I can get crackin on somethin for you guys to look at :biglaugh:
imnotcrazy- :wave: :rasta:

Back with a pic heavy update on this Frieday
49 days

Bubba Kush

OG Kush 49 days

Wonder Diesel x Abusive Kushage 49 days

Strawberry Diesel x Abusive Kushage 49days 6ft1 tall

Blue Mystic 49 days-Mystic will be taken down in a few days

Garden 49 days STDxABK's are the skyscrapers



Active member
What up Bake!!

It's been a long time. How are those Mama's looking? Glad to see your still running the Strawberry D. I'm about to start a room back up this winter myself.
Just trying to line up cuts and beans.
Keep holding it down up there, ya yankee! Not to rub it in but I'm loving my 68 degree days :D


Can It All Be So Simple!
Pro Ballin said:
Hey PA growers:

On one of my plants, all the leaves towards the top are curling up at the edges, is this a deficiency of some kind?

it seems like the leaves are twisting and curling up. It looks off compared to my others.

compared to

is this the behavior of the strain? temperature? nutrients?


Not sure but they look nice and healthy!!!!
What strain are you workin with



Can It All Be So Simple!
Not sure what the tag says in my sig
I just found it laying around the net so I picked it up
and gave it a home

Yeah I used to do a bunch of graff back in the day :joint:
but now IM just a rusty old man

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Active member


hey ya'll,

first post, ha!

i've had an account here for a while. i figure its time for me to finally post! i signed up after OG went down, before they blocked new accounts. never had an account at OG.

let me introduce myself to you guys..

northeast nj here, i've always known the tri state as nj/ny/ct. i guess its different for you south jersey people ;) i'm 15-18 or so miles from nyc.

my grows are for personal use only, very small amounts, not an everyday toker. just one 42 inch plant can probably last me a year+ at my rate of abuse. weekend warrior/one hit a day (if i have time), etc.

been smoking for a long time. probably over 25 years, with couple years gaps in between of no use. picked back up on it a few years ago.

always had the urge to grow, just never got around to it until a couple years ago. i like regular gardening too.

started lurking OG for over a year to learn everything i needed to know. started small, few t8 shops, and it seems enough for my needs.

seeds i used are from bags of good herb i've saved over the years. some of the seeds must be 10+ years old. most of the bags came from nyc, and its rare to find any seeds in the good stuff, but when one or two was found, it was saved.

i managed to get some to sprout first grow, which was a failure. i didnt believe anything about odor control, until 3 tiny little 4 inch seedlings stank up the entire basement like a dead skunk. i tried everything to cover it, ionizers, spray, etc. by day 21 of veg, i walked into the basement, and it was a pretty pungent waft in the face on entry.. they were all executed.

back to the drawing board! months later..

2nd go i was more prepared, i picked up a vortex and a can 9000. well the smell issue was gone, but the fan noise issue was more of a problem. i solved this by using 25 ft of black insulated ducting, 12 ft on each side of the vortex with lots of turns, and i wrapped the vortex in bubble wrap, and TWO winter jackets!+duct tape. now we were down to a hardly noticable hum/vibration when the closet was shut. which was ok for the 2nd and successful grow. nobody had a clue. but still it had a noise, and i wanted complete silence. grow was done in a small 3x3x7 closet with no ventilation, entire vortex/scrubber/t8's were contained inside the closet. only air movement was from the vortex exhaust (it was recirculating the closet air) temps never passed 85/80 at night. closet was opened every day at least once to allow fresh air in. and you know how that first grow is, many looks every day ;) so what i bring to the table is scrubber will work in a recirculating closed enviroment, that's for sure.

this grow produced 2 females,

#1 the best one, i tried to reveg her, she died. this is before i knew how to keep mothers successfully.

she was about 40 inches tall, and smelled of sweet/sour grapefruits..just as if you cut a fresh grapefruit in half and put your nose right in there.. very light green foliage, with darker airy buds packed tightly around the main cola, had to pull them apart to snip them off when harvesting. i kick myself many times for not saving this one. she was very potent. a little racy for me, one hit and i would be pacing around with my heart thumping for 15 minutes until it mellowed off and i was able to ride out the high. very strong, after a few hits i could swear i was out of body and brain drifting thoughts of childhood all the way to past lives i had no idea what i was thinking. just strong! mostly head though. this bud smelled of fuely grapefruit when dry and broken up. lasted decently long, but had a wicked crash. so only unpleasant thing was racy paranoia in the beginning, and the crash.

#2 was half the size, a little runty, and smelled of skunk. very dark green leaves, and very mild smoke. smoke was weak, would give you a buzz after one hit, but within 40-45 minutes would clear up and vanish like you hadn't smoked at all, this had a mild indica high, but way too short in duration. smelled of skunk when broken apart, and was chunky. all the calyxs held onto their teardrop shape when broken up. very forgettable herb.

so another year goes by. time to start up again. back to the old seeds. what will come this time?

this time i'm keeping a mother. started old seeds is a real pain. so if i find something good, i want to keep her. off we go. i get two germs. one is tall, and has no smell. only when you rub the leaves or stem and sniff your finger. nothing coming off it but a planty smell. this one turns out to be a hermie, and was killed. the other. she reeks of skunk spray. even in veg. 4 inches tall can stink up a closet, and it will creep out and into the room after a few hours, then the basement, so odor control is a must.

this time i picked up an ozone generator and a cycle timer. i wanted to go to the super silent way. ozone was on the absolute MINIMUM required to kill the odor. this magic number for a me was 2 minutes 26 seconds on, and 30 minutes off. it was a 40 mg/hr generator. at this level, only very minimal ozone odor was detectable when closet was opened, and zero skunk smell. just enough ozone was breaking up just enough odor for a nice balance. i tested outside the room with ozone test strips, hardly any to even register.
i only ran the ozone generator during lights on, and this seemed to be ok for a while, until the final 3 or so weeks of flower. had a little morning dead skunk surprise! so at this point, ozone cycle was put on 24/7.

so this run still has no ventilation, everything is closed into the closet, t8's , ozone gen and a small desk fan to move the air around. i know this method won't work for many of your bigger grow guys, but one or two plants - works like a charm.

so this new girl grows nice. she takes 77 days to flower from first detectable pistil from seed. :sidebar: the current 3rd clone run is only 65-70 days from first day of 12/12. the clone seems to run faster, no need for 20+ days of veg. :end sidebar: so initially 95 or 100 days went by till i harvested her seed run.

this girl is very leafy, leaf so thick i can't even see into/through the canopy. fan leaves were thick and larger then my hand. :sidebar: clone run has hardly any leaves, only 10 large hand sized fans on the whole plant, the rest very open air branchy and tons of bud sites when grown all natural :end sidebar: so she keeps growing, thicker, taller, thicker, then finally, a pistil shows. from this point i start counting the 77 days, even though she was in 12/12 for at least 27 or so +.

when drying her i noticed smells ranging from rotten meat, garlic, skunk, rotting fruit. i thought i might have had a candidate to become the real road kill skunk, but eventually she cures (after 2 months) to a sweet smelling lemon/citrusy/lemon pledge/menthol/fuel type of odor. her buds were a little airy, and any leaf remnenats left on the bud cure to be a little golden in color.

high is unbelieveable. one packed 1-hitter hit can last 1-1.5 hr, a J will be 4 hours+, but i wouldn't even attempt to smoke a J. she is the definition of creeper. within two minutes, you know something is going on, and you rise up/up/up for the next 10-15 minutes. not hard immediate hitting like some other herbs i've smoked. great euphoria. music will start echo, time slows down, and your body will tingle. the room will start to look like a smoke filled room, a little hazy, off color or something, and you know you are in a dreamy state. this will increase and increase until about 30-35 minutes in when it peaks. are my hands trembling? when i look down at my arms i can't tell which is my left arm or my right arm for a few seconds, blink, blink, deep breath. that was weird. in this state all heady sativa effects are finished, and the indica time release activates, and you start to chill on the couch. your face/cheeks/jaw get numb, like your at the dentist, and you feel weird sensation all over. it is not at all uncomfortable. it reminds me of nitrous oxide. the whole time you are chilling, your mind is floating in the clouds, soaring, thoughts from long ago are brought back into current memory (childhood dreams, etc.) auditory hallucinations are present. low nosies seem very loud during the high/buzz. can slightly detect that waa-waa-waa-waa sound nitrous would give you. time starts to move again, and the high comes in waves, after 15-20 mins it backs off, then it comes back right where it was in the peak. this happens a couple of times. right when you think its fading away, she creeps back. watching movies with this is buzz is excellent, but can't concentrate (some confusing thoughts) for the first 20-35 mins until you can sit back and start actually watching the movie. thank god for tivo. lol. but high/buzz fades away slowly, leaving you with a little tired feeling, but no crash, really love this girl.

i gave some buds to a real head i know, but doesn't know much about growing, etc. he called it some awesome 'dro' i know dro is an ungrower educated way to call some weed, but you get the idea. this stuff is far from dro, he probably calls any good weed dro. the funny this is, he's calling it 'dro' but doesn't realize its actually just a few shop t8's, miracle grow potting mix, and plain water, no nutes added, for the entire 77 days, lol. I wonder what this girl would do under some real deal equip+nutes? since then i've given buds to a few people since this, all gotten 'from a friend' wink. everyone truely enjoys this, and seems to want more. lol. sorry, can't get anymore!

i still have this girl in bonsai form, and just about to start another run with her, once the clone roots. can't wait! wish i knew what strain she was.

so hello to all you tri staters.. i would post some pics, but i don't think i can just yet. long post. i know. sorry. hope you were entertained!

just me and my one unknown strain.

signing off.


cocktail frank

ICMag Donor
welcome xoox, long read there, good for you.
im NE NJ myself.
shit, we could be neighbors and not know it :)

that bubba looks spot on, what a great rep of the mom, wow!!
i guess i did ok w/ my crosses.
that bubba looks spot on, what a great rep of the mom, wow!!
i guess i did ok w/ my crosses.

Ya dont think?

:jump: Thanks bro Cocktail Frank for passing on True Gold :rasta: The textbook definition of "A Good Look"

Pro Ballin- Need a few more pics to be certain but it looks as if it is slight heat stress what are the temps in your room? and by the tops of your canopy? Just try rotating the pots or raising the light but only if heat is the issue

Welcome XooX Glad to have another grower in the tri-state
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Active member
hi frank

it is possible we are neighbors. ha ha. let's see it would probably take me around 5 minutes to get to the riverside square mall, w/no traffic - if you know where that is.

philly - thanks.

one day i will try one of those legendary strains

my strain looks nothing like anybody elses on here, i constantly look at pictures trying to find out what the heck it is. closest i've ever seen that looks like it was some apollo 11 varient, and that strawberry diesel. very fluffy light colored bud. lighter green fans. trichs only form heavily on the swollen calyxs. and maybe a quarter of an inch into the blade leaves. hardly any on the actual leaves, but lots under the ones closest to the bud. but this could be because its fluro grown, not intese enough to make them explode all over? not sure. some images resemble it in the ultimate sativa thread, but the fan leaves look nothing like a sativa. more indica. when I can post pics, you guys can let me know what you think its related too.

:bow: to the masters
